
A Love Between Claws and Blood

When two supernatural abominations get involved one wonders what will be the fate of their love. As they fight for both personal acceptance of whom they are and an acceptance of their proposed union. Princess Joan for one is wanted dead or alive by every supernatural clan on earth (witches, werewolves, vampires and lastyl heretics) for fear of what she might become and for greed of power. It is true that being an heretic comes with such great dark powers but it was also a myth that a pure heart will be able manifest with these powers and the world will still be safe. No one is willing to give her chance to prover herself worthy accept one man.... Lucas also an abomination but of a more rare type swore an oath to Princess Joan to keep her safe even at the cost of his life without having a full knowledge of what he was about to go into. With time his loyalty will be tested and things became more difficult when he began to discover some truth about himself. He may have started his life as soldier but things will change when royal blood was identified in him. It was at this point that the guardian himself also needed someone else to keep him safe. with the politics for the throne still a deciding factor in what fate holds for them, how the world will also accept two royal supernatural abominations is still yet to be seen. ******* The book cover is nor for me. Real credit goes to the original owner.

Mana_efehiz · Fantasía
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161 Chs

Cahpter 138

"whatever the king desires of me I will perform was the reply from Lucian with his head bowed waiting for the command of the king.

King Atkinson smiled to himself as he didn't expect that level of humility from him considering he was now the son in-law of the king .

" I have a job for you. I have a feeling some people are planning to run a tunnel through this kingdom from somewhere. I will need you to search this palace very seriously together with the assistance of the former palace commander and some other people. I want you to thoroughly search through the palace. Check every nook and underground settings in this palace we must look for any hint of any underground work being done King Atkinson said explaining his assignments to him extensively

"My king sorry to ask,why are you so concern about something like this Lucian asked something he would not have been able to do while he was still an ordinary soldier .