
The day he appeared

My name is Rose Gerdes. But everyone calls me Rosie. My story life started out pretty much the same everyday. I'd wake up, eat, wash up, go to school, then work, eat dinner and come home and sleep. I know a really boring way to live life. But one day as I was getting off work, there it was, there he was. The most handsome man I'd ever seen. But just like he appeared he was gone within a flash.

It's a week later and my boss Lillian is on my ass to stop sitting at the counter daydreaming. As I wake up from my day dream about him, Lillian says "Rosie why are you always daydreaming when there's stuff to do around here?". I tell her, "I'm sorry Lillian I just can't help but regret not asking for that handsome mans name". "What man?" Lillian asks me. I tell her how when I was getting off work last week he appeared one moment and was gone the next. "Well what did he look like?" She asks. Now I know this sounds so cliché but I tell her "He was really tall, dark hair that was jet black and fair skin like ivory and had hazel green eyes. "How can a man like that appear here?" She says. "This is a small town Rosie and I've never seen a man like that here". It's true a man like him I have never met or seen since I've lived here.

Some things you need to know about where I live. I live in Littleton, New Hampshire. The population is 5,937 people and we are nestled in the white mountain regions of New Hampshire. And we are home to the longest candy counter you'll ever see. Our winters are long and freezing. But our summers make it worth it when visitors stop by to see our little town. But right now it is currently mid-winter and we have no visitors, or maybe we do now with having seen him. It's two weeks later and I'm filling up the glass counters with yummy tea treats, you see I work at a tea shop owned by a older woman Mrs.Leevis. But she's currently out vacationing in Cancun away from the cold. So in the mean time it's up to Lillian and I to hold down the fort here.

It's been a month now and I still haven't seen him. Mrs.Leevis has given Lillian and I a week off to enjoy the last week of winter break. Then it's off to a spring term of college classes for her and I. As I'm walking home from closing up shop, I see him again. This time I know it's really him because he's talking to Mr.Irvine who lives down the street. I use the opportunity to get closer and listen in on there conversation. But it all ends too quickly as Mr.Irvine see me and calls me over. "Heya Rosie!" He says. "I'd like to introduce you to Darien Novak". As I turn to tell him nice to meet him our eyes lock and I lose my voice. He says something but I can't make it out and I slowly begin to fade out in darkness.

I begin to open my eyes and suddenly I'm home and in bed. But how can I be home already? And what happened with Mr.Irvine and Darien? As I slowly begin to sit up there he is sitting in my swing chair looking at my childhood picture book. "Oh so your awake now I see?" says Darien. "What happened?" I ask. "Well you sorta passed out after meeting me and it looked like you had a fever and didn't know it." As he says that i begin to feel endless embarrassment that my first meeting with him ended up like that. "I'm so sorry" I say. "It's okay, but now that your all better, I'll get going". As he gets up and begins to put his coat on. I ask him, "are you visiting here?". In which he replies back, "no, I just moved here". "I live down the street, two houses down from Mr. Irvine" he says. "Oh I see, so how come you moved down here?" I say. But surprisingly he replies "that's a secret, I'll see you around". And so our story began.