

What greet us within is a park. It's more like a cleaned forest whereas the bushes and vines are removed. Bench made of wood are place under the shades of trees. There are shining particles in the pathway. I can see also different buildings that are scattered around, and people who recently pass the gate like ourselves gathered here. Some of them are starting to socialize with one another.

We are also currently sitting on a bench, Louie pick a location where it's not crowded with people, as for the reason, I don't know. Louie is not even talking at all, his left hand is place on the arm rest of the bench while his head are hanging backward. He looks like his exhausted.

Mikael is also observing the surroundings. I look at him and when he met my gaze, I pointed Louie with my eyes then speak in my mind 'what is he thinking?'

Mikael shook his head then shrugged his shoulders, that means 'I don't know, I don't have any idea'

For the record, Mikael also thought me the basics of reading people, he said that I'm hard to teach and it's easy for him to teach me on how to read other people rather the other way around.

After a couple of minutes. Louie who is now more like slouching in the bench suddenly yawn and stretches his limbs. He then got up

"Okay, I think this is the time to say goodbye" he said "You guys just wait here and when the gatekeeper finishes his work, he will gather you all then guide you in the hall"

I nodded but Mikael asked a question "why are you doing this for us?"

Louie look in his eyes then smiled "because it is a win-win situation and I just want you guys to experience something new in your life and since you guys are qualified, why would I not grant that into you" he saud

Mikael closed his eyes then sighed "okay you win…... why I can't read your deeper thoughts?"

"Haha, you guys have great Blessings but right now it is still weak, the training here will help you strengthen it, and who knows, maybe when we got to see each other again, maybe your skills will have effect on me then"

Louie then pick two pouches in his bag then toss it to me and Mikael

"Take this, it is really handy to have money here. Okay then, it is goodbye for now kids"

"Yeah, take care" Mikael said

"Come visit us if you have time" I said

Louie chuckled then wave his hand then started to leave,

When we can't see him anymore Mikael sigh

"Do you really don't learn a thing from what I teach you?"

"Ha-ha, I just want him to visit us, what is wrong with that, besides, he gave us money" I said, as I play the pouch in my hand

"I don't know if you are smart or an idiot" Mikael said

"Hahaha, I also don't know, by the way, what we should do now?"

"I'm also tired, so I guessed we should just wait for the gatekeeper"


A couple of hours has passed, Mikael and I are currently using the bench as a bed.

More people entered the gate and they are socializing, but for whatever reasons there is, no one tried to approach us, and the only reasons that came to my mind is because Mikael is snoozing so loud.

Another couple of minutes has passed and the bulky gatekeeper comes in.

With his deep low voice he said loudly

"Kids, all of you, follow me"

With that kind of tone, all the eyes has fallen to him. They stop what they doing and obediently follow behind him. Even the sleepy Mikael shot up when he heard the voice and like a duckling, we started to follow him.

After a ten or more minutes of walking we arrived on a hall.

The hall is Huge, it can cover thousands of people. For the record, my estimated sum on all of us that gathers here is approximately four to five thousand.

Each pillars that support the hall has their own unique carvings. They look like they are sculpted by a great sculptor. There is also fancy looking chair and a long table that is place on the stage and there is a well decorated podium in the center.

The gatekeeper then started to walk on the stage then go to the podium and started to talk.

His deep voice rang loudly

"Today is the first day so we will just chill for the day, but we will use this time to educate yourself about the rules here in Mollacks, so listen carefully"

"First, the emblem is your life, so be sure to take it with you every time"

"Second, no killing of students, the school will be the one who will enforce the punishment"

"Third, you are just a student here like everybody, we don't care If you are a noble in the place where you from"

"Fourth, only the weapons that we give you in this school can be used, weapons given to you by your parents or whomever can't be used while on a mission. We will judge you base on your ability and not with your powerful weapons."

"Fifth, grades will be based on individual performances, we will grade you in your participation and not whether you finish or not the test"

"Sixth, the headmaster will act as the judge, as I said before, wrongdoings will be punish accordingly

"Seventh, the school is not afraid of anyone, we are not afraid of your nation, kingdoms, empire or wherever you are from, so act accordingly in this school"

"Eight, absorbed all the teachings and go home, we will teach you things that you need to know so you all just need to do is absorb it"

"And lastly, live a life worth living for, the ultimate goal of the school"

No one makes a sound while he is speaking, it's like we are being captivated by his voice and it also feels like, he will eat you the moment you distract him.

The gatekeeper stop talking for a moment and then rummage the papers on the top of podium.

He look like a kid who is rummaging his toys on a box.

"And here I am thinking that the man is giving his speech without reading anything" Mikael whispered softly to me

"Yeah, because we are focused too much on his voice, that's why" I whispered to him

When the gatekeeper finish finding the paper he wants, his face become serious again, and the atmosphere become heavy

"This will be the daily routine here, early morning a bell will rang around the campus. That will serve as your alarm clock every morning. After an hour, it will rang again and you need to be here by that time"

The gatekeeper has a frown in his face while reading the paper, and his voice also got scarier

"Your lodgings will be on the hmmmm..., you will get your weapon of your choice in ...….F*ck"

He crumpled all the papers then throw it on the table

"You just abide the rules and you will have a nice time here in Mollacks.., I think you students are suffering fatigue from the teleportation, so let us go first in your lodgings and get some rest, okay?"

The gatekeeper don't wait for our response and just walk away.

We of course follow the gatekeeper and after a couple of minutes of walking we arrive on a small village.

"Okay, here we are" he said in his deep voice "students of Mollacks always stay here, like the students before you that entered this school. You will know where your lodge is, because you will find your name engrave on that door, so go find your own, tomorrow we will distribute your weapons so don't be late"

He then began to crack his knuckles while leaving.

His back is pack with muscles, he is even cracking his neck while walking imposingly

Many of the students began to find their own lodgings, and that also what we do.

The roads are used to separates the row of houses. And it looks like girls are separated from the boys.

Some of the house has second floor, some of it is big while some is small.

And the latter is what we've got.

Its small compared to other house but this one is a little bigger than my old house.

Our name is engraved on the door as Gabriel of Frontier and Mikael of Frontier, and there is a circular hole beside of it.

Out of curiosity I pick my emblem in my bag then place it on the circle, surprisingly it fits.

The circle on the emblem moves and my name changes into Gabriel.

I then removed my emblem on the door then smile mockingly on Mikael.

"Basics" Mikael also put his emblem on the circle and what happen to my name happens to him also,

When Mikael removed his emblem the circular holes started to disappear like it is never been there.

He turned the knob, and then we see the interior of the lodge. What surprise us is a really dusty place.

It's quite spacy, two beds are around the corner, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room, but nevertheless it requires a thorough cleaning.

"Why they don't clean it if they know that students will be using it?" Mikael grumpily said

"I also don't know, but all I know now is that we need to clean our new house" I said as I give him the used clothes that I found in the back of the door.

Armed with a broom I started to sweep every dust on the corner of the house.

After an hour of cleaning, the inside of the house is now sparkling.

The chairs, the tables, our bed and the wooden floor is devoid of dust.

I can say that when it comes in cleaning I'm good, but it is not me who make this place to sparkle.

It is Mikael, he is like a beast when it comes in cleaning. He wipes the furniture until no dirt can be seen, removed the cobwebs like it is his worst enemy and sweep the floor until a reflection can be seen to it.

Admiringly, the teachers forgot to clean this house but they don't forget to give us clothing and food for the night. The jar in the kitchen has a clean water. Bread and fruits are well placed in a basket.

The clothing are well kept in a bag. One of the bag consist of two brown sweatshirts, two black combat pants, one sturdy boots and one black cape and the other bag consist of a daily regular clothing.

We are currently eating the bread on the table

"So what will be our plan tomorrow?" Mikael said as he munched on the bread

"I don't know" I reply as I get more bread in the basket "wow, this bread is delicious"

"My plan will be not going to use that cape." Mikael firmly said "It's freaking summer, why the hell they include a cape on the uniform?"

"Yeah, me too, I will not use it.., even though we can use it as a scarf…, who the hell used a scarf on summer by the way" I said

Mikael got up then go to his bed

"…Yeah, maybe we are not the only one thinking this now. We should go to bed, it's better to be early tomorrow, so that we can detailed all the necessary thing to know"

"Yes sir" I said earnestly

Mikael has a talent on organizing things, back in Frontier he has a detailed schedule on what to do and how to do it. That's why it's better to follow him than to argue with him in this kind of things.

The bed is comfortable and it is nice to think some things while lying on it.

I guess this is it. The start of my new life. I don't know if going to this place is good or bad but since I am here, I will do it accordingly.