
A Loners Creations

"Y-Y-You can see me". Said the mysterious gothic-lolita Aarick nods at her statement. "But how is that possible". I'm the pillar of existence how can y-y-you". Sniff, Sniff finally some-ones is able to comprehend my existence. Aarick looks at the crying girl with confusion so to cheer her up he pats her head. For the first time since the dawn of all creation, the pillar of existent has finally felt the touch of one of her creations. What is your name the gothic-lolita asks Aarick with a beautiful smile? Then the Pillar of existence watch as the first living being to comprehend her existence took out a notebook and began writing something "Hi, I am Aarick". "Cant, you talk". The beautiful grey-blackish hair gothic-lolita asks in concern to the human who now holds a special place in her heart. Aarick then began to write again but this time he removes his black face mask. And what the Pillar of existence saw shock her. Both the page and inside his mouth. "I bite off my own tongue". The pillar of existence didn't need to ask why he did it she could see it in the child's dead eyes one devoid of all life she knew the person who she has now officially considered an equal was suicidal she was shaking at the very fact. I have decided I shall make you my... ***PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY ANIME COMIC OR GAMES THAT WILL OCCURS DURING THE STORY I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND ABILITIES THAT I MIGHT CREATE DURING THE STORY P.S THIS IS MY STORY SO I WILL DO WHATEVER THE HELL I PLEASED SO IF DON'T LIKE WELL BE ALL MEANS THE EXIST IS TO YOUR LEFT***

Retro_Senpai · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

His majesty Aarick

"Haha hahaha ahhhh hahahaha oh my god is this a joke oh... good lord I have seen a lot of crazy things in my life; but this is O'God hahaha hahah... It's too much, I can't stop laughing."

Aarick gave Hu-Chan a dead pan look as Hu-Chan continue to slander him even more.

"Please tell me fat ass what made you so confident, what gave you the ball or the audacity that you can take me on I'm dying to know... hahah haaaa... oh, this is too much; you plan all this shit to lure me here, oh god Aarick there has to be a limit to your stupidity."

Hu-Chan said all this with the most serious face he could muster, but end up failing as he couldn't held back his laughter the situation was just that hilarious to him.

Meanwhile Aarick remains silent and wait for him to finish his slandering, and when he took a little breather and gave him some time to speak, Aarick finally began to act as he starts to walk toward him not even moving his hand from his pockets, and walk right in front of Hu-Chan.

At this moment two chest almost intersect with each other, one with a whapping 6'4 and another with a short 4'9, not even reaching 5'0.

But the shorter one held his ground for the first time as he ready to face his fear, he has killed countless mystic and have acquired all their battle experience, their memories everything.

He has died many times, experience death, experience humiliation beyond belief, and now that he finally acquired a mean to start a new life he decides from here onward, everything will play by his rule.

Meanwhile Hu-Chan looks at this with a shocked expression, reason be; he honestly thought Aarick finally lost it and just wanted him to end his life right here and right now, but the guy seems a little different he had to acknowledge that the idiot grows a pair overnight.

He watched straight in those pitch red eyes of his, it was almost as if he was staring into the eyes of a wild animal devoided of all emotions.

Hu-Chan wasn't dumb he might be a jerk and an asshole but he wasn't dumb; he was smart enough to understand that those eyes were the eyes of someone who has gone mad, no those were they eyes of a man who never had anything to begin with.

The glare was quite menacing it was as if you were staring into a never-ending abyss that held a sea of carnage that create wave of insanity and as each passing second goes by, the storm within it grows stronger and fiercer without end.

And honestly speaking just this basic display of superiority was pissing Hu-Chan off, why the hell was this fat loser acting as if he was the one on top of the food chain when he was nothing more than a scared mouse that was trap into a den of tigers.

Where does he gets off acting all high and mighty inside his jungle, this was his den and yet the mouse dare defies him, honestly this alone was a good enough reason to just ends his life here.

So, in his anger he decides to answer with a great display of violent as he began to leak blue aura that light up the place.

He then proceeds to transform his right hand into that of a giant tiger claw as he swiftly grabs Aarick throat, and put enough strength, to make him slightly suffocate.

And after gripping and holding the very thing that allows him to breath, Hu-Chan began to spoke in a piss tone as his voice became slightly distorted.

"Oi... asshole, I don't know what gave you the balls to even confront me like this but let me make this clear, your nothing but trash, a wasted of existence that is taking up too much space in this world, so if want to die so badly simply ask for it don't fucking forget your place in the jungle and approach me with that twisted attitude of yours."

Hu-Chan voice echoed throughout the entire underground tunnel, causing it to shake a little, his anger was quite clear.



But Aarick didn't falter, instead he took a single deep breathe as he began to speak.

"You know Hu-Chan you talk too much are you so eager to prove your point that you have to talk your enemies to death I almost fall asleep."

"Oh... wow, would you look at that, the worms finally grow a pair and talk back for once tell me Aarick what make you so confident, oh well at least you're entertaining me with a decent enough joke before I send you to the angels."

Hu-Chan said as he was taking this whole scenario as nothing but a joke.

Meanwhile Aarick thought different, almost as if has come to a conclusion about his whole life as he began to speak.

"You're all the same."

Hu-Chan raised his eyes brow at this but didn't butt in to speak as he would allow the loser some ground to speak.


"That woman."

"That man."

"That slut bitch you treat like a pet."

"Everyone, every single one of you."

It was at this last statement that Hu-Chan started to notice a slight difference in Aarick just like how he was releasing a menacing blue aura.

Aarick began to leak strands of red aura that seems to build up at the pace of his emotion because each words Aarick began to spoke after flared up his aura even more.

The aura continues to grow even stronger and menacing till a sudden pressure could be felt within the surrounding areas, this took Hu-Chan by surprised as he began to look at Aarick with a slight bit of worry in his eyes.

As Aarick start to raised his hands as a way to touch Hu-Chan giant paw, as he took a firm grip on it; holding it like it was some sacred artifact as his grip got so tight it burst through his skin and then to his flesh eventually Aarick had his entire grip on Hu-Chan thumb bone.

And what came after was a horrendous cracking noise that was overwhelm by screeching scream that sound like a enrage tiger.


At that very sound that echoed through the tunnel caused yet another shake to come fort as the scream that came after brought piece of the building rock to come down.

--Aghhh... roARRR!--


The screeching sound of a mighty scream that travel though out the place could be heard as Hu-Chan drop to the floor as his hand transform back to that of a normal human.

And when he looks at it, he can only describe it as some wild animal ravaging a piece of meat, the bones were rip out and crack like broken glass, while the flesh was forcefully torn apart from the nail down leaving only a piece of flesh for his thumb hang on.

You can say Aarick tore his thumb from his hand with nothing but his raw strength.

Meanwhile Hu-Chan looks at Aarick with a enrage expression as his eyes were leaking blood, the eyeball itself was bouncing in every direction possible till it suddenly stops and what was his normal eye was nothing but a raging bright blue sclera with furious red slit pupil.

His teeth were becoming really sharp to the point they couldn't even be considered human anymore, and finally his body started to swell up, the surrounding area started to drop in temperature as cold ice started to surround the area.

This weird phenomenon actually took Aarick by surprised as he said in slight shocked.

"What the hell is this, wasn't his only ability to transform into that of a giant twenty-meter tiger, the fuck is going on Atlas."

[Rember when I said that Hu-Chan was about to break the peak of tier three a couple day ago]


[Well, you see every time you cross a tier your strength increases by tenfold an in some extremely rare cases you unlock a second ability to your previous one and luckily for Hu-Chan, he one of the extremely rare one, this ability is called "Ice-field: Apex lord of the frozen Jungle" it's a tier 5 skill and unique one at that]

"What the hell, well, well, well, I honestly thought this was going to be a boring one-sided revenge, so tell me Atlas what are we truly dealing with."

[Notice the tier 5 unique grade ability "Ice-field: Apex lord of the frozen Jungle" it creates a giant ice field that allows him to freeze everything in his path, at full power this field can go at distance of twenty kilometers, but the most terrifying aspect of it everyone who is even slightly weaker or a little stronger than him will fall to his rule if they don't automatically succumb to the low temperature and freeze to death, it also increases all his physical stats x3 including his magic capability, luckily, he doesn't know how to use anything but enhancement magic]

"As usual your Omniscience is amazing as ever Atlas."

[I wouldn't call it Omniscience I admit I don't know everything if anything I only have authority over level 3 clearance of the akashic]

"Never the less though, even in an advance civilization like this your knowledge could only be considered as Omniscience I admit I am an idiot; I say many things but even now it just word without any context behind them, without you I would probably been dead from the moment I awaken and if you guys didn't help me, I would become a slave by now, so thank you my friend."

When Atlas heard this, he was shocked was this really the same Aarick from yesterday, the very same one who denies thing such as friends.

[Who are you and what did you do with Aarick]


"But I am Aarick."

[Aarick would never say thank you nor would even acknowledge friends if anything he would simply say what a bother]

"I-I-I just said that as way to express my gratitude you idiot, why are so mean to me, I'm just grateful to finally have something that is mine and mine only; I only acknowledge you as an equal because you and Pandora were the only people by my side."


"That and the fact that I have come to a conclusion."

[And what might that be]

"Several times till now both you and Pandora have asked me this one question what do you want to do with your life, but I always change the direction of the conversation because I never had definitive answer up till now, and honestly speaking I still don't have one and I still don't know what my purposed in this world is, why am I a pillar!?, are me and Pandora the only one, can more be born, after all I am a perfect example of walking contradiction, I say so much but I only do the opposite, I play a big game but I always loose it, I have many great ideas and never followed through with it, I had many opportunity to retaliate against my enemies for example I'm a great hacker I could ruin their life but I held back from it because of fear."

"Even now, even with all this power I still can't break free from the shackles that confines me, I hate being hurt because it brings me pain but even so, ironically speaking, I also hate being love because I don't truly understand it, my personality is horrible and I can't blame anyone for hating it because I hate myself for more than anyone else, don't get me wrong I love Pandora but I also feel like her love is pretty one-sided; this love I feel for her is hard to explain because the raw truth of the matter is I don't understand it but I don't mine learning it, and the must fuck up part is Pandora has long recognized this but doesn't even bring it up."

"And that another reason why I hate myself because my love is fake but the intention behind it is real, and I know your probably confused with my blabbering, so in short, I don't need love, because I never had any from the moment I was born, I don't need happiness because I can't comprehend it, I don't want friend because I never had a reason to truly need any, but with all that said I don't mind giving it, and Pandora out of everyone else deserve happiness as that was her long life dream meanwhile I desire only order a world created by me, a world where I am god and no else, a world where I can be with my creations as I want to be with the things that understand me."

"But the saddest part is; in the end I have the power to make that world, but no matter how I look at it, my dream is basically a world with nothing full with lies, because they never exist in the first place, a utopia full of nothing but lies all for the sake of a lonely boy who wanted nothing but silence and if my power can give her happiness then I shall not hesitate anymore, I never had a genuine purpose in life and death was the only goal I wanted to reach, but even that was taken away from me and since I have no definitive ambition to accomplish I will live for the world expectation, I will live for Pandora expectation because I have none."

"That why after I rip this insolent asshole to pieces and swallow him up right after, I shall act more to that of my true nature and the intention I was created for in the first place; because I am sorrow, but I am also sloth, I have no ambition, or no goal in life, my world is darkness and life was stained with pain, so as of this moment I shall spread my pain and loneliness through the universe and create a utopia fill of lies, this is the only way to bring back order within a dark void such as this, so here me world, I shall walk a path of a destroyer of world because Sorrow is all I have ever known."

Atlas heard the entirety of Aarick declaration of war, was this really Aarick, he questions himself again.

For the first time ever, Atlas didn't have any words to try and make Aarick think things over, Atlas couldn't even refute his claims because his true feeling really hit him hard, and honestly pity was all he could feel for Aarick.

He couldn't love himself because he doesn't know how to and as a result his personality took a turn for the worse, it was at this moment Atlas know that Aarick was already too far gone and there was nothing he could do about it and whatever shred of self-love or love for anything else that is not Pandora dreams or wishes was completely destroyed beyond repair.

He hates himself and that is final.

He can't accomplish his dream of death, because that has been taken away from him.

He can't love because he can't comprehend it.

And since Pandora actually love him beyond words or meaning and have done nothing but drown him in it even though he can't understand it, but because he never had any till now, he subconsciously doesn't want to let go of it.

The end result was this twisted variation of the concept of happiness and love, he doesn't need love because he can't tell what is, but it doesn't mean he doesn't like the idea of it and because he doesn't want Pandora to leave him, he decided that all the love he had was for her meaning since it all for her he doesn't need any.

"Now then Atlas let get this massacre over with and be done with it I still have many things I want to draw, much less plan out on how I'm going to declare a declaration of war."

Aarick then proceeds to walk to the transforming Hu-Chan who out of instinct and rage began to freeze everything in this area, as he transforms to that of a great tiger.

He stands exactly twenty meters his fur was full white, while his stripe was full black and was all over his body, his claws were sharp and one of them seem to be a prosthetic made from ice surrounding his lower front paw where he rips off one of his thumbs.

The place was a very cold and Icey terrain, both Hu-Chan and Aarick were ready to kill each other Hu-Chan was too full with rage to even care or acknowledge about the fact Aarick awaken to his powers.

And even if by some miracle he did awaken he couldn't be as strong as him he will just eat him hold and get rid of the evidence, basically killing two birds with one stone.

"I'm going to Kill you for what you did me Aarick, bug will always be bugs either way!"


"Your sudden awakening of power mean nothing before the strong."


"This is a dog-eat-dog world and you my friend are nothing but a next meal for bigger dogs to chew on, and that's all you will ever be."


"Now die!"

Hu- Chan then send thousands of Ice spike to Aarick in attempt to kill him, thousands of sharp pointed pillars of all shape and size head toward Aarick at full speed.

It didn't end there as Hu-Chan started start to run at full speed straight into the ice pillar destroying and breaking everything in his path.

He then looks at all the destruction he caused and smile at it as he said.

"Haha... squish like the bug you are, just as I predicted, I thought that aura you leak earlier meant that you had some grand plan on defeating me but look at you."

"You weren't even strong enough to survive one single attack from me, how laughable oh well stay in this Icey grave I created for you."

And right after Hu-Chan said that he began to turn around and walk toward the exist as he gave one last look at the girl who set him up to come here in the first place.

"Maybe I should play with you before I kill you It would be a waste otherwise."

But the nameless parasite who was just borrowing the name Eve didn't falter, although she was kind of impress with Hu-Chan fighting prowess, however even she knew that wasn't going to be enough to beat the master.

As she saw through him as soon as the original reign supreme once more, the one named Aarick was a fucking monster, it was like she was looking at an eldritch abomination in the making and one similar to that of her great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather Cthulhu.

She didn't know why but the boy had something inside him that scare her to no end, something so dangerous that the world saw it fit for its existence to be null to all others.

So, she folds her arm up as she said to the arrogant Hu-Chan.

"You're an idiot fur boy."

Hu-Chan looks at her with an unmoving expression as he said.

"Tsk... you have no manner for the strong, just drop your pants and let get this over with I kind of piss to no avail and I need something to vent my frustration on."

"I have no manner ha, ha, ha it the opposite really, I respect the strong but if you honestly think that was enough to beat Aarick-Sama then you boy is in for a terrible revelation."

"Hahaha... yet another clown the guy is dead, look over there you blind whore splattered, crush, frozen, mutilated, and destroyed by your truly, a normal human can't survive that, much less a weaker awaken one."

But even after saying that the girl just smiles as she said.

"Well, congratulation you manage to kill him but I must say that just step one through twenty."

"Wait what!"

And just when Hu-Chan said that he began to hear a cracking sound behind him.


The ice pillars that he used to kill Aarick earlier was completely shattered into many pieces and what came next was a red mist that seem to be mix with a black shadowy substance many eyes of all different category were seen swirling around in the bloody substance, it almost looks like their swimming in it.

Then what happen next shock Hu-Chan to his very core, so much so, a wave of goosebumps went up his back.

All the eyes and the bloody substance itself began to flow into one direction, as the substance turn into a giant lump composed of nothing but blood, eyes, and shadows that began reshaping itself into a humanoid form.

And what came next was the sudden resurrection of Aarick, the very person Hu-Chan watch got destroyed by his earlier attack.

And what followed next was the sudden clap of hand from the stupid bitch that brought him here.









Hu-Chan was genuinely surprised how can the bitch not be, the man literally resurrect himself, like what the fuck, but here is this stupid bitch, who is just standing and smiling gleefully with slight tears coming down from her eyes as if the happiest moment in her life is about to take place.

And what was weird Hu-Chan could swear the bitch eye was green but yet it suddenly turns into a deep ocean blue with a draconic slit at the center.

The one who refer to herself as Eve suddenly look at him and if the earlier Goosebumps weren't enough to shock him and give him a slight fright an entire swarm of electric current shot through him for a moment with a mere glare from her.

But her sight didn't even last three seconds as she looks back to Aarick direction and watch Aarick stretch out his hand and spoke.

"To me."



Pandora great halberd then came flying out of a rubble as it came flying straight toward Aarick hand.

Aarick then catches it and says with fuming rage in his eyes.

"Good, you strike me with the intention to kill, which you did, with that said if I take your life then it will count as returning the favor."

"Ha what the hell is that, hahaha o god don't tell your ability is hyper speed regeneration or self-resurrection if that's the case beating your ass would just be more enjoyable to do."

Aarick didn't answerer instead he charge up an attack, meanwhile Hu-Chan was taken back by Eve voice as she began speaking towards Aarick as to get a statement across.

"Aarick Oizys Vlad Tempest Born."

Aarick was still charging his attack as he heard someone called his name, well his first name that is and when he looks, he saw the same girl Atlas use to Lure Hu-Chan here and she was looking at him with a gleeful smile that somehow felt cold to the touch.

But the woman voice just seems so alluring to not pay attention to, so he looks at her and said in cold tone.


"Agh... yes, any time now and your ordeal shall begin and the first phase of Ragnarök will commence and my long-awaited dream shall be recognized upon reaching the sacred heaven that lies on top of all existence, the moon will cross path with the sun, the gods will fall, the titan shall re: rise from the depth of the forgotten sanctuary, and when that happen the ice that will bring fort the start of the end shall hug this world with its cold embrace as the physical embodiment of sin and virtue shall clash to death for the seat of God."

The woman said all this in a crypted tone, this confused Aarick greatly so he asks the question that was on his head at the moment

"What the hell are you even talking about?"

"Holder of the two keys, it is not time yet, now show me your resolution young emperor."

"Emperor how did you kn...

"Aww... I'm sick of this shit where the hell do you two get off thinking that you two can just have a conversation before my presence."

"Am I joke to you?"

Hu-Chan shouts out in rage towards the two individual that were speaking.

Aarick then looks back towards Hu-Chan as he was going to end this right here and right now.

Meanwhile Eve looks towards Hu-Chan as she stops clapping her hands and began wiping her tears ever so slightly as she began to spoke in her usual calm tone.

"You the one call Hu-Chan."

"Ha... what do you want you bitch, can't you wait your turn?"

"Here it comes."


Hu-Chan then turns his head towards Aarick and his eyes widen in shock and fear as Aarick aura suddenly spike up and a bright darkish purple light, that reveal his rank in all its glory.

"N-N-No... way, y-you got to be shitting me right!"

"Thier is no way... t-t-that can't be!... it just can't be, t-the light of a-a-a."

But just when Hu- Chan was about to finish his statement he was put to a pause as Eve finish it for him.

"Yes, it's the light of admonition, it the name you weaker life form use to describe our immense Miasma released that flare up when our emotion spirals out of control or when we decide to get serious in battle, and you young one has the honor and privilege to personally experience the sickest, darkest and miserable effect of the nine."

"There no way, there no fucking way... why him of all people possess such power, why him of all people."

"Because he is the most fit, so much so, he is worthy of the two seats, after all; he is a part of the prophecy that will bring great change to the world and universe a like."

"Everything is coming a long perfectly, the mysterious death of the titan Terra, the death and rebirth of the key, the mysterious safe zone that only the righteous can enter and a place no human can dream to reach without a pure heart, and now the proper awakening of the second emperor."

Hu-Chan didn't have the time to process all that frighten information because his danger sense was going off like crazy and when he looks, he saw Aarick flying toward him at a great speed grabbing the halberd with a tight grip as the light of admonition or as Eve call it Miasma coated around the blade.

Hu-Chan didn't had time to dodge it because of his huge size and the speed Aarick was going despite his chubby demeanor, so in desperation he summons five great ice walls that were extremely thick to stop Aarick.

But Aarick brakes through all of them, shattering all of them to bit and chunks, as he prepares for a swing for his neck with a sinister smile on his face.

But just in a nick of time Hu-Chan dodge it as he instantly put his head down, but he wasn't unfazed at all, the swing from Aarick charge Miasma cut was so fast and so destructive it took his entire right eyes along with everything Infront of it.

A purple Miasma charge attack flew off Aarick weapon grazing the eyes of Hu- Chan and destroying all the support beam behind him as the noise of a screaming tiger and the cutting sound of something going at supersonic speed colliding with everything in its path was heard throughout the entire tunnel.



"Agh... Awwwww!, my fucking eyes, you will pay I tell you, I make sure of it, you will... sob... you will... pay... sob... what the hell is happening to me... sob."

Meanwhile Hu-Chan sudden influx of emotion was spiraling out of control as everything around him was becoming darker and darker as he began to feel immense fear making him feel loss and scared, he began to feel defenseless and unprotected, he began to feel weak and unnecessary!

it was at this very moment Hu-Chan notice his very being was falling into sorrow, Aarick Miasma was already taking over his sanity.

Death by decapitation, he began to thought; that maybe dying like that earlier wasn't such a bad idea in the first place, maybe even death by burning, death by drowning, death by strangling, death by mutilation was all better than death by madness.

And in his despair, he began thought how can Aarick be an emperor, how can such a loser become an existence that can manipulate the force of nature itself.

Emperors! there is a reason why they are given such title, and it not because of their status quo in the world, as entities that romes the world and destroy everything in their paths with share force and destruction.

No, it because of their power, unlike normal tier- 1 and 3, along with people who are considered omega with power ranging from tier 7 to 9.

Emperors all have abilities that are in a league of their own and any ability they possess will instantly become and turn into something called laws that could take the form of a skill or an authority.

A perfect example would be the emperor of lust Asmodeus, his normal abilities are in the tier-8 regions but his main power is called ultimate skill "Lord of Hell: Yama the eternal" which basically make him bring fort his personal hell which is in another dimension over to this plane of existence, it was said in the past he killed the God of frost by engulfing him in a sea of flames and took his domain for himself.

Another example would be the emperor of Envy Satella, her power was so destructive she destroyed half the world four hundred years ago by engulfing it with nothing but shadows that corrode the very concept of time and space itself, allowing her to travel between Parrell universes and also stop, and turn back time however she pleases.

And now Aarick the new emperor of Sorrow, and if he was anything like his predecessor- then his myth should be like so.

A beast with zero regards for all life even his own, the personification of the world negativity that exist only for causing mass destruction and mayhem; wishing for nothing but the world to end, so all can share a portion of the endless sorrow that fill his very being.

They say he was hated by all life from the moment he was born, they say he can't understand love but tries so hard to attain it, and all that tries to teach him met a horrible end by his twisted interpretation of what it is.

They say he has dominion over misfortune, and he also curse the world for it to never have order or peace again.

And now he a mere tier-5 was about to be tormented by a being that exist in an entirely different plane of existence than him.

But why did Aarick become Sorrow what was the trigger!?

If he learned anything, then it was the fact that emperor is born from corrupted soul that align with their sin, and when they reincarnated, they are reborn as emperors but that doesn't explain why Aarick became an emperor; unless he retains his memories, and was killed and reborn into this monster, but why was his soul chosen.

Was he really that corrupted when he was living?

And that when it hit Hu-Chan as if he had been enlighten by something, a fact that he didn't want to believed, a fact that he couldn't run from, a fact that he had to accept.

"I see, I'm responsible in some shape or form for creating this monster and the world as we know it is going to be destroyed because of me."

"I created this monster...no it more than it's not just me, we all created this monster, everyone that has wrong him, mentally torment him, physically destroy him, completely and utterly defiled whatever shred of humanity he had left and strip him of it, we didn't treat him like a human being and because of that we caused the birth of this monster."

"I don't want to die."

"I don't, want to die, someone help me, free me, please save me I want to live I want live GODDAMIT!"

"I don't want to die, I still haven't become an explorer, I still haven't got a chance to leave behind an heir, I still haven't got chance to join the Freya Familia."

"I-I-I....want to live! I want enjoy life! I will change my ways! I will do what right please don't kill me! I don't want to die! anyonesomeonemamadadasister.... SHARA!"

And just when Hu-Chan began to fall deeper into darkness he began to hear Eve voice as she talked into his head speaking from a far.



"Do you see, isn't it marvelous, you a tier-4 awaken one born with immense talent and skill, you a person with great martial art training, and also someone on the verge of becoming a tier-5 awaken one in time, was pitifully and shamefully reduce to this state of mental depression how marvelous, at this rate your mind will be cloud into a gap between life and death as your consciousness will suffer from the corruption of eternal sorrow that will plagued your very being for all eternity."

When Hu-Chan began hearing Eve voice, he was petrified, so much so, all hope he had was shattered but his refusal to die so was so strong he began pleading to Eve to save his life.

"Please y-y-you have to...save ME!... I don't want to DIE!"

But Eve keeps her calm and unmoving demeanor as she said.

"Agh... what a pitiful existence you are... I feel for you, I truly do and I wish I could help you, but your death is necessary for the awakening of his majesty Aarick, but look at the bright side you are one of the many people who gets a front row seat to experience the true birth of the emperor of Sorrow as all necessary condition has been met; why else would I be here... I only appear when the full awakening of one of my own is about to begin."

"But don't worry your misery will be over soon hopefully, maybe, as I can't give you a definite answer and even if I wanted to help you, I can't because his power has long surpassed mine in term of influence and range, the only way I would stand a chance against his current self if I revert into my true liberation state and please note he still hasn't unlocked his true liberation state as yet either, much less manifest one of his two Shito [Apostle]."

When Hu-Chan heard this, it was official he has lost all hope as the life in his eyes began to deteriorate and tears began to pour from his face while Sorrow began to take over his being.

It was at this moment Hu-Chan was under the complete influence of Aarick Miasma and was driven mad, Suicidal thoughts began to fill mind as he began to revert to his original form and the ice around the surrounding area began to melt.

And all that was heard was a laugh full of insanity and the steps of someone approaching nearby.

"Hahah... life is mean less... life is worthless... life is a gift a scum like me shouldn't even have in the first place, hahahahahahahahaha... ahahaha, how foolish... how disrespectful.... crunch! how miserable... crunch!... sinner's misdeed such like myself must be repaid in blood, guts, pain, suffering, anguish, torture... hahaha... ahahahaha...hahahah... we must pay for our misdeed how foolish stupid! stupid! stupid! stupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupid! sinners like myself must know sorrow, I must succumb to it, I must be one with it, I must acknowledge it, I must receive it!"

As Hu-Chan sanity collapse due to Aarick Miasma, Aarick himself was before him, his face emotionless and unmoving looking down upon the deteriorated state of Hu-Chan.

The very person who made his school life a miserable hell, the very person who beat his ass and humiliate him every day for no apparent reason, the very person who he follows like a loyal dog out of fear; was nothing more than a husk of his formal self-due to being exposed to a lethal dose of the light of admonition.

He was victimizing his own self as he began to eat his own finger off and whatever remain of them was transform into sharp defected claws which he was using to dig off his own face.

He was already blind as he already digs out his one remaining eye, it was a sight to behold, was this really the same Hu-Chan, could his madness inducement be this sever to the point that it can make a tier- 4 awaken one like him to be driven to this state of pitifulness and madness.

Aarick couldn't even bring himself to kill the guy by beheading.

Doing that would just be freedom from his current fate, he wanted nothing more than to make him suffer for all eternity, he wanted him feel his pain even if it was just a little, he wanted him to regret everything he has down, so he decides to give him a fate far worse than death as he began reverting back to his true form.

Aarick then put his hand on the kneeling Hu-Chan head as began to spoke.

"In the name of the emperor of Sorrow and Sloth I Aarick, herby sentence you to a fate like no other within me, as your entire being even to the very fabric of your soul shall forever be rip apart and put together again and again for all eternity; even after the end time are near this suffering you will experience shall be eternal, this is my punishment to you, as you will be granted no chance of redemption, you will be granted no chance of rebirth, as pain and suffering is all that you will be given, as your physical form shall be the only thing that will be allowed to see the day of light again, now sink into the gap of a shadowy hell that I have personally created for you."

From their Aarick began to walk away from Hu-Chan who was been pulled in to his shadows by the hundreds of shadows like hand as he walks towards Eve who was clapping her hands.





"A splendid show emperor Vlad, truly a magnificent show of power and authority."

Meanwhile Aarick began to transform into his tempest form as his draconic tail rap around the neck of Eve or the mysterious person who took over a being that can possess thousands of weaker mind individual all at once like it was nothing, but here she or he is; a person capable of possessing another person who specialize in possessing.

Honestly, he just found out because Atlas was panicking, it would seem something was blocking his connection with him, but what said person didn't know was that Atlas wasn't a normal skill that could be put aside so easily.

A he said in demanding tone as way to say speak or die.

"Talk! my patience is only so much, firstly who the fuck are you and why are you here, if you refused to cooperate then don't blame me if hand accidently slips, and trust me you don't want that to happen."

[Aarick just hears her out you have decided to walk the path of an emperor so this is a great chance]

'I see, very well then, I will grant her two minutes."

[Trust me you won't regret this; she is a very important figure in this world and if you're going to be an emperor you have to get familiar with the others as well, at least know their powers and weakness if you plan to enslave them for your own dreams of bringing the nonexistence into existence, they might be a valuable companion, after all an emperor can't be emperor without his vassals]

Aarick didn't answer, instead he looks at Eve or the person pretending to be her as he said.

"You have two minutes speak now!"

The mysterious Individual began to smile as she said in a calm and unmoving tone.

"Agh... yes, where is my manners, my name is Pandora the all-gifted woman, the very first person to commit the sin of Vanity by just been born into the world, the woman made in the image of the Gods, before Adam and Eve there was I, the only person out of the nine to be born an emperor."

"I am Pandora the emperor of Vainglory and the first emperor to exist before all other emperor was even brought into existence, it is an honor to meet you Aarick Oizys Vlad Tempest Born."

When Aarick heard this, he was taken by surprised for two reasons, the first been the fact that not much was known about the first emperor or if she or he even exist.

And the second being this woman the so called all-gifted woman shared the same exact name to that of his wife.

And that was what took him by surprise the most, just because the two shared the same named as one another was the most shocking news he has heard all day long.

Pandora saw the distress in Aarick and began to leak something he was all too familiar with.

As a platinum Aura began to shine so bright, he felt like he was drowning a huge wave of infinite corrupted energy.

And now he was certain this woman wasn't shitting him; she was the real deal an emperor just like him, so he didn't hesitate and simply let her go.

"Aw yes, thank you very much emperor Vlad, I'm glad we can reach some level of understanding."

"Ok I let you go but what do you want and why are calling me emperor Vlad I'm Aarick not Vlad."

But the all-gifted woman shook her head in denial while she maintains a cold and gleeful expression, she then continues to say.

"My apologies emperor Vlad but I refer to you as such because you can no longer remained as Aarick Sicilian Dawn the son of Kerisha, reason be you have transcended your mortal flesh and have been reborn into something greater and to remain with that name is akin to a taboo that I cannot allow as it will trample on everything that we emperor stand for, and why hang on to a name that will bring you nothing but pain."

"Should I even be surprised that you even know my true identity as the son of the bitch, but very well then I shall keep the new name and its definitely not because you share the same name as my first wife hmm."

"Oh... your married, and your wife and I share the same name as well; I must say I'm flattered."

"Oi don't get it twisted my Pandora is the best Pandora in all other Pandora to be born."

"Fufuf... I see... I see what a beautiful love although I'm sure it's one sided for the time being after all."

"Tsk... Oi two minutes has long pass what do you want?"

"Agh, I see, it would seem that I have offended you with that last statement of mine, please let me apologized in advance, well anyways emperor Vlad I have come here for your coronation."


"Yes coronation, you see as the progenitors of the emperors, it is my duty to bestow upon them an ultimate or supreme skill or an authority using my authority "Pandora requiem".

When Aarick heard this, he was confused what was Pandora requiem.

"I see interested are we, well I don't mind telling you what it is."

"You see this ability allows me to summon fort a mystical box that is connected to another dimension only I can reach, but it differs from what a normal dimension should be in the first place, as what is located there are thing you would refer to as skills and authorities and all of them are rank in the ultimate class, while a few of them are rank in the supreme class."

"But you see; the thing is, once you pick your skill you have no say on what you get as the skill choose you and not the other way around."

When Aarick heard this, he was genuinely shock like really shock because the first emperor has an ability that basically make her equivalent to Terra because Terra has the ability to grant skills as well.

"So, you're just going to give me an ability just like that."


From there Pandora pulled out a box from the hair of Eve, it was full black and was made of a mysterious material he had never seen before in his life, it didn't have any decoration it was just a normal looking black box the size of a car dice.

But Aarick knows different, he wasn't a fool, he could sense a strong and menacing power coming from the box itself, so much so, the entire room was coated in suffocating pressure.

The pressure wasn't suffocating to him but instead it was intimidating even the strongest of the strong had to acknowledge the difference in power once you were before this thing.

But Aarick couldn't admire the share difference in power he was feeling for too long as Pandora snaps him out of it.

Aarick looks toward Pandora with a half ass face.

Pandora then looks back at Aarick and for the first time since she arrived here her calm demeanor was instantly change to that of a serious one, which signify that it was time to get serious.

Pandora then looks at Aarick as she said to him.

"Emperor Vlad it is time, I shall now open the door to the dimensional skill plane and all the skills that are compatible with you shall reveal itself to you, so I ask you one more time are you ready."

"Yeah, let's get it over with."

"I see, well then Emperor Vlad have a good journey."

Aarick then began to watch Pandora put her hand on the lid of the box as she slowly raised it, and when she did that an intense aura began to spread throughout the room.

It was so intimidating that Aarick was sweating a little, and when the lid was completely off Aarick began to take a look on what was on the inside, and when he looks all, he saw was nothing but a pitch-black void.

And then something shoots out from it, as a bright purple light began to light up the entire area, and what happen next could only be describe as breathe taking, as the entire tunnel began to shake and what began to emerge from the box can only be describe as a giant black snake, it was as large as an adult eastern dragon.

It was kind of weird since something so large came out of something so small.

But that wasn't the most breathe taking thing, no it was the appearance of the snake itself the snake had antlers on its head, while behind its where a total of sixteen angel like wings all having different colors and appearance.

One was as black void type, while one was the shape of the universe, another was pure blazing fire, one was pure lightning, while other consist of broken clocks and gears, another was a colorful cloud consisting of glistering stars.

The snake eyes were pure gold almost as if you were looking into the sun blinding glare, it was very blinding, and honestly speaking this thing could only be describe as a heavenly abomination.

And when I look at this; I was shocked, what the hell was this thing, what the hell was I even looking at.

But I was soon knocked out of my shocked as Pandora began to speak.

"Well Emperor Vlad, I have to say you never fail to impress do you."

"Ha what are you even talking about."

"This has surpassed all my expectation without a doubt."


"Well, normally when a skill is granted it takes the manifestation of colored orb, but the skill that has chosen you is something even I don't know what it is."


"In short this thing is a living skill so strong it achieved a physical form."

And just when Aarick was about to ask another question, he heard the voice of Atlas in his head as he said.

[Aarick that thing is like me]

"Ha what do you mean Atlas."

[It has a sentient meaning it can comprehend what it seeing plus more]

"So, it's a living skill, but I thought you said you were just a fragment of my imagination."

[Yes, I still am, but that thing is a true living skill]

"Great don't tell me I'm going to get another Atlas."

[For your information Aarick living skills operate differently from each other I am based purely on communication, analyzing, assimilation and more, while other are just living entities that live within their masters like a host making them grow in power as the skill grow in age, that one on the other hand seems to be a law of chaos, it most likely was attracted to your affinity to control it]

"The ability to control Chaos ha... tell me what can I do with Chaos manipulation."

[The ability to control chaotic forces, for example you can control aspect that can bring fort chaos, for example the ability to control time, the ability to control the weather, the ability to control vectors and more]

"Basically, a skill that would make me similar to the God's in terms of power."


"That is amazing."

[If you want Aarick, I can make whatever skill you receive way stronger than it was originally meant to be by taking all the current skill you have including all racial and special abilities you usurped from your victim's souls and physical bodies and create one big super skill or maybe even a couple of them, if I do this your power would go through a massive evolutionary change]

"Hmm I see well Atlas what are you doing, as soon as the skill reveal itself instantly get to work if I'm going to start a world war I need as much power as I can get."

[Noted would you like me to begin absorption of the supreme skill before you]

"Wow... so, the skill Pandora has gifted me is a supreme skill amazing but before you start, I have one question."

[And that is]

"Realistically speaking how much skill do I have in my arsenal at the moment."


"What cat got your tongue."

[Well, you have so much it's just sad that you never use them but the exact number is approximately 34,768 that includes all the magic they have learned over the years, battle technique, racial skills, and some of them even got over 20 of them due to evolution]

"Amazing, quick question will I still be able to use them after you fuse them."

[Of course, everything you have consume till now is a part of you]

"Thats great news then, you may carry on."

[Affirmative now absorbing Supreme skill]

Pandora then began to watch as the heavenly abomination began to turn into particles as all of them were flying into Aarick body.

But what surprise her the most wasn't; what just happen, no it was what came next, that shocked her.

A huge amount of power was swelling up inside Aarick very being without rest.

Time began to pass by, but Aarick power didn't stop increasing no it continuing to grow with no end whatsoever, what the hell was that skill Aarick received she wondered.

In all her life no ultimate nor supreme skill should make one grow this much in power at this rate his power will soon be equal to her or maybe even surpass it.

Meanwhile in Aarick sub- conscious world.

Aarick has long loss consciousness from the very moment he absorbs the mysterious supreme skill, and all that was left was Atlas forcing him go through a new evolution.

All the skills he got till now will become one or two super skill that will probably be op as fuck.

And just like when he first awakens to his powers, he felt the same sensation of sinking into a warm sea that has no end whatsoever, but he was sure that the sea water was red.

And at the surface was a black sun, but strangely it shone as if it was a blue sun, truly it didn't make sense.

But as he began thinking what was happening on the outside, he began to hear a familiar voice.

And it wasn't Atlas, no it was like a combination of Atlas and Pandora voice talking at the same time.

Almost the same voice he starts to speak when his emotion gets out of control which was a unison of both his and his wife voice.

[Notice. The evolution of the individual known as Aarick Oizys Vlad Tempest Born shall now begin]

[Super evolving from Origin Fallen Morcha to a True Originator]


[All physical abilities have significantly improved]

[Notice all skills and resistance already acquired by the old form will be re-acquired]


[Congratulation the unique skill "Vlad the Impaler" has been acquired due to accepting the name Aarick Oizys Vlad Tempest Born from a powerful individual]

[Notice Supreme skill "Apostle of Choas: Seth" has been successfully absorb and Assimilated within the main body]

[Notice, now taking all 34,768 skill, technique, and magic minus the current authority to create a new arch type skill which will open up a new evolution skill tree branch that is unique only to the host]

[Now creating three new arch type skills]


[True skill "Lord of Paradox: Aarick" has been created]

[True skill "Astral king: Morpheus" has been created]

[True skill "Techno lord: Deus ex Machina has been created]

[True skill "Lord of Isekai: Truck-Sama has been created]

[Your Mana capacity triple in size]

[Your blood potency had tripled in value]

[Notice your true liberation state has been achieved]

[This brings an end to the evolution now reawakening the host]

On the outside Pandora put up a giant Barrier to conceal Aarick immense power from the outside world.

It has reached a point the miasma literally became an entirely new otherworldly substance of its own, while the Mana Aarick was leaking was so potent and hot it was akin to been burn alive by the sun.

The tunnel was only holding up and not melting because her power is keeping it maintain, but at this rate she doesn't know how much longer she can keep it at bay as it was still increasing in power.

"At this rate I would truly have to manifest my real self here as this temporary vessel can only handle so much of my power, any more than this and she will explode from the inside out."

"Emperor Vlad, I don't know what you are doing, but please hurry it up your power is becoming too much for me to contain in this weak body; at this rate I will be force to do something I don't want to do, if I manifest here now without a doubt the queen of humility will stop at nothing to make sure I don't escape, much less the king of Hilarity."


Pandora then began to hear a cracking sound and when she looks, she was smiling as said.


Pandora was watching as Aarick began to float in the air as he was striped completely naked.

But what happen next would strike the very meaning of fear into the soul of any man who was present as Aarick skin began to crack like glass and drop to ground.

It was a truly a sight to see but it was what lies beyond those cracks was what would bring fort a fear like no other.

Because what lies behind them was a weird and mysterious red and black substance that was glowing in and out which align with his heart beat.

But what was even creepier was after all his skin crack off, what showed itself was the same red and black otherworldly composition only this time Aarick entire body was covered in hundreds of eyes, both crimson red and amethyst purple, he also had a lot of mouths, each of them smiling sadistically.

Even some of the eyes were opening like mouth revealing sharp teeth that could tear through flesh and brake bones with ease.

While his abstract body was flooding the entire tunnel floor with a sea of the same substance with many menacing eyes and mouth surrounding the area.

And finally, all the substance starts to fade away like smoke evaporating into the air and what was now reveal.

Was a slightly older Aarick with some different features, he looks like he got a little taller maybe 5'2 instead of his usual 4'9.

His hair became a combination of white and blue giving it a unique color tone.

His skin became paler, his eyes remain the same but they feel as if you were looking at a never-ending abyss, his nail become pointier and sharper and was black in color.

And the fangs of Invidia became even more prominent.

But the biggest change so far was the fact that his black halo was gone and what was there was a floating black crown with red addition to it, while his previous crown that look just like Jin Mori monkey king crown was still floating as well.

(A/N): Aarick new crown is basically the same like slayer White floating crown from tower of God only instead of white it was black]

He wore the classic demon lord Rimuru uniform that was made from his shadows.

But if anything, Aarick has truly and officially become the emperor of Sorrow.

Meanwhile Pandora looks at him as she began to speak with both arms slightly raised up not too far from her stomach; but above her chest, as she said with slight tears coming down her eyes as if it was the happiest moment in her life.

"Welcome to the rank of the sins Emperor Aarick Oizys Vlad Tempest Born."