
A Loners Creations

"Y-Y-You can see me". Said the mysterious gothic-lolita Aarick nods at her statement. "But how is that possible". I'm the pillar of existence how can y-y-you". Sniff, Sniff finally some-ones is able to comprehend my existence. Aarick looks at the crying girl with confusion so to cheer her up he pats her head. For the first time since the dawn of all creation, the pillar of existent has finally felt the touch of one of her creations. What is your name the gothic-lolita asks Aarick with a beautiful smile? Then the Pillar of existence watch as the first living being to comprehend her existence took out a notebook and began writing something "Hi, I am Aarick". "Cant, you talk". The beautiful grey-blackish hair gothic-lolita asks in concern to the human who now holds a special place in her heart. Aarick then began to write again but this time he removes his black face mask. And what the Pillar of existence saw shock her. Both the page and inside his mouth. "I bite off my own tongue". The pillar of existence didn't need to ask why he did it she could see it in the child's dead eyes one devoid of all life she knew the person who she has now officially considered an equal was suicidal she was shaking at the very fact. I have decided I shall make you my... ***PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY ANIME COMIC OR GAMES THAT WILL OCCURS DURING THE STORY I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND ABILITIES THAT I MIGHT CREATE DURING THE STORY P.S THIS IS MY STORY SO I WILL DO WHATEVER THE HELL I PLEASED SO IF DON'T LIKE WELL BE ALL MEANS THE EXIST IS TO YOUR LEFT***

Retro_Senpai · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs


Goodnight everyone this will be a short chapter as I will be busy for 2 days straight if anything but tomorrow I will not be free so enjoy the short chapter and help me developed a breathing form for the breath of loneliness that I portray in this chapter thank you and good night.


[So you are going to join the demon slayer corps]

"Yes I don't want to fight for the sake of others I just want to fight for myself, I want to become stronger really strong as strong as Pandora".

[First, it's good to see you are coming out of that depression, and second your 50 googols too young of even dreaming of beating Pandora]

"Nani how old is she again".

"Approximately 51 googols give or take as she exists before existence itself".

"Not even anime loli is that old".

"It would add up to this observe number if we count her imaginary time along with the existing time when the time was just created for the first time".

"I see".

Aarick look at Pandora who was sleeping peacing in his arm as he frowns and says

"To think you have been alone for that long I can't even comprehend how lonely you must have felt".

From there Aarick lifts Pandora's in a princess carry position as he fixes her correctly on the bed and places the Rem blanket over her as he kisses her forehead and said.

"Sleep tight babe as soon as I am done I will join you".

From there Aarick uses shadow manipulation to form a simple coat as it was cold and went into the kitchen until Atlas said.

[So what are you planning to do now if your not going to bed]

"I need to get strong as quickly as possible I just want to spend some time with my wife earlier and since she is asleep I have time for myself now so I am going to use the tablet of creation to create my weapons, my custom made demon slayer uniform, Haori, and my breathing style".

[I see but you are aware before you can even create a weapon you have to create a breathing style first and especially one that represents you so tell me Aarick if you want help I don't mind helping you create one]

"Really ok let us see like I said I want to stay through to my title as the Pillar of Loneliness even after I become a Hashira so I want a breathing style that focuses around the concept of Loneliness or at least something that signifies it something extremely unique if you know what I mean".

[I understand where you are coming from and to be honest, the breathing style you are trying to create is not an easy one but nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it]

"Yes but I still don't know where to start can you guide me Atlas to help me find an answer".

[So here is the first step when someone is creating a breathing style first and the last step you must create an origin and question your answer on a deeper level meaning what does it represent and where does it originate from think carefully now as your fighting style will originate around whatever it represents as that fighting style symbolize what you are]

"I see I never thought that martial arts have such diverse meaning behind it".

[Yes that just how it is now tell me Aarick guessing from what you telling me your swords art will be something like this for example (Breath of Loneliness 7th form: ____________)]

"Yes pretty much".

[Well then let get started with the first step to create a breathing technique for the breath of Loneliness. So what I am going to do is ask you what does Loneliness mean to you what do you see it as]

"What I see loneliness as"?

[Yes what does it mean to you]

Aarick heard Atlas's statement as he began thinking about what does loneliness really means to him he eventually takes a seat and began thinking for about 30 minutes straight as he finally came up with an answer as he said.

"I finally found my answer".

[And what is that]

"At first I began thinking about many things like loneliness been something as simple as just been alone or not getting involves with others but those things just felt too plain to make a sword style out of till I begin thinking deeper as my life before that current me played in my head".

"You see I always felt left out by the world like the world itself just didn't like me, and also the fact that I couldn't make any friends nor girlfriend, of course, this has to do with my personality and my appearance I have always love silence even now I yearn for it".

"But maybe because I was different from others I was constantly bullied and abuse to the point I start to isolate myself from everyone I always thought that ending my life would set me free that was till I learn why I am plagued with misfortune".

"But even so I began thinking deeper till I finally found my answer you see I can only see loneliness as one thing".

[And that is]

"Pandora I see loneliness as Pandora she has lived for such an insane amount of time as she was traveling the cosmos to find someone who could comprehend her existence but fail to do so in her despair she starts to see creation as failure in a whole".

[So you are saying you want to create a breathing technique inspired by Pandora existence]

"Yes, I want to create my breath of loneliness base on her".

[I guess that can work now for the second question what do you see Pandora as meaning what does she represent to you]

"Good question I guess I considered Pandora as everything but nothing at the same time if anything she already answers that question for me if I am light then she is darkness and since she portrays herself as the embodiment of nothing I can only think of her as the forbidden and the unknown".

[Good now tell me Aarick what do you portray the unknown as and what power is behind that forbidden veiled that mortal hands should never touch]

This was the question that gave Aarick his inspiration on what he wanted his fighting style to mimic as each Hashira use the four elements or some unique thing to represent their sword technique Aarick then said.

"When I think of the unknown I think of all the dangerous things in space like black holes, supernova, red giants, hypernovas, and not just that all these things in a sense represent loneliness as a black hole could never get along with anything as they devour everything and anything, while a supernova is a star that met its end as push inwards causing an explosion that destroys everything around leaving nothing behind, Then planets like pluto exist as it was disowned by it own solar system as it suffers alone in the dreaded cold vacuum of spaces drifting further away from the sun".

"Overall these things do share a comparison with Pandora as they were destined by alone because of the destructive nature and the laws that they abide by and it also a fact that Pandora created all these things as well so I want my breathing forms to be base by these destructive force of nature".

When Atlas heard this he was shocked by Aarick unorthodox view of what he portrays the breadth of loneliness as. He honestly thought he was going to base his breathing style to represent the concept of sorrow who would have thought his version of it was a twisted remake of the breath of cosmos he could help but laugh at how crazy the main body's imagination is.

[Pffft haha haha haha oh man I like let do it with this we now have a blueprint on how we should make this sword and you create your breathing style using the animation side of the tablet of creation].

"Yeah now, what should I create".

[I have a suggestion your body has an amazing talent for duel wielding I suggest you create two swords the correspond with each other and remember that you should create a sword capable of ill all forms of mystics but mostly demon since you decide to walk the path of a Hashira]

"I guess you're right I do love dual-wielding sword play but how should I go about it you like how should I create my sword".

[Well base on what your breathing style is it basically originated from the Breath of Cosmos but your version of it is way more destructive I suggest creating twin swords one for the two types of demons this world posses being night demons which are powerful demons that feed on humans and but are extremely weak against the sun and the only way to kill them is by decapitation while there is also day demon which is more in numbers and more common as they can walk in both day and night and are more destructive as they enjoy the battle to death many are extremely powerful as well as they are also weak to holy artifacts]

When Aarick heard this he began to think of a sword he can create that can ill both demons relatively easy as he came up with the perfect idea he was going to create a series of weapons and also Haori to wear with the demon slayer uniform all custom made of course as he said.

"Aww, I am inspired I know exactly what I am going to create.

[That good well let's get to it]

From there Aarick took out the tablet of creation and went to create setting everything was very organized as it had 3 main settings the board was like this.


Drawing Board: Basically where you draw your creation it comes with many additions shapes even 4th-dimensional one all the way to the 6th the rest was greyed out meaning he can't use them yet even the blood conversion section basically giving a different color to my blood there was also life section in the drawing board setting but I will left that for later.

Ability settings: Basically after you draw out your creation you can type out the abilities of what you want it to have there is no limit as the price depends on either the quantity or the quality of my blood.

E.E setting (Equivalent exchange): Basically after creating your creations the E.E setting coverts the blood need for you to pull it into reality.


When Aarick saw this he smiled as he said.

"These settings are really organized and very straightforward"

[Yes it was made for you to understand it right away]

"Hehe, I am still shocked at the fact that this drawing tablet can create anything".

[Well this is the reality so deal with it now less talking more drawing]

*Sigh* "Fine let's get this started".

From there Aarick Pick up the levitating black drawing pen and began drawing and every time it draws he feels like he is getting weaker as his blood was been taking from him at a rapid rate after about 50 minutes of non-stop drawing he said while gasping from exhaustion.



"My lord I feel like the very life is been taking away from me".

[You are losing a huge amount of blood extremely fast to the point your regeneration can't keep up and there is also the fact your blood has a huge dose of life force inside it to replace the energy need to create the object an after it is done the E.E setting will do a final calculation to pull it into reality]


"I am only finished with one well then let's get this started and finish quickly".

4 hours later.

"Haha I am finally done drawing everything *Gasp* Oh god I don't feel so Good".

[You are extremely weak right now Aarick I would advise you to stop what you are doing for right now then pull everything into reality tomorrow after you heal up it still raining hard and this will continue for some days you can rest the whole day tomorrow with your wife]

But Aarick refuses as he said.

"No I'm good I will finish this tomorrow I have no time to rest I need to get stronger".

[Aarick if you continue and pull these things into reality you will die do want to experience your first respawn now of all time do you want to remember as that guy who died from drawing too much]

"Look at the bright side I will die doing what I love the most".

*Sigh* [Looking at these stats and ability of the weapon your current life will definitely deteriorate to pay the toll need to bring them forts]

Aarick then looks at the confirm icon as his handshake in fear of dying again as he said.

"Ahhh come on Aarick stop being a little bitch and man up".

From there Aarick closes his eyes and press confirm from there purple energy left his body and went inside the tablet and when he opens it he notices nothing happen to him as look all over as he said.

"Was that it fheww maybe I did have enough energy". Said Aarick wiping the sweat off his head but all of a sudden he felt pain all over as he drops to the ground in shock luckily right beside the mirror and when he saw his body he was shocked he was nothing but a pile of bones his skin texture was extraordinary pale he was also shaking rapidly as he felt something burst inside which was his heart he couldn't say anything because he didn't have the strength to do so after 4 minutes of constant pain and suffering silents was heard and what remains was dead dried up Aarick with both eyeballs rolling out the sockets".









All of a sudden a brand new Aarick pop out from nowhere as he gasps for air in fear Aarick jump up and began feeling his whole body he then hg it inwardly as he look at the previous dead Aarick as he began fading out of existence Aarick was terrified of the feeling as he said.

"How did Subaru put up with this shit I died a horrible death that was extremely painful and he died, even more, consecutive and worse deaths than me".

[I told you dying isn't easy to get used to right away but even you will get used to it in time]

"Still a horrible experience though I still remember the pain and worthlessness of been in that state".

[Fear not though your sacrifice wasn't in vain at all look behind you]

From there Aarick looks behind him and saw 5 items on the table and when he saw them he couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha demon not even the lord could save you now".

[Im still shock your drawing ability is out of this world you manage to create something so beautiful my god and the abilities are amazing as well]

"Haha I take pride in my creation Atlas please appraise the first 3".

[Affirmative now appraising]


Anti Suppression mask: A Mask that was inspired by the original Shizue Izawa mask as it has the same look but the only difference is it only has 2 abilities been.

1.) Suppression: Hides the user true powers as it suppresses everything magic, tier level, ki, and senses meaning it brings down your senses to at least mortal peak level

2.) Will into existence: After the mask is destroyed you just have to put your hands over your face and it will be reconstructed from thin air.

Cosmic slayer uniform: A regular-looking demon slayer uniform with the word emperor writing in Japanese on the back of it in white it only has one ability.

1.) Seeker of the stars: This ability only works at night when using any breathing technique your blade will be coating in pure cosmic energy making your attack and strike more fierce and stronger.

Void king Haori: A blue and black Haori created by the Pillar of Loneliness Aarick this Haori look exactly like Rengoku one but the only difference being that the entire top is light blue while the bottom looks like flames or the entire tips are Vanta black with star design in it almost like a stary night sky this Haori has 2 powerful abilities.

1.) Physic buster: When I say there is no running away I mean there is no running away this passive ability allows you to defy gravity and physic as It gives you the ability to walk on all surfaces like clouds, water, up a wall, down a wall hell have you ever seen somebody start walking up high in the sky like stairs it is extremely powerful ability if you use it correctly.

2.) Mana regeneration: This ability only work if the Haori is damage really badly during combat as it will absorb mana to regenerate itself please note if it was completely obliterated it won't regenerate back.


When Aarick saw this he smiles as he said.

"Haha yes my previous death was worth it I have never been this proud in my creations".

[That void king Haori is a pain in the ass your practically unpredictable with that thing]

"I know right poor demon don't even know what caught them hehe"

[But those two swords are the real monster here those things are every demon worse friend]

Aarick looks at the two beautifully well-created swords the first been a beautiful full red crimson blade sword with shades of blue on the sword edge it has a white and black hilt while the sword guard was divine gold in color so was the blade collar as well and on was green gem with very fatal ability to demons while the sword Collar had a clover shape with twin carps and a spider lily engraved on it this sword had.

While the sword sheet is full red in color.

Aarick name this sword the sword of purgatory: Ra

While the other sword was rather special this sword was a 6'2 Nodachi katana a sword far bigger than Aarick as he was 5'7 the sword hilt was full black and was at least 24 inches the blade was silver and the guard was clover-shaped with yin-yang engraving on it and the guard was divine gold in color but it had tradition Chinese dragon engrave on it this sword has.

The scabbard was huge and fit the blade perfectly as it was full black and silver at the top.

Aarick name this sword the sword of Loneliness the dreadful moon: Nyx

{How both swords look like}

Ra: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/qA2AEz

Nyx: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Z5Amom

When Aarick gave his first two serious creations he almost cried he never put such passion into his drawing like he has done tonight.

He then said.

"Atlas appraised these two beauties".

[Affirmative appraising two national treasure rank artifacts]


Ra: A holy sword created by the Pillar of loneliness as it was made for the purpose of killing night demons it has six powerful abilities that are very fatal especially to demons.

1.) Potential: it, not infinite potential but realistic potential by the sword constantly been used for killing it can grow with it user as this ability could eventually create a soul within it the more you kill as this sword will decide when it stops growing not even the creator know what its true potential is.

2.) Absorption: Can absorb the user blood to make blood slashes with a great pressure power

3.) Cosmic core: A green core made from the core of the sun it can absorb solar energy and mana and convert it into divine energy making it lethal to demons and undead.

4.) Blessing of the sun: It is two times sharper during the day.

5.)Merciless evolution: The more blood it drinks the sharper it gets of course quantity and quality count as well and the evolution is slow for now.

6.) Eternal scabbard: if the sword is damaged place it in the scabbard pull it out and good as new.

Nyx: The sword of loneliness the dreadful moon Nyx is an extremely sharp sword capable of cutting diamonds like paper it was made for the sole purpose of destruction and mayhem extremely dangerous to day-demons it has 6 powerful abilities which are.

1.) Potential: it, not infinite potential but realistic potential by the sword constantly been used for killing it can grow with it user as this ability could eventually create a soul within it the more you kill as this sword will decide when it stops growing not even the creator know what its true potential is.

2.) Shadow Absorption: Can absorb the shadows around you to make shadow slashes cutting through bone as strong as diamonds easily

3.) Awaken: The sword has a secret second form

4.) Blessing of the moon: It is two times sharper during the night.

5.)Merciless evolution: The more blood it drinks the sharper it gets of course quantity and quality count as well and the evolution is slow for now.

6.) Eternal scabbard: if the sword is damaged place it in the scabbard pull it out and good as new.


When Aarick saw the abilities he smiled and said.

"Haha with these 2 powerful swords, Haori, and uniform exclude the mask my first original cosmic series set is complete"

He then heard Atlas's voice as he said.

[Are you going to creat forms now]

"Hell no I already died enough for one night if anything I am going to take a nap while cuddling with my wife I already made my equipment and gear I will test it out tomorrow with this I will only need breathing style in order to be ready for the demon slayer examination 2 weeks from now hahaha wait for me my precious Hashira comrades mostly Shinobu cough cough".

From there Aarick made his way to his wife side and cuddle with till he fell asleep putting an end to this night