
A Little Grudge

After a mugging in Brooklyn, a young man is brought to the Naruto World as Kakuzu, just before the age of the hidden villages. He is enthralled to meet a new family, but when that all goes to hell, he has few options left. The one he takes? It won't end well for his enemies. Somewhat AU. Taking liberties with the timeline, as, to be fair, there really isn't a good one before the third war.

King_Rattata · Cómic
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15 Chs

God's Curse On This Vile World

On a warm summer's evening, a baby's screeching could be heard throughout the small compound in the small village. A boy had just been born with darkish skin and hair well pigmented for his small lifespan. A few minutes later, the baby was seemingly dead, as he had strangled on his own umbilical cord. However, fate seemed to disagree. Just as the umbilical cord was cut and the doctor handed the baby to his mother, he started mumbling again!

The doctor was naturally dumbfounded, and glad he didn't tell the young woman her son was dead. She looked lovingly at the baby, who cooed softly, opening his eyes ever so slightly. She held it for only a few minutes before handing him back to the doctor. She looked him deep in the eyes.

"This boy, my son, will be the next clan head of the Kawakami clan as my descendant. This world is undergoing a change, and we need to survive it. I'm placing all of my hopes on this boy." The woman yelled in something of a last ditch effort at final words. Then she continued in a much softer voice, focusing on the boy. "I'm sorry. I won't be able to be here for you. Even though I know you can't hear me, I want you to know I love you. Mommy has to go now. Goodbye, Kakuzu."

Meanwhile, inside the baby's head was a much different thought. Mostly one involving a slough of curses and a single 'Why am I alive?' He watched his mother pass away before his very eyes, knowing such as he was initially just a guy on Earth who was killed during a mugging. He looked around, and saw he was in a mediocre hut.

Because he felt little control over his own functions, and he could tell his size, he recognized that he was a baby. He put all this together to realize what happened. He just got reborn, after dying, in a newborn's body in some rural Asian tribe. The language spoken was Japanese, which he knew alongside many other Asian languages on account of his major in linguistic studies.

However, David was worried. Because in 2132, when he died, Japan was almost completely underwater. Naturally, other parts of the world spoke the language, but a "clan" speaking Japanese as the world was changing in a way that made it more difficult to survive? This was either another time or another world, and neither prospect was Dav--Kakuzu's fancy.

Unfortunately, he wasn't able to think about it any more as he soon fell asleep.

The next morning, he found himself in a crib with a nurse in his room. He was wrapped up in blankets and the "mattress" he was on was just a bunch of wool stuffed in a blanket. A woman, seemingly a nurse, was slumped up against the rickety wooden crib, a small bit of drool running down her face. He tried speaking, but as anticipated, his voice box and its chords were not developed enough yet to do so regardless. So, he resorted to crying, despite not wanting to.

The nurse-looking person quickly awoke, and mumbled something about needing to stay awake for the baby. She proceeded to pick him up and lowered her shirt. David was no pervert, but something about being in the position of Kakuzu breastfeeding felt odd. There were no male instinctive urges, rather those of a baby yearning for its mother's milk. However, he didn't feel the need to quash his pride or the like.

It wasn't as if the woman looked bad, though. No, even though she seemed to be a few months pregnant and even slightly malnourished, her skin was smooth and her body tight. Her breasts weren't particularly large nor small enough to make note of, but it was her face that completed her. Something about her would have seemed wrong with a different face. Her nose was slightly crooked, and her teeth were barely noticeably uneven, but neither were to a fault. Her eyes were a smidge asymmetrical, and finally her ears were slightly small and pointed at the end.

But the girl, despite her inconsistencies, was undeniably a beauty, about twenty. Her voice was the final striking feature about her. Every single note she hummed or spoke was perfect, and her timbre only reinforced its allure. At some point, Kakuzu forgot everything else around him, only to look at and hear her.

She stopped after around twenty minutes of Kakuzu drinking, and began washing him. He had, naturally also been washed the day before after birth, but somehow slept through the entire ordeal.

She picked him up and looked into his eyes, her own green ones penetrating deep into his. Then she spoke. "Seriously, what a great kid you are. You're cute and you don't scream. I hope mine is the same way too."

She continued speaking and teasing him, until out of nowhere, another guy appeared out of nowhere in the room, speaking in an emotionless tone. "Lady Gozaiwa, an envoy from the capital has come to collect taxes. We require your presence." Then he disappeared. Kakuzu stared, his eyes widened, as he cooed to the now identified Lady Gozaiwa, who merely chuckled a bit before mumbling something.

"Every time I see him, I swear he gets even faster. Well, I guess he has to get ready for the change coming to the Land of Fire and all its ninja" She mumbled to herself.

Kakuzu meanwhile, just had a wry smile...in his mind, as he didn't have good enough muscle control to smile wryly. 'So then. I believe that answers the question of where I am. The Naruto world. I wouldn't believe it if not for the odd energy that didn't exist in my old world that I can feel inside of me right now. Naruto took a break after Boruto ended, but the reboot was actually good.'

Regardless, that was all the thinking to be done for the moment, as the boy slowly tapered off to sleep, his child body unable to keep up with his mind.

There wasn't much for Kakuzu to do, really. Visits to him apart from the woman who called herself his mother, Lady Gozaiwa, were few and far between. Kakuzu also determined when he was in the Naruto timeline. The foundation of the Hidden Villages and the end of the Warring States Era was a decade or two away. Konohagakure was nowhere near established, as the Uchiha clan and Senju clan were still at odds and the daimyo uncertain on whether to sponsor a whole village of warriors that could easily usurp or assassinate him at a moment's notice.

Kakuzu was surprised to find he was able to recall everything so easily, including the fact that he would be in his late teens or early twenties when Konoha was founded, then later, when Takigakure was founded, he would end up attempting to assassinate Hashirama and lose.

Speaking of Hashirama, he heard a conversation between his "mother" and another pregnant woman concerning the boy. He was around eight and was already making waves. He was the first of the Senju clan in years to use the Wood Release, and despite his age, he had enough chakra to use A-rank ninjutsu.

When he wasn't thinking about current and future events, however, he was training. To an extent, naturally, as his chakra network was still growing, disallowing him from unlocking it or practicing using it. He trained in two ways. First, meditation. It was an effective way to increase his mental energy, a key component of chakra, and the stillness was something he needed whenever he learned sage mode to be able sense natural energy.

Yeah, Kakuzu was definitely becoming a shinobi, and he didn't want to end up as cannon fodder or even a weak jonin level ninja.

His second mode of training was more physical, and it involved clenching and unclenching his muscles. That was all he was able to do at the moment. Even rolling over wasn't an option, so he planned to work his way up.

No interesting information came around for a while, and after two more weeks, Kakuzu could roll. Six more weeks, and he could easily crawl. Four weeks after that, he could stand holding his crib, and finally, four months after his birth, two months after standing, he could walk around with no issue. Obviously, he never demonstrated the ability to anyone.

He was developed enough to speak after five months. "K-k-kaa-san?" He muttered. Gozaiwa wheeled around to him when he called her, and he giggled. She started gushing and picked him up, twirling. She hugged him, sitting him back in the crib. He wasn't going to be telling anyone he was from Earth, so he needed to pretend to relearn the language, meaning, when she told him "Good job" he repeated it back, and she squirmed in happiness even more. Her acceptance of the "Kaa-san" also told him that he would be adopted by the woman legally.

Around a week afterward, Gozaiwa finally had her baby. There was, unfortunately, a complication. The baby was incredibly weak, and would likely never become a shinobi because of that fact. His mother was naturally heartbroken because of it, and Kakuzu had to admit, it depressed him as well, learning his sister would be too weak for much of anything outside of maybe playing on the playground, if that.

He started speaking more at six months, as well as crawling in front of others, and started doing partial sit ups and other easier exercises at seven months. At this time, he also started teething and eating more solid foods. At eight months he finally finished getting the muscle control in his hands required to hold things, in particular long cylindrical wood, meaning he could use a pen! But first he had to "learn" to read.

Kakuzu did have to admit, he was glad he wasn't born in Konoha when the third was in power, because that would have meant Root would be an issue. Now, however, he could just walk up to his "mother" at 2/3s of a year old and ask her to teach him to read. To be fair, she had already read to him multiple times, at least once a day, usually more. Though that was just for something to do and developing his brain.

At one year, he started demonstrating just how much of a genius he was when his mother walked in on him reading a dictionary. He just smiled cheekily looking up at her, and said, "Genki, Kaa-san! Heehee!"

Naturally this was an act, but the first thing that came to his mind to get less questions asked was acting cute. It actually worked, as she just picked him up to yell about how cute he was. He asked her to teach him to write, and she naturally bragged about it to everyone she knew.

He finished learning Kanji by two, started doing more serious movements to work out, and was allowed to wander around the village after demonstrating he could walk at increments to his mom. Lastly, he had a bit of an odd conversation with his mother.

When he asked where his father was, she went into a long tirade about him dying on a clan mission to another clan to ask for an alliance, and he was killed. She talked for over an hour without stopping.

The village was how one might expect it. Rudimentary earth jutsu huts and some poorly made wood houses made up the living areas, and there was only one good looking place, right in the middle of the village.

The clan leader's house, where all of the business and meetings took place, was made of mostly brick and wood, and was two stories, 25 feet tall. Kakuzu knew he would be the clan leader, and seeing that his house was that nice made him happy.

Birthdays weren't really celebrated, he only knew his because of the calendar. He had been paying close attention to it to know when would be the right time to ask about ninjas, planning to do so at three.

However, he underestimated the brainwashing powers of the clan, as he soon heard about it from his mother.

"Kakuzu, has anybody told you about what this clan means and represents?" She asked sweetly, craning her neck down at him.

Kakuzu did, in fact, know what he would be doing in the future, both as a ninja and clan leader, but he needed to act clueless for obvious reasons. So, he said, "Nope, what does I gots to do?"

She smirked a bit at his baby pronunciation, reminding her he was a child, but that didn't deter her in the slightest from wanting him brainw-to learn about the clan. "Okay, you'll learn more at the clan school when you turn six, but since you're my boy, I'll tell you."

She pulled up a chair for herself and sat him on his newly updated bed, made with feathers. "I suppose I'll start with how clans work. All over the world, spread out, are people from families, all gathered together all in one group, known as clans. Ones I'm sure you've heard in casual conversations are the Senju, Kagemana, and Raitochi Clans. Each of these clans are in big places called Lands.

Our Kawakami Clan lives in the Land of Waterfalls, where there are massive jungles and rivers all over the place. The biggest lands are the Land of Fire, and the main clans there are feared in all the Lands: The Uchiha, Senju, and Kurama. Our clan is not as strong or well-known as those big ones as most of our people aren't ninja.

Next is the Land of Wind, where the Kazemana and Dotonare clans live. We are about the size of the latter, though they are stronger because of their abilities to control puppets, though nobody knows how they do it.

Third comes the Land of Earth. The Iwatani clan is massive there, and even bigger than the Senju and Uchiha, though they have a lot of civilians, like us, so they aren't as strong as the Land of Fire clans. They're the ones we have to watch out for the most, as even though they don't come into our territory too often, we had to change locations last time they attacked and lost 48 people.

Last, but certainly not least, is the Raitochi clan, located in the Land of Lightning. They have better ninjutsu than any clan apart from the Senju. There are tons of other clans and lands, but those are the ones listed on our clan's flee on sight list. Any questions?"

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes, thinking about the information, then stuck his tongue out cutely and said, "Nope, got it all!" To this, Gozaiwa clapped and grinned.

"That's my genius! Now, I'll tell you more about our clan and land. This, like I said, is the Kawakami Clan. We have around 300 people here, and around half of them are ninjas. We are just to the right of the center of the Land of Waterfalls. Most of our ninja specialize in using kenjutsu, those long, pointy, metal things, called swords, like those from the Land of Iron to our East. The rest use taijutsu, though few use ninjutsu or genjutsu.

Well, I'll teach you about those later. You're too young for them now. We have a large school, I'm sure you've seen it, where all of the kids go to learn, then some go on to become our ninja force. You'll be joining when you turn three.

Records of all our techniques and our treasury are kept underneath the house two to the left if you're facing here. I tell you this because you are going to be the next clan leader. I am holding that position now, even though I am not a ninja, because I am one of the best in the clan at paperwork. I can't wait to see you stumped at math, hehe.

Ahem, anyway, the most important thing to know about nearby is the Takira Clan. They are our greatest allies, and we are both on great terms, which is very rare for ninja clans. The other main clan interacting with us in the Land of Waterfalls is the Noibaro Clan. They attack us at least once every five or six years. Nuisances, those pricks are. I mean, those guys are. Ignore that please. Anyways, we aren't the biggest or strongest, but we have some useful techniques in our arsenal and have survived for quite a few decades now. We also have special eyes that sometimes awaken in other people, but only once every three or four generations. Uncle Hitaiwa has them, though you probably don't remember him. Last time you saw him you were only a couple weeks or something old. We don't know much about them, but apparently they help you see lines in the air to show where to attack or something. Hitaiwa will tell you if you need to know. That's all for today. I told you a lot of information."

She left soon after that to attend to clan duties. Every day, she would teach more and more to Kakuzu. By three and a half, he learned about all he needed to know up through 8th grade math and language, which, while nice as a refresher, felt like a massive waste of time. All of his tutors and Gozaiwa were stunned at his brilliance, as he knew about as much as any farmer or typical just-graduated ninja would.

Meanwhile, he was training his body like a knock off Rock Lee from when he turned two and a half, and though his baby fat successfully hid most of his muscle, it was understandable why even without Jiongu, he was an elite jonin ninja in Takigakure. He could probably dent a tree with a punch if he could use chakra, though he didn't do that as he didn't want anyone to know he was training at all, not to mention the fact that he didn't have his chakra unlocked. This clan was one of the few that went soft on their kids and didn't force them to start training until they were six.

It was one day when he was three years and seven months old that it happened. A force of 600 ninja attacked. It was total pandemonium. Kakuzu was playing with some kids he met on a playground (after all, he did have a life outside of training) and his mother was watching, when the first ninja appeared. He slammed his sharp blade into the first boy before anyone even saw him. Moto died without even knowing how it happened. The seven year old murderer walked out of the shadows holding a shortsword, and went for Shiki, who died, cowering in fear. Next was Haru. And that left only Kakuzu and Gozaiwa, his mother. The young ninja stepped forward as both mother and child shook, the smell of smoke and blood erupting from all over the burning village.

Kakuzu shook off his fear with the boy's advance. 'Hey, this is what I've trained for isn't it? All I have is some rudimentary Judo from my last life, and it was eight years before I died that I stopped at yellow belt, but I can beat some kid!'

Unfortunately, Kakuzu drastically underestimated the power of chakra as the hilt of the blade slammed into his cheek and knocked him flying back, nearly passing out. The brat was looking at the clan head with a disgusting grin on his face as his sword quickly moved three times, cutting her clothes off. Kakuzu's eyes widened as Gozaiwa stumbled back in fear. The young ninja stepped forward until he was towering over her, his grin from ear to ear.

"Father told me I could do whatever I want on this mission, so I plan to. Sorry about this. Who am I kidding, no I'm not! Hahaha!" Something sparked in Kakuzu as the boy dropped his pants and sword and leaned down toward his young mother, and his consciousness came back in a fury. Just before the boy could start his evil act, his mother still screaming, a rock whizzed right into his-no, its temple, and both of the things landed on the ground Kakuzu's mother ran away from it as Kakuzu picked up the boy- rather, the thing's sword and said, "Rookie mistake. Now you'll die."

As Kakuzu stabbed into the boy, the sword flew out of his hands as a log replaced the sword and ninja. Kawarimi was one of the techniques known to pretty much all of the clans. The boy's grin turned upside down as blood trickled from his temple. Eight swipes of the sword happened over three seconds as gashes appeared all over Kakuzu's skin, and he fell to his knees. The ninja made six hand signs and mud slowly crawled up to Kakuzu's waist, then the boy started huffing, before standing back up and glaring at his victim's supposed brother, then cackled. "I hope you enjoy watching this, you toddler shit!" The ninja grabbed his mother and started cutting her up while raping her. Kakuzu couldn't move, no matter how hard he tried, and after five minutes, the vile thing cut off her head, giggling madly.

"How about that? That's what you get, you stupid runt, Hahahahaha!"

Kakuzu wasn't just watching throughout this period, though. No, while the creature was assaulting his mother, he was trying to circulate his chakra. He naturally had already sensed it, but hadn't unlocked it, assuming it was too dangerous. But, if he didn't do something soon, he would be dead. Not to mention, he wanted to save his mother at least from dying, if not from the assault, but was too late as the blood from her throat spurted onto the ground.

Seeing it, something inside Kakuzu broke. He had known her for over three years, and had indeed come to love her as a son does his mother, even though he didn't want to dishonor his first parents. He had only made two chakra circulations at first, but that number increased to five after ten more seconds, and soon his chakra was fully unlocked. It came out of his body in a burst, and Kakuzu channeled it to his legs to shatter the D rank Earth Release: Mud Tomb from the kid. Kakuzu, while only three, had an insane amount of chakra, as his last life and all his studying and meditation gave him immense mental energy, and his physical energy was also nothing to scoff at considering his near suicidal training.

The boy stumbled back a bit, then walked forward again, teasing Kakuzu, "Aww, is the wittle baby scawed? You even unlocked your chakra? But I don't think it'll do you any good against me, who's trained. Bahaha!"

"You talk too much." The unconscious channeling of chakra all over his body in rage increased his power to high levels as he leapt at the kid, fist cocked back, and a punch sent the kid to the ground. Kakuzu took the sword back, and used the flat of the blade to slam into the boy, who immediately suffered a massive concussion and died painfully, going into a seizure.

Kakuzu's anger didn't, however, destroy his common sense, so he ran back to the outskirts of the village with the sword in hand through the back alleys. He ran into only one attacking boy on the way, and he proceeded to brutally slice his brain in two, the boy frozen by Kakuzu's unconscious killing intent, which rose witnessing the gory mess of his clanmates. Then, entering through the back door on the outskirts of the village, he made his way into the treasury.

He hid in a trapdoor under the treasury itself, where he found nobody else. Only twelve seconds after closing the hatch, Kakuzu's adrenaline rush ended, and he felt the painful wounds he suffered to his chakra system by channeling chakra with little control, and promptly passed out, thinking only four words: 'That clan will burn.'