
A little bit of sugar is Okay

SYNOPSIS: Tang Qiaoqiao: Good Morning Sir! What would you like to order? Yang Kai: Black Coffee... Yang Kai: Add a little bit of sugar. Tang Qiaoqiao: Just a little bit of Sugar? Yang Kai: Yes, Just a little bit of Sugar is okay. ~~~ Join in a roller coaster ride full of warm and sweet feelings~~

Xiao_Chengzi · Ciudad
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Ring!! Ring!! Ring!!

On top of a pink and soft pillow, a phone rings with a cheerful ringtone, Tang Qiaoqiao take a look at the caller's ID and it shows; Manager Shi. Tang Qiaoqiao immediately answered the call.

[Hello? Xiao Qiao?] Manager Shi's soft voice rang from the phone.

(Hello Manager Shi? What can I do for you?) Tang Qiaoqiao asked Manager Shi on the phone and fixed her sitting position.

[Well...Xiao Qiao, Can you take over someone's shift today? I'll double your bonus for this month. Can you do it?] Manager Shi asked Tang Qiaoqiao with the same soft voice from earlier.

(Yes, I can Manager Shi, can I ask when will the shift start today?) Tang Qiaoqiao asked and got down from the double deck bed.

[The shift will start today at exactly 8:30 in the morning and ends at 10:30 in the morning.] Manager Shi said as she look at the schedule on her hands.

(Thank You Manager Shi, I'll be there) Tang Qiaoqiao replied and wait for Manager Shi to hang up the phone call.

After Manager Shi hanged up the phone, a girl sitting in front of a desk playing games on her yellow laptop and wearing white headphones turned her head

and look at Tang Qiaoqiao and asked "Where are you going Qiaoqiao" and removed her headphones and put it on her neck and glanced at the pink clock on the white wall.

Her name is Li Huan, with a curly hair that reaches her shoulder, a cute faced girl that always have a two yellow duck hair clips attached on her cute and curly brown hair with eyes dark as the night sky, she also loves to play computer games and was a student in Education together with Tang Qiaoqiao and their other two friends.

"I'll be taking someone's shift today." Tang Qiaoqiao said to Li Huan and smile as she goes to her white dresser beside her wooden desk and took the clothes that she'll wear today.

"You mean at the Coffee Shop?" Li Huan ask as her eyes brighten at Tang Qiaoqiao's nod of approval.

"Yes" Tang Qiaoqiao replied as she nod her head two times and hug the clothes to her chest.

"Then...can you please buy me Boba? I'll pay you later, Pleaseee?" Li Huan said as her eyes brighten even more. Tang Qiaoqiao laughs at the way her friend look at her like she was her savior.

"Okay, What flavor do you want?" Tang Qiaoqiao ask and laugh while taking two towels.

"The classic one! Thank You!!!" Li Huan said and jump to hug Tang Qiaoqiao tightly like a bear.

Tang Qiaoqiao just laugh at her actions and said "No Problem" whiile making an 'Okay' sign on her hands and go towards the shower.

Tang Qiaoqiao hanged her towels on the towel rack and turn the shower into a warm state. After taking a shower, she wipes her face with her pastel purple face towel and wipe her body with her bath towel and wear a cream colored sweater that says "You can do it!" in bold red font.

Tang Qiaoqiao brushed her long dark and silky hair that reaches her waist and put it in a ponytail. Tang Qiaoqiao held the door knob and twisted it and opened the door, she looked around their dorm and find that Bai Mengxia was not around. She turned and looked at Li Huan and asked in a confused voice "Where is Mengxia?"

"Oh! Mengxia? Mengxia is together with her boyfriend, I think today is their "Dating Time"."

Li Huan said as she cover her mouth with a bashful smile and laughed together with Tang Qiaoqiao.

Bai Mengxia is their other friend, she is a girl with straight black hair that reaches above her shoulders and also a girl with a strong and funny personality. Her Boyfriend Lu Zao a student at the Engineering Department and also a member of the school's basketball team, the two of them have been together for 3 years and was a happy couple.

Publishing the first chapter of this book! Hope you like it!

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