
A Love Named You

One day the chaos emeralds begin to act weird as Sonic and his friends have to go and investigate what is going on. Little did they know that the chaos emeralds teleport them to a new world that has more well built anthromorphic creatures from butterflies to a jack-o-lantern head.

Bri_9130 · Derivados de juegos
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

Sally walks through the sharp blades of grass as she moves them out of the way. Frustrated that she is nowhere near her boyfriend that could possibly be in trouble. Her feet are already hurting her as she soon trips over a rock. Landing on her stomach as she groans in pain. She looks up to see that the sun is beaming down onto her, not letting her have enough of what is going on. She gets back onto her feet and continues on walking again.

Ignoring the sharp grass blades as Sally attempts to go through them. It makes her more upset that she is nowhere near anyone nor the apocalyptic psychopath, Silver. Sally grumbles a bit at the mention of Silver's name that makes her blood boil. She stops as though someone is following her. She turns around to see someone is following her. She gets into a fighting stance until she sees Tails walking through the grass blades while holding onto a green chaos emerald.

Sally lets out a sharp sigh, "Oh thank goodness, it's only you, Tails."

Tails smiles at Sally, "Yup! Only me!"

Sally smiles at her friend, "We should continue on trying to find Sonic and the others. They might be somewhere and in trouble." She places her hands onto her hips.

Tails nods, "Yeah!" He brings out a mirror like machine as it has glowing orbs, "We can use this to locate the others!"

Sally nods and follows Tails who begins to walk in a random direction according to the machine. They walked until clouds above them begin to cover the sky. No longer letting the sun peak from anything.

Sally looks through the grass to a tree that has a door on it and points over to it, "Tails! There!"

Tails nods and flies over to it while Sally runs after him. Once they reach the door, they enter the tree to see that there is a kitchen and stairs in the tree.

Sally and Tails looks at each other before looking back at the scene before them. This must be a planet where it has tall things instead of small things minus rocks like the one that Sally tripped over.

Sally walks into the kitchen while Tails goes over to a wooden table with a few wooden chairs. He sits down at the table and places the machine onto the table so that he can look at it.

Sally places her hand onto wooden cupboards and glides lightly across them until she has stopped as she turns to see cook books lined up in a shelf that is installed into the stairs. She walks over to the books and grabs one to look through. She smiles as she reads through the book, discovering new kinds of recipes that she has never seen before.

Tails says without his smile, "I wonder where Sonic is."

Sally closes the book and walks over to Tails with it, "We will find him once the rain clears up a bit, for now, lets try to figure out where we are."

Tails nods and begins to tamper with the machine to have the location of where they are at.

Sally sits at the table and begins to look through the book. Reading about how she can make a vegan soup with just kelp, sea grapes, and other kinds of spices and seasoning. Her stomach begins to growl as she blushes in embarrassment.

Tails looks over at her and smiles a bit, "Hungry?"

"Yeah... I am going to go check if there is anything to eat." Sally puts down the book and and gets off the chair that she sits on. She goes over to a wooden pantry and opens the pantry door to look inside to see bread on a cutting board. She takes some of the bread and starts to eat it. She closes the pantry door and turns around to see Tails still tinkering with the machine. Walking back over to her seat, she sits down and watches Tails tinker with the machine. She has been realizing that her feelings for Sonic have been diminishing over time that they have been together.

Tails notices that Sally is acting weird and goes back to focusing onto the machine, "Everything alright?"

Sally shakes her head, "No... I don't think that I love Sonic anymore. Romantically at least and I feel bad about it because I have tried to see Sonic more than a friend, but I can't."

"Who do you love?" Tails asks while pressing a few buttons on the machine.

"I might sound crazy, but I... I like Blaze." Sally says while blushing.

Tails stops working on his machine and looks over at Sally, "Blaze?"

Sally swallows down air and nods. She grabs onto her upper arms with her hands and stares at Tails to indicate that she isn't joking.

Tails smiles a bit, "You can choose who you want to be with, but know that Sonic won't take it easy."

"I know and that is what I am scared about, me and Blaze... we have been seeing each other while Sonic goes off on his adventures with Shadow and Silver." Sally admits.

Tails stares at Sally, not really believing in what he is hearing till he hears footsteps coming downstairs. He gets off from his seat as well as Sally. They stare at the stairs while hearing, "Blair?! Are you down here?!" A male voice that sounds British says.

Tails hides underneath the table with Sally as they see only legs and no feet. They huddle together as the figure walks in front of the table.

"Blair, darling? Are you here? I heard voices and I thought it was you and your hat speaking to each other once again."

Tails and Sally look at each other till they turn back to see a Jack-o-lantern head looking at them. They screamed as the creature hits them on their heads.

"Oh quiet yourselves, screaming is the last thing that I need this afternoon." The creature uses his hand to rub his eyes.

Tails holds onto his head from when the creature hit his head, "Sorry about that, we didn't mean to invade your home."

"Oh this isn't my home, this is my darling, Blair's, home." The creature stands up straight and fixes up his jacket and a fiery different shades of orange fluff around his neck.

Tails and Sally crawl out from underneath the table and looks up at the creature. Tails speaks first, "My name is Miles Prower, but my friends call me, Tails. This is Princess Sally Acorn." He mentions towards the chipmunk next to him.

"My name is Jack, the pumpkin horseman of this planet. The husband of the solar witch, Blair." Jack says happily.

Sally says rudely, "Sorry to burst this greeting, but we should be heading out."

Jack goes over to the pantry, "Nonsense, wait for the rain to die down and we can go out."

"We?" Sally raises an eyebrow.

Jack nods, "Yup, but since you 2 are here, there might be more of you. We got to find all of you before the witch hunters go off and try to find you guys."

Sally and Tails look at each other and nods. Sally says happily, "Thank you for helping."

Jack smiles, "No problem! Now who is hungry?"