
Bad Timing

It's been four days since I met and talked to Darien. Each time I tried to see him and talk to him, he was either never around or busy. But today on this cold snowy day, I'm determined to talk to him. After leaving my house and making my way towards his, I see him shoveling snow. Since I obviously can't seem to get the courage to speak, I instead Just wave and make my way to my favorite vintage store.

It's the next day and I feel like I couldn't sleep at all last night. I felt like I had to much on mind as far as what Darien's secret was. I wanted to know so bad that I got washed up and dressed and decided to head over to ask him point blank. I'm just one house away from his now and I'm so nervous and hesitant to continue on. But as I inhale and get ready to march forth. He appears behind me saying, "Hey there Rosie, why the nervous look?". Honestly, I froze and almost couldn't even get so much as a hey out of my mouth. Then Darien says, "okay then you don't have to answer. But let's go inside it's freezing out here". As he makes his way in front of me he grabs my hand to help guide me along the way. It was as if he knew that I couldn't move.

After a two minute "drag your kid home" walk. I finally get inside of Darien's house and although the outside looks like a rustic old home. The inside is completely modernized everything brand new and nothing but upgrades. The kitchen was a all white with a blue island and stainless steel appliances. The living room was a cozy room with a large grey sectional with a great big cozy fireplace and a 50" flat screen. It was like I stepped into a Hollywood set. It was the most beautiful home I'd ever seen. "You want anything to drink, I got water, tea, hot chocolate?" He says. As I take a moment to think I tell him, "I'll take a hot chocolate please". As I wait for my drink, I start thinking how I'm going to ask him what his secret for being here is.

As Darien sets my glass of hot chocolate down on the table, I get ready to ask him. But he says, "so you wanna know my secret for being here right?". It's like he can read my mind so easily. "Yes I wanna know. I wanna know why here of all places". And that's when he says, "why not?, I grew up in the city of New York where it's noisy all day and night. So, I thought why don't I just move to a small town where everything is less busy and more peaceful". I then say, "But why Littleton, New Hampshire? There's nothing here and it's really boring other then when tourists are here. Plus don't you miss your family?". As I look at him again suddenly his expression goes cold. "I don't have a family to miss anymore. I'm sorry Rosie, but I think you better go. I'll tell you my secret next time", he says. And with that I leave having thought I might had said something I shouldn't have.