
A Loners Creations

"Y-Y-You can see me". Said the mysterious gothic-lolita Aarick nods at her statement. "But how is that possible". I'm the pillar of existence how can y-y-you". Sniff, Sniff finally some-ones is able to comprehend my existence. Aarick looks at the crying girl with confusion so to cheer her up he pats her head. For the first time since the dawn of all creation, the pillar of existent has finally felt the touch of one of her creations. What is your name the gothic-lolita asks Aarick with a beautiful smile? Then the Pillar of existence watch as the first living being to comprehend her existence took out a notebook and began writing something "Hi, I am Aarick". "Cant, you talk". The beautiful grey-blackish hair gothic-lolita asks in concern to the human who now holds a special place in her heart. Aarick then began to write again but this time he removes his black face mask. And what the Pillar of existence saw shock her. Both the page and inside his mouth. "I bite off my own tongue". The pillar of existence didn't need to ask why he did it she could see it in the child's dead eyes one devoid of all life she knew the person who she has now officially considered an equal was suicidal she was shaking at the very fact. I have decided I shall make you my... ***PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY ANIME COMIC OR GAMES THAT WILL OCCURS DURING THE STORY I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND ABILITIES THAT I MIGHT CREATE DURING THE STORY P.S THIS IS MY STORY SO I WILL DO WHATEVER THE HELL I PLEASED SO IF DON'T LIKE WELL BE ALL MEANS THE EXIST IS TO YOUR LEFT***

Retro_Senpai · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

That time I almost got raped by a Goddess [lemon]

(A/N): Let's start the year fucking right my fellow waifu and husbandos, you thought it was gone, I thought it was gone, the friend that was in coma thought it was gone but ps he awakes now, but regardless of that I was naught, Pandora is my favorite character, to not finish this work is sin I cannot live with as the viewer entertainment comes before everything else, the sauce has return, Shiro has return, Atlas has return, so everyone of Pandora pantheon please enjoy

Merry Christmas and happy fucking new year my fellow weebs, otaku, and fellow man and woman of culture, I shall say no more please enjoy.


Aarick was looking at the two twins in shock as he said.

"You want to live here."

"Absolutely isn't that right Nii-Sama."

"Of course, Nee-Sama."

Aarick looks at the two Hilarity twins with a deadpan face as he said.

"Let me guess Shiro or my bitch of mother send you here to convince me to go some bull shit academy well guess what don't need it, there no place here for you find another place you two will just bring chaos to this place."

The two twins look at Aarick as they look at each other, then back to Aarick as Bonnie said.

"Well yes one of our missions is to convince you that's why we came here, but we ourselves actually have a good reason why we need to be at city G at the moment, just for six months mister, please we just want one room to share please Mr. mister."

Aarick looks at the pleading beautiful little loli girl, and being an otaku, the cuteness hit much harder than expected but that was not enough to convince him as he said. [Were going to jail for sure, should I write FBI chapter with Shirou staring as well]

"This city is filled with much greater, bigger, and better apartments, I know this place is extremely reasonable but why the hell do you want to stay here while you can afford a much better apartment suit than this."

Clyde was the next to answer as he said.

"Well, like Nee-Sama said you are actually the main reason we are here, but we also have a very super important mission we need to deal with here as well, you see we are trying to catch the joker and Harley you heard of them right there pretty famous gangsters."

"Yes, mister like Nii-Sama said we need to catch those two crazy fuckers, this world isn't big enough to hold two crazy houses at once."

Aarick looks at the two with a shocked face as he said to himself.

'So, the rumors were true, so the Joker and Harley are actually running city [G] as well *Sigh* this place is getting more dangerous by the day, I swear someone has to correct this god-forsaken world, well it is not my problem, either way, it's not like they have done something to me that is worth killing them for.'

The twins look at Aarick who was in deep thinking as the one to snap him out of it was no other than Clyde as he said just to inform Aarick as Shiro said leaking information to someone is one way to get their trust, of course, Aarick was a special case.

"Well, Mr. Mister apart from convincing you were here to stop them in their tracks along with even more dangerous people."

"What do you mean by even more dangerous people."

Aarick said with great confusion in his tone as Clyde was the one to look left and right to make sure no one was hearing them and surprisingly no one was around.

But Bonnie knows otherwise as she senses a disturbance floating in the air watching Aarick as she smiles at golem innocently taunting their shitty disguised before this space manipulator.

The two masters at the academy were a little shocked that they saw true it.

But enough of that after Aarick ask his question Clyde proceed to answer as he said.

Word has it they should be holding a huge meeting somewhere in Hueco Mundo, I believed that the joker somehow manages to get access to that wasteland through a third party, honestly, we don't know who the third party is, or who he is working with, we originally think it could be that god damn rouge soul reaper, according to eldest brother Gojo he still has a beef to pick with Aizen."

Aarick gave the two an even more shocked look as he remembers the fairy tale he uses to enjoy reading as a kid by himself, one was the story of how the Gods descended to the world to create their Familia.

And another classic one was the story of the lone God who decides to create his own race to watch over humans and also help them in their path to reincarnation, that race literally been the soul reapers race which was basically Shinigami, but the fairy tale was very popular as it focuses upon a real-life event that happens years ago or so people say.

But honestly speaking, Aarick doesn't know if he can count fairy tales of old, as real he knows soul reaper exists since the soul king is a God, but he doesn't know if the hole bleach anime was actually true or not, so he responds as such.

"You guys actually believed in those fairy tales you honestly think Aizen exists come on we both know someone just took inspiration from their existence and made that anime."

Both Bonnie and Clyde smile at Aarick's words as they said with great Pride for the Sibling's work as they both said at the same time.

"We will have you know our brother created the anime Bleach as a way to share one of his greatest adventures to the world, after all, elder brother is just that bragging in a way even if he doesn't show it, he also created Jujutsu Kaisen simply for his dislike for Sukuna, of course, both anime are under a different Pen name, but we assure you anime is real in a way."

Aarick gave the twins a deadpan look as he said holding his head as he mocked the actual reality for what it is and said with great confusion in his heart.

"I don't know what scarier the fact that you two are so synchronized you can say such a long-ass sentence without messing up a single word or the fact that Bleach was real and my old dream of meeting Rukia is possible as of now hehe... imagination and creation bullshit."

"But enough of that Mister can we stay pretty pleased with sulphuric acid on top."

Said Bonnie with a puppy eye face.

"Yes, mister Rimuru-sama twin, can we please stay, we promise we will make or victim quiet during or torture hours when we are doing our investigation." [Don't question why they didn't even question why he even looks like that in the first place]

Said Clyde that also had a pleading face.

Meanwhile, Aarick was giving a what the fuck face as he tried to clear his mind and spoke calmly.


"Look I highly doubt you can change my mind, but that is even more of a reason why I don't want you two here can you guys take responsibility if any of my tenants or I become a target because of your so-called mission now if you can will kindly leave that would be of much appreciation."

From there Aarick walked away, but the next word Bonnie said shocked him.

"We will give you 1 million USD for each month we are here and we will only stay here for 6 months that all the time we are requesting of you Mr. mister."

Aarick turns around with great shock in his soul as he said.

"Do you guy even here yourself you can buy this resort five times over with that kind of money, are you really that desperate."

Clyde then said to Aarick to reassure him of their words.

"And we will pay for every bill and damage this resort has for the next 6 months as well, and if any of your tenants get hurt, we will pay for the damages of that as well hell we will even take full responsibility if any harm come to them."

At this point and time, Aarick was hearing the voice of the devil himself, as he could get that money with ease but he finds it annoying to draw that much and he also refuses to use Kerisha dirty money, that and the fact he doesn't have to pay his bill while these two suckers will be doing it for him, he could picture it now as a mini angel Aarick and a devil Aarick pop up into existence on both sides of his shoulder, as they said.

"Use these suckers they are practically begging for it, these two are easy fuckers to scam". Was what the devil Aarick said.

Meanwhile, the angel Aarick said.

"Haha... use these fuckers think of it as a generous offer to the king of existence which is you hahaha.... praise the stupidity of children."

Since both of Aarick's good and evil sides came to a mutual understanding, he just agrees to use them as he played it cool and said While thinking.

As long as no attention will be drawn to his place, he doesn't mind taking all that cash from these two kids.

Honestly, Aarick is a dick to be taking all that money from two kids, but hey they are giving it, so why not take it, they have no use for it anyways.

"Fine, I will give you a room just don't cause any trouble for me or my tenant or it going to be personal, do you understand where I am coming from."

When the two hilarity twins heard this, they couldn't help but get excited as they said.

"Nii-Sama did you hear that Mr. mister is going to make us stay here while we're working."

"Yea Nee-Sama I heard, and it only cost a couple million at that yea." When Aarick hears this, he could only think.

'These two have no appreciation for money whatsoever.' So, he smiled inwardly as he said.

"So how are you two going to pay."

"Oh, yea mister holds this." Said Bonnie giving Aarick a ring with a spatial portal in it.

Aarick looks at it and spoke.

"What the hell is this supposed to be?" The twins both smiled at Aarick's question as Bonnie said.

"Put your hands in it mister you are going to love it."

Aarick then put his hand in it and felt something extremely hard so he grabbed it, and when he pulled out his hand to see what he was holding, his jaw dropped in shock shortly after, as he saw a giant diamond the size of his head.

This immediately shock Aarick beyond belief as he said to the twins.

"Holy shit!... where the hell did this come from."

Clyde was the first to answer as he said.

"That is one of Nee-Sama abilities she links that ring to a dimension with infinite diamonds so your set for life with that one ring as it will never close even after my sister dies it will remain open for all eternity that is our rent money".

Aarick looks at this thing in shock as he looks back at the twins in shock and surprised as he said.

"Do you have the slightest idea of what you have just given me?"

"Yea a ring full of profit." Said Bonnie with a smile on her face as Aarick gave her a deadpan look as he simply replied with.

"You know what I have seen some shit, and this surprisingly isn't the most shocking thing I have seen in these past few weeks so I won't question it follow me."

From there Aarick leads the twins to a room below his which was downstairs.

The room was rather luxurious since they did pay for a great 6-month stay so he gave them the keys, and from there he went to his door.

Aarick was walking upstairs to his house as he began typing in the code to enter his house and when he reached inside, he was shocked as he said.

"Wh...Wha... What the hell happened here!"

Said Aarick as he looks inside his room or more like inside a castle, and when he opened the door it was like he was inside a goth-like medieval-style castle cross over with a modern goth culture mansion, in short, it had a very scary and modern feel to it.

Aarick then decided to take a walk inside the castle and the first step he took brought fort four notifications to ring off in his head as the normal Atlas voice played, as it said.

[Admin Aarick has been registered as the 2nd master]

[Welcome to the Central source]

[With admin right you can move things around here and there while controlling living beings inside but you are not allowed to open any door till the first 1st master says otherwise]


*Domain Synopsis: Central source*

Have you ever wondered where Pandora goes if she not traveling the Omniverse or the Multiverse in search of her special someone well behold Pandora's main base of operation called the central source the place she spends most of her earlier and later life alone, you see this place is called the Central source because it is a separate dimension that acts as an axis for every other dimension that has existed or will exist, as it holds all other dimensions in place, this is the place where every and anything is possible as it represents infinity at its truest?

Think of this place as the spine of existence where everything lies and if this spine is destroyed there will be one outcome and that is chaos as existence will collapse and the omniverse will spiral out of control, and mayhem will present itself in all sectors of existence as a whole, but as of now, this place was just crafted to be an infinite castle that has many doors to a finite amount of dimensions and outside of the said castle but the heart of the central source is hidden from all to see.


Aarick was kind of surprised to know that he was standing at the center of everything in all known existence it was probably something that Pandor alone gets to enjoy as no other life form can live long enough to locate the central source with the exception of Pandora.

So, Aarick kind of understand how the first man to walk the moon felt as this feeling was just like that.

From there Aarick looks around to see many paintings of people holding hands, hell it was like Pandora created these paintings from her mind as an impulse of loneliness.

He began walking up a couple of stairs, and at the center of it was a giant window and from it was a beautiful blue star with a ring around it floating in space.

But for some reason this place doesn't even look real as their cluster upon cluster of stars there were many planets and different planet destroyer as well which were black holes hell, he was even seeing a storm happening in this place how it happening he doesn't know but to it was all the same as his feeling were still true at heart.

Aarick couldn't help but say.

"How beautiful, so this is what Pandora gets to see every day of her life it's both amazing and sad at the same time."

From there he began walking and reach another glass window but it was weird he was looking at the bottom of a deep-sea with many sea monsters eating each other as the constant war for survival was taking place everywhere at once.

Aarick looks at many places and found many weird and scary things while other places were really beautiful or really fucked up on a whole different level, it was like he is peaking at the infinite dimension this place has to offer this place made no sense at all but it feels like it shouldn't and should at the same time.

"This place is dangerous no its extremely dangerous I need to find Pandora quickly."

Aarick said as he began walking further and deeper in the infinity castle, he dubbed as Pandora box as he feels like the central source is just what the general location of everything that lies her is called.

Aarick continues walking till eventually a little time past.

*1 Hour Later*

Aarick was walking in the mysterious castle for about an hour honestly at this point and time he was already lost till suddenly he walks past a door; he didn't know why but he was attracted to this door.

So by instinct, he opens it up expecting to find some answer from Pandora as to why his house changes into a castle or more like an infinity fortress, to Aarick it almost felt like he was dreaming, and when he opened the room.

He was surprised to find a modern room with a huge 110-inch flat-screen t.v on the wall playing a popular tv show called tattoo lords.

While the room seems to be built for a cinema-type fun mix with a modern bedroom vibe as well as a giant speaker was installed in the giant room all over.

Aarick looks to the right and saw a giant bed at least 10x bigger than a normal queen size bedspread with black and white sheets, and multiple pillows.

He also looks to the left to find a beverage machine with all the beverage preferences one can imagine.

Along with a dope computer set up, while on the wall was a giant picture of Aarick when he was still fat, and beside it was a portrait with a collage of different Pandora surrounding the current Aarick while sitting on a regular throne.

A smaller gothic Pandora sitting on his lap a teen like Pandora embracing him and hugging him from behind, milf like Pandora sitting below his legs, and another but slightly older Pandora that look like she was in her 20s sleeping on the milf like Pandora lap.

There was a giant Nier automata rug on the ground with many figurines on the shelves that was built in the walls.

They were many more things as well but the weirdest thing in the room was a weird section been split off by a black shower curtain.

Aarick went towards it and pull the shower curtain and found the last thing he expected to see in a room he found a tattoo chair along with everything needed to make tattoos such as needle ink and everything else needed for such things he could only say to himself.

"What the hell is something like this doing in a room."

"No, the question is how the hell did my house change into a badass and very cultured based like this no Pandora definitely did something while I was gone but where is she."

*Sigh* "I guess I will just have to wait for her to come to me".

Aarick then began to sit on the giant bed till he saw a letter written in red ink along with a tray fill with what appears to be delicious dark chocolate cookies as the letter says.

[Please do enjoy the treat I made for you till I come back]

"Aww, I see so Pandora went through the trouble of making cookies for me how sweet of her."

Aarick then began to feast on the cookies as he said.

"Oh my god, these are del...



But before Aarick said his praise of appreciation at Pandora cookies, he began feeling really drowsy as he fell in a near unconscious state on the bed as the last words that came out of his mouth was.

"W-What happening to m-me."

But after losing consciousness, the last thing he heard was a rather scary and yandere-like laugh with one word behind it.

"Hahaha... hahaha... ahahaha... ahahaha... hahahah... agh darling."

Sometime later



"Aww... where am I ehh... isn't this the room I found earlier ahh are these chains what the hell!"

Shouted Aarick in a shocked tone.

Aarick then makes an attempt to destroy these chains but he couldn't no matter what he does he couldn't destroy them even with his super strength it was almost like it was made just for him.

"Holy shit what are these things made out of."

Aarick then tried again but he failed so he turns to his trusty sidekick as he said.

"Atlas what the hell is happening why can't I break these chains."

But surprisingly he didn't get an answer as he said.

"Atlas are you there... hey Atlas stop playing around my dude this shit is serious."

"Shiiit Typhon can you hear me".

He didn't hear Atlas so he decided to turn to Typhon and luckily, she answered as she told her master.

{Master it's good to see you are awake}

"Ahhh Typhon what the hell is happening here... where the fuck is Atlas"

But the answer he got wasn't the one he was expecting.

{Well... he said that he will be taking the night off due to the fact he has no role here he did say enjoy yourself though}

"What the hell is that supposed to mean."

But just as Aarick was about to get an answer from Typhon, he began hearing a very erotic noise followed by an amazing wave of pleasure engulfing his lower body.


"Ughh... oh god what is this amazing feeling on my lower part."

Aarick began to take a look at his lower front and got the shock of his life as he saw a girl that he doesn't even know was sucking on his cultured rod like it was the most delicious and glorious thing in the world as she was sucking the ball while stroking his shaft from the base to his head in a very moderate pace.

Aarick felt like he was in heaven what could you expect from a virgin like him he might be an extremely powerful entity, but when it comes to things like sex and the interaction of bodies it was an entirely new dimension he has not discovered as yet.

And because he was so shocked, he shouted out in surprise

"Ehhhhh... w-w-woman who the hell are you?"

But the woman didn't answer if anything she just began to suck even harder than before as she began increasing the speed of her strokes and head games altogether.

Meanwhile, Aarick was holding on to not cum and reach enlightenment as he was getting slightly irritated because this woman isn't listing to him at all.

But on the other side, he was in a state of bliss reason be he has never experienced a blow job in his life, and now that he felt something as amazing as this it was making his reason deteriorate.

But what was even worse is this bitch isn't paying him no mind at all and if it was one thing Aarick hates the most was the fact, he hates to be ignored like this, it is even worse if this bitch is assaulting him while he is in chains like some captured dog, and to top things off the bitch was assaulting him in his own house.

So, to make things straight and in order for her not to ignore him this time he said with a more dominant tone in his voice while releasing a huge amount of killing intent.

"You bitch I said stop this instant, or I will fucking turn you to frog."

The girl was so intimidated by the huge amount of killing intent coming from Aarick she began trembling in fear so much so the girl sucking his dick pause in fear as she slowly removed her mouth from Aarick penis that was balls deep at the back of her throat and at the same time un-wrapping her long tongue that was wrapped around his penis.

The girl looks at the piss Aarick who was literally a moment away from killing her he literally doesn't need to move to end her it would be as easy as breathing.

So right after she stops, he said.

"Woman I will be frank who the hell are you and why the hell are you raping me in my own house do you want to die if so, I can help you with that, you know what as a matter of fact just die, I will eat your blood and take your memory either way."

Before the mysterious girl could explain to Aarick why she was doing what she was doing hundreds of riffles manifest from nowhere all floating in the air as each of them was pointed directly towards her.

The girl watched in awe and fear at the prowess Aarick was demonstrating all she could say was.


The mysterious girl watches at all the guns that manifest from nowhere, then her glance went from the series of riffles to Aarick who was not happy at all not in the slightest, as he fires a series of multiple shots toward himself well the chains that was keeping him confined.





Aarick fires these series of powerful sniper shots toward the chain but to his surprised, it was of no avail as the chain wasn't even budging.

"Fuck this thing is durable as fuck what the hell aww... fuck me this is bull shit, fine very well I will just have to resort to plan (B)".

Aarick then aims two riffles toward his risk and will them to fire series of powerful magic bullets.





The bullets rip into his flesh breaking and tearing bones, eventually causing both of his hands to be blown off completely.

A beautiful pile of black stary blood flew all over the bed even some on her dress but the most amazing thing was the fact that after freeing himself the blood that was supposed to leave a permanent stain on the sheet started to extract itself from the surrounding area and surface.

As it began returning back to the limb it originally tore itself from, even both of his blown off hands flew to wear the wound is, as it began reshaping and reforming into new pair of hands.

The mysterious girl was in a state of amazement and fear the dreadful feeling could be described as mixed feelings and emotions.

You see during her correction training she was force to see, do, and experience dreadful, insane, merciless, amazing, and beautiful things.

She was exposed to brutal, cynical, and traumatizing things, life for her became a living hell, but at the end of said correction training, she felt reborn, in despair and misery she found beauty in fear.

In short, Pandora has completely rewritten her will and the way she thinks, to the current her she was reborn to think of Aarick as an all-powerful, all-knowing, benevolent God.

He is absolute, his word is the law and his will is everything, what he wants he gets as it's her job to make so at all cost if she can.

The last words she remembers her mistress gave her, played very clear in her head.

"Don't overstep your boundaries, Aarick can be rather in patient existence who hate annoyances."

Aarick began to float off the bed as he floats toward the mysterious girl, and when he was before her, she began to get a good look at his face.

He had bright blue hair, it was dangling down, while his bright red eyes had the feeling like it was staring right into your soul as his build was androgynous in appearance, and he had vampire-like fang although all he had on was a male sleeping robe.

But she didn't have time to admire him all day as she watches Aarick move towards one of his floating firearms.

As Aarick take the gun and also pointed all of them towards her releasing everything at once as thousands of bullets flew in her direction at a raging speed.

The mysterious girl watches as the series of bullets flew toward her even a single bullet had enough force to rip her in half.

But right before the bullets hit her, they all fade from existence even Aarick guns faded from existence it was almost like it got deleted.

This surprised Aarick as he thought that this mysterious girl was the reason for it but that suggestion fade from his mind as he began hearing an all too familiar voice coming from behind him as it said.

"You know darling I would really appreciate it, if you don't blow the maid apart I just finish training that one."

Aarick turn around to see Pandora and to his surprised, she wasn't in her usual Rory Mercury get up at all as a matter of fact she was in her teenage form wearing a very erotic outfit that take him by surprise as she wore a black heart shape C-string that was only covering her private area.

But it was so tight and thin you can literally see her plump pussy through the C-string that was been held together by her ass cheek, while for the top she had on a short black bra top that was tough, it almost looks like it would burst any moment as she made her boobs more to Aarick preference.


"W-What up with the extremely erotic outfit."

Pandora turns her head sideways as she said the most obvious answer that she can say at this point and time.

"It for easier access and also to bring more spice into what is to come."

When Aarick heard this, he held his head in shock as he was already as red as a tomato, as he said.

"Hahaha... I-it looks great on you."

"Really... hahaha yang your advice is much appreciated."

Yang looks at Pandora as she smiles and said while doing a graceful bow.

"Your compliments are wasted on me, my lady, It was you who broaden my horizon so I took the initiative to go all out on the outfit design."

Pandora smile as she said proudly as she loves compliments it was something she recently found out as she took great pleasure and pride in it.

"Agh... hahaha... of course, I am the best teacher there is, but enough of that-- there is something I must do immediately, I been holding myself back since I came here and enough time has been wasted already it's only right, I partake in the forbidden treasure that is rightfully mine."

Said, Pandora as she slowly turns her head and attention towards Aarick who suddenly have a huge wave of goosebumps coming over him as he watches Pandora slowly walk towards him with a hungry and carnivorous look in her eyes, watching his Excalibur with drool coming down her tiny mouth.

But Aarick couldn't help but give Pandora a rather terrified expression why you ask well one Pandora looks too stunning in the outfit almost like a succubus 2. she has hearts in her eye's which spells rape all over and 3. she has fucking hearts in her eyes glowing a scary and dark crimson pink.

And that was enough reason to be weary, excited, and fearful.

Aarick was taken by surprise as he knows this is only going to end one way and that is with his pant and clothes disregarded from the equation.

As each step, Aarick takes back-- Pandora advances and takes two as she said.

"Darrrrling! why are you running? there no need to be afraid I won't hurt you, I just want to devour you in the most perverted way possible."

I look Pandora fear present in my eyes, I wasn't scared ok maybe I was, why you might ask well its simple.

Pandora, a sweet looking girl with immense beauty so striking the mere image of her before could make the heart of man stop upon a mere gaze.

Eyes that once shone a glimmering amethyst and a crimson red, was now glowing a menacing pink, the pupil even change to that of tiny heart that were beating with expectation.

Was this intimidation, was this fear, was this really how it was going to go down, was this really how I lose my virginity.

"Well at least it's not by a tsundere those things are annoying to deal with, but by an overpowered yandere creator goddess hee-heehehe Agh.... good lord please have mercy goddess!"

Impulse, instinct and fear those were the three emotion that was taking over my very being, I slightly turn my eyes and look towards the door, but sadly for me the door magically disappears leaving me with no way out but through giant beige window that had a beautiful view outside were many planets are so close together they look like they would collide any many now.

But thankfully, the Central source doesn't work like that, if anything this was the center of all creation, if the big bang had an origin, it would be here, and for that very reason that is why Pandora was here.

And honestly speaking because she here, I'm not absolute in her domain, so I had two choices drop my pants initialize project probe like an alpha stigma male beaming with confidence and indifference, or the second choice is tried to escape but still get rape by all her love which was locked directly towards me, in short there was no escaping.

I can't beat Pandora she is the mother of all creation and life, while I'm the father of nothing, I can't beat her.

And honestly speaking at that moment I could only think about two word that fit this situation well as I began to spoke.

"Fuck me!"

"Hahaha.... I plan on it."

"Haha... how much worse can this get."

Was the only thought I began to think in my mind, I was equally existed, scared but most of all sexually aroused why you ask well I don't know, I couldn't tell you even I wanted.

Was it Pandora outfit?

Most definitely.

Was it the situation?

Most definitely.

Or was it the very fact that I was secretly looking forward to getting rape by Pandora, because honestly speaking I never had a fetish of being dominated, nor was I masochist, I can't be right.

Yes, during battle, I enjoy been rip apart and put myself back together again just when the enemy thought they won to instill fear dominance into their very being.

But that was different that was a murder boner not a masochist play, was it, am I really a masochist if so, lord cleanse my mind of these impure thoughts.

Yes, I'm a lolicon, the FBI hates me, I'm into milf, I'm into all sort of thing that a normal person can't and will never understand.

It was for that very reason there is no man or woman alive that can understand my sexual preferences.

That was until now, Pandora has all my memories so she can understand my sexual preferences but I don't want to be a fem boy that is submissive, and no well I mean yes, I look like Rimuru but it doesn't mean I'm gay trap has penis too you know... it might even be bigger than yours.

And just when I thought thing through earlier, I look through a window and my lord, it was at that very moment I knew not even the lord can save me now.

Shining bright in the night sky, beautifully and magnificently, a blood moon presents itself before me, I felt a hat toward that thing like no other, I want to destroy it just to existing.

(A/N): Remember Aarick one weakness is the blood moon he loos all his power except his immortality once he is under it and all his evolution that is to come that will never change till the final evolution.

I gave up all hope from the sight of that monstrosity because me and that thing will never be friend, I rather be rape than to even step outside.

And as I began to say that in my head, I felt someone rather lose to me, I look down and to see Pandora looking at me with a great amount of lust in her eyes.

It was clear what her intention was, operation probe was now in action and I wasn't the one commencing nor leading the operation.

There was no running away, I'm cage in every direction possible, in that moment I plead to the great Eternal- Sama one more time.

"God almighty please give me strength!"

But no, he didn't answer my prayers, no it was Pandora as she said.

"Fufufu... your god is before and her response to your prayer is... much is needed."

At those words I responded with.

"I want to change religion."

"Sure, you can... of course, to a different version of mine that is."


And there you had it; those were the last words I heard before I felt Pandora push me to the floor with great amount of strength.

She fell on top of me, the entire room shook, and before I knew it, I was pinned down by a girl that was no more than 4'9 around the same height as me.

I couldn't move, I was at her mercy, and after spending so much time together we finally have the time to do deed, the naughty, the sauce.

I still felt nervous, I never done this before and yes, I have perfect memory thank to been an Origin- Fallen-Monarcha and a pillar nonetheless.

So, I can copy all the movement from all the porn, the sauce, and the hentai I have watch in my life, but Pandora was fucking creation goddess for Christ's sake, and not just any creation goddess either because she a goddess that stands above all other goddess in terms of strength and power.

I know she a virgin just like me, if anything she the oldest virgin in all of creation, to be alive for more than 51 googol, truly her suffering was no joke.

It was such a large number that even I can't comprehend how hard it must have been for her, although I don't truly understand love, I at least want to make her happy.

Because I'm sure she older than even time and concepts along with everything else in a whole.

But as I was in my own thoughts she began to speak as she said.

"Open your mouth."

"Ha... w-w-why do you want me to o-o-open my mou...


But before I could finish ask my question; Pandora suddenly grip my mouth gently with her hair that seem to elongate to the point I was bath in it, this scared me a little because the hair seems to be tendril that she can move however she please like a certain mother of a thousand young's.

But what scared me even more was the next order she gave me.

"Swallow, without resistance Darrrling!"

Then she elongated her snake like tongue as siliva started to come down from it, and men oh men I know If I swallowed that something was going to rise higher than it already is and it wasn't going to be the shield hero.

You see Pandora enter been was a deadly weapon, but it could also be an addicting heaven, why because it basically bases on the very concept, of "it shall, and so it will" in layman terms her ability or as she calls it her birth right is making anything she please from thin air or using her own body while adding absolute purpose to it.

I have read, seen, and drawn too much hentai to know where this is was going because that saliva was fucking aphrodisiac fresh from the pit of heaven.

It landed right on my tongue I feel my sensitivity shoot through roofs immediately, as her sweet tasting silva slowly and teasingly drip down my throat even giving chills in the process.

I lost all strength to even get up but my entire body was on fire.

"W-W-What the hell, did you even do to me babe!"

"Hmmmm! well, I just made a really nice love supplement made from saliva, and that raging boner you now have won't go down unless you shoot your goo my dude... and it won't work if you rub one out or get another girl to do it for you, in short, I'm the only one that can relive of this torture."

From there Pandora got of me, as she began to carry me in a princess carry, if anything due to my appearance it looks like a really beautiful girl carrying a really cute girl, my body wasn't muscular as it was made in Rimuru image.

At this time and moment, I could only think.

"So fucking embarrassing."

Meanwhile Pandora heart eyes got brighter yet again, as she was drooling like crazy while she carries me towards our bed which was so fucking huge, I was confident more than thirty people can sleep really comfortable on it.

She then threw me at the center, and before I could even get up, I felt something landed with full force right on my stomach pinning me down with it entire being.

As Pandora was on top of me, smiling proudly and happily as she said.

"Darrling! are you enjoying? my teasing so far."

"Shut up! this really embarrassing you strip me of manly pride."

I said with rather redden face as Pandora was teasing me like crazy, I know that the concept of not being experience would not apply to her because of her birth right.

And she could just make herself really experience, I dare say she surpassed even a succubus queen or God when it comes to sex.

So yeah, this night I was definitely going to get rape and the blood moon isn't making this any easier.

Pandora then looks at me as she said with a lewd look on her face.

"So, tell be darling! who would you like do first?"


"What do you mean, by who do I want to do first."

"Well, you know darling having the Pillar of existence as a lover come with many benefits."


I ask, with great expectation building up in me, and she smile smugly as she began to tempt me and stalking my Excalibur like a delicious treat knowing my power is been suppress greatly due to the moonlight, she calls fort to weaken me.

"Well darling I can be anyone and everyone, or you can choose the different variation of me."

Pandora said with an even lewder smile on her face continue talking as she takes both my hands, with her and firmly place mine on both her ass cheek that were so soft and warm, as she continues to tempt me.

"You can indulge in this soft! sweet! and tender! young body which is that of a little girl, I'm sure the tightness will drive you crazy it might even drive you to madness or take you straight to heaven, after all aren't you curious."

I learn something new today, my wife was a fucking pervert, the queen of pervertedness I was sure we were going to have a really healthy sex life, maybe too fucking healthy, again lord please have mercy.

But even think that I was perverted as her because I couldn't help but get excited by what she was going to do next as I gulp and said in a rather shy tone.

"C-C-Curious about what!?"

The grin turns to one of a smug and teasing looks as she said while whispering in my ears.

"You know what I'm talking about, it's the size difference."

"S-S-Size difference?!"

And when I said that her teasing smile got even more smug as began to lie down on me, and suddenly all my clothes disappear from existence, don't ask where they went because I don't know.

But all that was left was Pandora lying on my chest, both hands lying on her chin, her legs going up and down, she almost looks like your everyday bratty teenage girl but a thousand better and more erotic.

And then that's when I felt it, something was stroking and gripping my members, and it wasn't her hand but my god it felt just like it.

And when I look her hair was slowly caressing and stroking the shaft of my penis going up and down at a moderate pace, while her hair was lightly squeezing and fondling my balls.

But it didn't end there, her hair suddenly transforms to a living human mouth, as she spitefully showed it to me as way to say, "your dick is going to go in this artificial mouth and I'm sure it going to feel breathe taking."

Inside the mouth was a really long tongue, but what was inside was different from what one would expect was inside because it was full of thousand if not millions of miniature bumps that where vibrating and twisting like crazy as if it had a mind of its own.

She then led it to my penis and teasingly put it to the head and retracted it back, fulling my very being with hope and destroying my expectation till she suddenly caught me off guard and.



She pushes the entire thing in one fierce and rough push causing a moan to escape me that sound more like a squeal than a moan, I could feel the inhumane bumps of the artificial mouth she created with nothing but her hair.

"Oi, o-o-i Pandora! this feels way too good!"

"Hmmm, a special service for someone who sexual preferences are hard to understand."

"G-G-Great my own woooords."

"A-A-Are coming back to bi-bi-bitte me!"

"Mhmm... you don't have to worry but sexual preference when you're with me darrrling! because I can be anything you want, a fury, a dragon girl, a lamia, a reverse trap, and eldritch abomination, a water nymph, hell I can even be a planet or a concept if so wish to fuck one."

"So, indulge in all your sexual desire as much as you want because I'm into all kind of fetishes except NTR that shit is big no-no, the very word should be purged hmmm... note to self-destroy all NTR loving perverts who only do it bring pain and depression as a turn on, after all, NTR only right if it's done in scenario were two parties own the opposite sex love fair and square...

"We don't do that shit here, don't let me behead you darling, I won't let anyone take you away from me in such a manner, harem is all game but I'm always best girl there cannot be two best girls only one me, me! me! me! do I make myself clear my eternal beloved?"

Pandora said as she released a slight intimidating aura consisting of both murder aura and immense love, at those words I learn my wife I hate NTR with a passion so I gently pat her head as I said.

"Yes maaam!"

At this action she began to purr a little as I rub her head.

"Is she a cat."

I thought to myself.

But as I began to think that she began talking

"But apart from that you can have has much wives, slaves, toys, sex friends, etc., but NTR done in the action of causing some who innocent and don't deserve it is a no go, love is a beautiful thing so don't destroy it in such a manner that all I ask of you, if you're going to mind break your enemy rape, torture, murder, and any act that doesn't involve NTR if they don't deserve it is all game."

"Yes, yes I hear you but why do you hate it to such a degree."

"I asked with great interest."

"I saw it."

"Saw what?"

"Your books."

At those words I panic, did she find the forbidden library in room 24.

"And if you're thinking if it's that secret library you try so hard to hide then no, its i-i-i-ts.


Pandora freeze at the next words she was going to say.

"The chest under your bed I-I-I-I found them and read them."

At those words, I froze did she found my originals.

"Look Pandora, can we not talk about that! like never, those were the darkest times of my life I hated everything, I still do, but back then I hated everything equally and fairly to the point I hated even myself, I needed something vent my rage, anger and self-hate, so I created those books with questionable content and NTR wasn't the only thing I drawn and wrote, I'm sure there were even more worser things than mere NTR, like the story of the pimpled m...

"Don't... it's my fault for even bringing it up, when we're enjoying ourselves, I don't wish to remember those horrendous and extremely fuck up variation of you and many other things you create, especially if they were drawn with such detail and storytelling, honestly darling were fused as one and I still can't comprehend what goes on inside your head, it so bad even I afraid to take peak inside; well the part were all your creativity stems from, honestly though, Shirou is the only one with enough insanity to have even dare to step inside that world that even I am afraid of."

(A/N): Chapter 5, when he talks to Aarick via telepathic link he accidently went into his subconscious space (although it was never mention) and saw something that rival or even surpass his insanity and madness, it's the very reason he has taken a liking to Aarick and want to be his friend because he finally found somebody who is capable of understanding his pain.

"So why don't weeeeeeee!


"You been a really, really naughty girl Pandora."

Said Aarick as he grips Pandora ass really tight, and manifested a set of claws which clawed into her tiny but plump ass.

As she felt an amazing feeling, she hasn't felt in her life, which was pain and pleasure.

"Oh darling... did my earlier claim make you mad, if so then I'm sorry...? it's just that I don't want you to fall so deep into madness, your so much better than that, if you were to ever reach a point where you truly become a true Pillar and your thoughts become a reality due to non-existent vision and brought fort what I saw in that chest, I'm afraid the law of balance will stop at nothing to disposed of them even you and I can't afford to lose you."

"Don't worry I will never bring those things into reality even I fear them, the me at the time that created them had nothing in life and now I do, so there is no need to create those things anymore, but you still need some punishment, because you look inside my original Necronomicon series."

"Necronomicon what's that."

"I know it a weird name, but I just had a very creative view on many things."

"But it's time for some punishment, you had your fun now it's time for me to have some fun."


"Yes, master Aarick."

"Close the window with some curtain."

"Right away master."

To be continued