
A Love Named You

One day the chaos emeralds begin to act weird as Sonic and his friends have to go and investigate what is going on. Little did they know that the chaos emeralds teleport them to a new world that has more well built anthromorphic creatures from butterflies to a jack-o-lantern head.

Bri_9130 · Derivados de juegos
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

The woman walks through many rooms with anger fueling her every being. Clenching her hands as she takes a sharp right turn into the room where Sonic was in. She has no idea how he escaped, but after being told by her guards that he escaped from their grasp. If she had any better idea, she would just kill them where they stand, but she had already dealt with others before them.

"Excuse me, Madam Reina?" A guard asks while approaching the woman.

Reina turns around with pure anger in her eyes, "Better make this good as to where that little rodent ran off too."

"We have found tracks of where he ran off too." The guard says.

"What are you doing standing here than?! Go after him!" Reina said while pointing at the door behind her.

The guard begins run out the door while calling for other guards to come with him.

Reina lets out a frustrated sigh as she walks over to a dark room that has slits of paper that is spread out throughout the place. She looks down at a dark purple woman creature with horns and a tail. The creature's hair is dark purple on the outside while light purple on the inside of her hair. She isn't wearing any clothes as she has white eyes that is staring down at the ground.

Reina walks up to the creature as her breasts bounce from her walking. She dodges out of the way as she tries not to touch the marked slits of paper. She stops in front of the female creature and smiles wickedly, "Ahh... Hello Nova, enjoying your stay?"

Nova doesn't move as she limply stays still.

Reina stops smiling and bends down to pick up Nova's head. Examining how she isn't moving at all despite the entire room is covered by the marked papers. She drops Nova's head as she looks into her white eyes. Not entirely caring about whether or not if the drop was heavy or not. Her eye bore onto Nova as she notices that Nova's ears twitches a bit.

Reina steps back a bit as she continues on looking down at Nova. Crossing her arms underneath her breasts.

Nova twitches a bit as she attempts to move herself, but failed due to the markings on the papers refraining her from moving much.

"Good morning, Nova." Reina said disgusted.

Nova glares at Reina.

Reina smiles wickedly again, "Nice to see that you are behaving well unlike the other creature that I had here." She places her hands onto her hips, "I need you to go find this tall blue hedgehog and bring him to me."

Nova doesn't say anything for she knows that if she does, she would get in trouble.

Reina turns around and walks over to the door. She ignites the slits of papers on fire as she closes the door behind her. Walking down the hallway and goes into her room in case Nova goes after her.

Nova slowly curls her fingers as she begins to stand up. Her face cracks open to where a mouth open be, but instead her face cracks open where there are sharp edges as she lets out purple smoke until she closes the crack in her face. Beginning to walk towards the door, Nova slowly walks over to the door and places her hand onto the door handle to the room and pulls the entire door off from its hinges. Throwing it to the other side of the room as she walks loppy down the hallway. Still trying to get her bearings while she walked around the building. Knowing all to well that she is in a cottage created by the mutated oak trees.

Nova soon stops in front of a dark wooden door. She puts her hand onto the door and pushes it open slowly. The sun begins to set as Nova feels the moon energy starting to come out. She straightens herself out as she starts to run out of the building. Running through the trees as she finally feels freedom once again. It has been months since she has left that horrible place. Nova runs up a tree and begins to look around until she spots a floating piece of metal. She narrows her eyes at the flying metal craft, "Blue hedgehog." She starts jumping in air as neon purple circles formed underneath her feet as she runs through the air. Her long wavy hair fly behind her as she jumps through the air till she has reached the flying metal craft.

Nova fazes herself through the metal as she looks around to see if she can find the blue hedgehog. She soon spots a green hedgehog walking underneath her. She carefully crawls through the metal and silently lands behind the green hedgehog. Trying not to make a sound as she crept up to the hedgehog.

The hedgehog soon stops and turns around to see Nova behind him.

Scourge jumps a few feet away from Nova, "What the fuck?! Who are you?! What are you?!"

Nova stands up straight and studies the hedgehog closely. He isn't blue, but rather green. Not what Reina wants. She looks around before looking back down at Scourge, "Where is the blue hedgehog?"

"Blue hedgehog? Do you mean Sonic?" Scourge raises an eyebrow.

"If that is his name." Nova's formal voice makes a melody into Scourge's ears.

Scourge smirks, "I will tell you where he is at, but for a price."

"Name your price." Nova places her hands onto her hips. Studying the green hedgehog to see that he is wearing red sunglasses and a black leather jacket.

Scourge walks up to Nova and puts a hand onto the back of her right thigh, "If I help you find the blue hedgehog, you help me find these gems called chaos emeralds."

Nova stares at Scourge before replying, "Will you promise me freedom once we have found the blue hedgehog and these chaos emeralds?"

Scourge nods, "I will make sure that you are as free as a bird."

Nova wraps her tails around Scourge's waist and lifts him up to where her face is. She kisses him on the lips for where her mouth would be. Letting Scourge back onto the ground after the kiss, Nova backs up from him as her tail moves back behind her.

Scourge stands still with blush on his face as he stares at the woman before him. He soon smirks, "I am going to enjoy this."