
A Lone Gamer

When the world we know crumbling and the darkness surround everything, nothing can escape from the endless darkness. The peaceful daily life that some people used to enjoy, turn into the worst day of their life when a little spark from an unknown dimension falls to earth. . . . Rio Atreya, a son of once a successful businessman parent in Indonesia. As the only son of a healthy parent, he's showered with love and care from his family since his birth. But, despite his wealthy parent, he never feel he's above the others, tried his best at everything he want to achieve. God bless him with a handsome face, high intelligence, and a kind heart. What a perfect son for a wealthy family. Until that day, the beginning of his tragic life... and soon, followed by the change of the world they lived in. ______________________________________________________________ Hello, Kazuyagami here, this is my first original novel, English is not my first language so don't get your hope high with my grammar or perfect English. But I'll try my best to keep this novel is acceptable to read.

Kazuyagami · Acción
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4 Chs


"Shit, it hurt so much!"


2 years ago.

A black luxurious sedan was driving on the highway at a rather fast speed. Inside, 4 people including the driver could be seen rather talking happily with each other.

"You did a good job to find that isolated orphanage Rio." A beautiful woman smiled warmly at Rio.

"Thanks, mom. It was my friend who informed me about that orphanage."

"Then, please invite your friend to have dinner with our family later." Said a man in his 40 to the boy.

"That's a good idea master." Rahman, the driver said to his employer.

"Of course dad, I will invite them to say my thanks. It was nice to see those smiles from those children."

Zen Atryea and Linda Atreya (Linda Janis), both are Rio's parents. Zen Atreya is a successful businessman with many projects in this country. Plantation, mining, stocks, and many more, he even builds his own foundation, 'Atreya Foundation', to help the poor and children in orphanages.

Starting their business from zero, Zen and Linda know how hard it is to make a living when you are poor or don't have anyone to rely on. That's why, when they finally have so much wealth they always remember to help them in need. Rio is their only son because Linda has a problem with her health, doctor said she can't get pregnant anymore. It makes them love their son so much, they taught him well, and from an early age, Rio always shows them that he's one step ahead of kids around his age. Starting to learn martial art and football at the age of 5, he shows them an incredible talent. Even his grade's always on the top, but what makes both of them so proud of him because he never look down on other people, he always shows concern and even helps people in need if he can.

But one thing that makes Zen concerned about this side of Rio, that he knew if he's too kind to the others, people will exploit this to take advantage of Rio. The closest example's Hara Atreya, no other than Zen's brother itself. As a brother, he knew he should help his brother, but Hara's behavior's started to make Zen annoyed. He already help him to get a good position in his company, he bought a house for him, even paid for his kid's tuition fee. All of those things Zen did to help him as a brother, and Hara still did not satisfied with just that. He keeps asking for more, more than what should be.


"Hey bro, why don't you buy a new mansion, so my family will use your old one."


"Zen, I think I'm qualified to handle Atreya Plantation."


"My son is good enough to go to the A university in England, can you move him there?"


Just thinking about what his brother always said enough to make Zen let a big sigh. That's why he makes a mental note to remind Rio later to be careful around Hara. But humans only can make a plan, they can not certain that will happen or not.

Right before the sedan exited the highway, they heard a loud scream from the other side of the road.


There they can see a huge monster, with red skin, around 3 meters in height, and that thing right hand holding a club. Near that monster, a wolf like creature shorter than the red one clawing running car split the car in two before biting the driver. A monster that looks like a bat but bigger than a dog with 4 meters long wing grabbing a running woman drag her to the high light pole before eating her head.


Car crashes, people running here and there, trampling each other running from the monsters. After exiting the highway, they see a kid around 4 years old crying on the roadside, separated from his parent. They look at this and intend to help the kid so maybe they can help him to find his parent.

When the car almost stop to help the kid, a huge hand grabbed his little body before a loud cracking sound could be heard, fresh blood flowed between the big finger, the big hand lifted and put the remain of the kid inside a big mouth and the monster start to chew.

Rio puked looking at the scene in front of him, he thought it was only in a horror or fantasy film something like this could happen. Linda close her mouth with both of her hands holding her scream, but she couldn't hold her tears.

"Rahman go to the Atreya Plantation! Hurry up!" Zen order Rahman to leave the town to the hillside.

He makes a few calls but all communication tools are useless, it's like the signal's jammed by some wave.

"It's okay both of you, we will evacuate to the plantation first before making another move. Rahman, after this you can pick your family to the plantation too." Zen decides to evacuate themself first before thinking about his next step.

They drive faster to reach the hillside and avoid the crowd to not hinder their move to the plantation.

"How long before we reach the plantation, Rahman?" Zen asked.

"Not far Mr. Zen, it's about ten mi..."


Before Rahman could finish his word, a loud crash could be heard from their right side and their car was hit by something hard, very hard to make the car turn upside down.

"Mom, Dad? Rahman?" Rio opens the door only to stumble on the grass on the sideroad. He look at his family car, his mom and Rahman didn't move at all. Her head is full of blood. Only his father moves to unbuckle his seat belt.

"Rio, come on let's move." Zen felt a little bit dizzy but he know if they were still in this place something bad will happen to them again.

"But Dad, Mom... She... " Rio holds his teary eyes looking at his mom. Zen only shakes his head a little bit, he knows his wife has already passed away.

"Let's go!" he drag Rio's hand to leave the car. But before they could run away, a growling sound came from behind them.


Zen let his son's hand slowly and turn to look at a wolf monster behind them before looking left and right to search for a weapon for him. Unfortunately, there's nothing around them except grass. With a smile, he reaches Rio's shoulder and grabs them.

"Rio listen, no matter what happens, do not look back, run, run as fast as you can! "

"But dad..."

"No but for this time!"

The growling sound grew louder, the monster looking at the duo, like a predator observing his prey.

"One thing you should know, your mom and dad always love you no matter what. And one thing, no matter what happens you have to be strong. Strong enough to face whatever this world will be."

Zen said as he hug and before Rio can say any word he push his son away behind him, he stand in his place still looking at the monster.


Rio starts running holding his tears before glancing looking at his father's back for the last time.


(Zen POV)

'I know I can't beat this monster, but no matter what happens, I have to hold this monster for my son.'

"Now, let see how this will end."

(End of Zen POV)


The monster charging at Zen with fast speed to grab Zen's neck. He avoid it by pulling his head back but still grazed and blood starts to flow. Zen tried to kick the monster, but it's just like kicking a huge boulder, he can feel kicking flesh but it feels so heavy.

The monster became angrier and charged at Zen again, but this time using both of his hands to claw Zen. Zen avoid it one more time by jumping back, but the monster didn't reduce his speed and following him again with both claws from left and right. Zen can't keep up with the monster speed finally only can hold both claws with his hands, for the last time Zen looking at his back and couldn't see his son anymore.

"I hope we can see you grow up Rio!" He said with a smile, tears running down on his cheek before his body separated into 2.



Be strong Rio!!!!

RIP Zen, Linda, and Rahman.