

Disclaimer: The cover is from AOI OGATA on Pinterest. The flames, I could feel was dying out, so I opened my eyes to see her little hands grasping tightly onto my fist. The last bit of the flames lingered over her hand before dying out as well, then her hands were cold again. My eyes followed her arms to her face. She knelt on the bed with my stretched legs between hers. She still wore the same clothes she had on when she appeared in my hospital room.  Her large, dark eyes were on me, but I couldn't tell what emotion or expression they held. She sat then and pulled my fist to her face. "You didn't respond when I called you earlier. What's going on?" I asked her calmly, but inwardly doubted she'd answer me. She inhaled deeply with my fist still to her nose like she wanted to absorb its fragrance if it had any. She just kept her eyes focused on my hand. "You were about to do it again. The backlash could've been bad. ," she pointed out flatly. Even though she didn't sound too pleased, her wonderful voice was still pleasing to the ear. "You told me we'd do it, not you." "I have to get stronger, Lily." She now looked at me. "But what about the pain? We agreed that I would help you."

ChisanaTensai · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Have We Met Before?

The slam shook me just like it did some of the students. It seemed some were prepared for it. I honestly felt like I was going to be attacked because of the intensity of the slam that was right behind me! All the students started to turn around, and so did I, hoping I wouldn't turn around for an attack to come straight for me. That was how I honestly felt, but I realized none of my concerns were necessary, for I turned to see that the young teacher had slammed his hand on the desk of the girl right behind me, whoever she was. She didn't even flinch, but only blinked lazily like a cat. When he lifted his hand, the last card I had seen on the table earlier was there on her desk upturned so I couldn't see the number on the other side. The teacher looked at her and shook his head

"You're one heck of a wonderful person, aren't you?" he said rather sarcastically and turned around, walking around the class as he explained further. She had been staring straight ahead at a blind spot the whole time, not even giving the teacher any face, and not caring at all about the whispers that weaved through the class again. I found myself looking at her again but learned my lesson to not stare at her too long, but just as I was about to look back, her eyes moved over to mine, and we made eye contact only for the briefest of moments before I broke eye contact. Her eyes did scare me with their coldness, but I couldn't deny their beauty. They were frightening to look at, but they had to be the most beautiful eyes I had ever laid my eyes on.

I forced my mind to stop thinking of the strange girl, and listen to what the teacher wen on talking about. "…you and your partner will come to me after you've settled, and then I would give you your task to be accomplished by the end of this week. And also, until I choose to, you will have that same person as your partner. Don't even think of deceiving me, for I have known more tricks than any of you will probably ever know. You may proceed to…"

What tricks? I couldn't think of it, for right after he'd finished his speech, the whole class at that moment was thrown into complete disarray. The uproar confused me and I guessed it was something he had permitted, for he didn't act out.

I could see the students moving around the classroom, looking for their partner. They used different methods to find whomever had their matching numbers. Some stood at one point and called out their number, others went round searching, and I caught a group gather round to switch their cards so they could be teams with their friends. Too bad the teacher was more experienced as he had bragged about, and caught them. He immediately scolded them, appearing right behind them, then making sure their plans failed. They could only swallow their pains with sullen faces and go on with whoever they were paired up with. A few people approached me to find out if they were my match, mostly the polite girls of the class, but I could clearly see that all they wanted was to start small talk with me, too bad I sucked at that so I used all my courtesy to send them off disappointed. My past in the previous school taught me better about people's ulterior motives in all they did.

It took only a few minutes before everyone quieted down, and the class was back to being calm again. It was as if the whole place wasn't in a complete uproar some minutes ago. It was a disappointment to me that even though people came to ask, I found no-one with my matching number. I was also in some way relieved since I knew no-one in this place, for even though I could get someone to partner up with, the trouble of getting to know the person, and the other party getting to know me wouldn't make it easy for us to get along so well.

The next session was for each group to go for their assigned assignments. I waited patiently for my turn, again being the last one to go for his task. When my turn finally arrived, I didn't hesitate to get up, learning from past experience. My number was seven but for some reason, I had to be the last one again. I received the sheet, and came back to sit down, but then…I was getting to my seat when I saw the girl get up, and approach me.

She came to stand before me with a blank expression that betrayed no emotions, and I wondered why she was now approaching me. That was when I noticed her breathtaking beauty, for it did take my breath away.

She had the average height of most girls, and even though it was something I never cared about, I couldn't help but marvel at her perfect figure. Her bust couldn't be termed as small, and her slim waist curved downwards to make her shapely hips, giving her a wonderful frame for a girl. I could say any girl would be dying with envy if she passed by them. She looked like the kind of girl al guys her age would be dying to get to, but that's what always made me hate the beauty of girls. They could be beautiful, and one would not be able to stand them, but after getting to know they found to realize they were just nothing but fakes on the inside, fakes that had other aims for letting you get close to them.

I could already tell she was a famous figure from the looks that were directed at me being right in front of her, and from her character I hated her, knowing that she had to be some rich and pampered girl who wouldn't stop to give a second thought before stepping over you, but for some reason I felt she might be different from all my assumptions. I felt that maybe we might have met before, but that was only an assumption. Who would meet this gorgeous lady and not remember it clearly?

My eyes moved over to her blood red lips. They moved a little, but she held back her words. She then raised her hand with something in it to my face, and I saw the number seven.

"Oh," was the first thing I blurted out, thinking if I was lucky to have her or it spelt my doom. I just decided instantly to be a kind person to the first person I would be interacting with for quite a while.

"Hi, I'm C-"


The crisp sound of the slap was loud and clear. I was now certain with the silence that followed that all eyes were on us then. She didn't give a second's thought before looking me straight in the eye, and saying the words that confused me more.

"Don't even try talking to me" She looked sold, but I saw something flash behind those eyes.

I was about to hold her hand and ask what she meant but let her arm slip right through my grasp as she rushed past me without letting me react, leaving the class as fast as she could move.

"Stop! Lily!..." I heard the teacher shout after her and chase after her as well. I stood there for a while more, then moved back to my seat. I was just as confused as the class that I could guess were trying to figure out what it was that I did to rouse her anger. Nobody dared to ask me, and nobody dared approach me to console me. I would have even hated if that were to happen.

I didn't even touch my cheek like other people would. I didn't feel the pain, only numbness as I looked down at my table. They were probably thinking of me as a weak person, one who couldn't even fight back when a girl attacked him but I didn't care at all. It never bothered me that they were clearly gossiping about me. I was only thinking, thinking of what just happened. "Don't even try talking to me." The words she said to me echoed in my head. What was that supposed to mean?

This had to be the most perfect first day at a new school. It was quite funny to me the more I thought about it, but I had no idea wat had just happened had dropped my chances of making friends from 200% to 2%.

It never crossed my mind that this little interaction would be such a heavy thing on me. I only thought of her at the moment.

Had we met before?