
A life with the Author

{Hey, you better get up and do some introduction to the readers who want to try the story.} the author said. I woke up groggily and looked at the time, "Dude, it's four in the morning." I said and went back to sleep. {I don't care. I need a sypnosis now.} the author demanded. "Bro, please, five more hours." I said {Wake up right now or else.} 'Or else what?' I challenged. {If you don't wake up I will reincarnate you in Boku no Pico, I swear.} Oh please, like that's a bad world to reincarnate to. I will just leave Japan and everything would be fine. {Then how about Attack on Titan?} That's great!! It means I would be able to change the story and prevent the sad ending. I could make Mikasa fall for me and maybe even invent some stuff with my future knowledge. It would be amazing. {This is final. I will reincarnate you in Kuroinu...} Oh!! The hentai where men can use any female for sexual pleasure? Reincarnate me there right now!! It is a little fucked up but I certainly wouldn't mind- {...as the elf queen Celestine.} .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Well hello, My name is Yuito Fujita and I am a reincarnated person who reincarnate into a new world similar to my old world but with some fictional stories mixed into it. I though I was going to live a fullfilling and peaceful life until when I was 15 years old, the author spoke to me. From then on my life became full of ups and downs with different challenges every corner. Watch me as I make a harem and fight my way to become the UFC champion of this world. But as any story, mine will be full of challenges as I found out just what fictional stories are mixed into my world My story will be full of romance, action, drama and friendship with the author. Read my life with the author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________ This is a mash up between different worlds Worlds known so far : 1. Komi-san can't communicate 2. My dress up darling. 3. Seiso Kanojo, Ochiru || The Pure Girlfriend's Fall (NTR Doujin) 4. The real world (Yes, the one you are living in. Not any anime.) 5. Wolf Children (Movie) 6. Viral Hit/How to fight (Manhwa) 7. ??? -------------------- Warning : There is NTR element. It is not exactly NTR(no kissing nor sex) but many readers felt it was. So I am here to warn you. And there's incest too. Hopefully I don't waste your time. ..... If you like my story, join my p@treon : p@treon.com/emmanuel_capricorn. (change @ = a). [Link : https://patreon.com/Emmanue_Capricorn] Get 15 early chapters and premium pics of characters while also supporting me

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
295 Chs

Purple meets Red

[Yuito's POV]

"Just give me girl, I don't want to beat up a beaten-up dude," Goo said while picking his nose in a carefree manner.

"Three things are never gonna happen." I said while getting my body to work like a broken old machine. "Parallel lines meeting each other, counting the biggest number and whatever you just said."

"Hahahaha Good one and you're right." He said with a laugh, "You will die."

I scoffed, "You ain't got what it takes."




"Try me." He said and his serious eyes met mine into a clash of gaze



"Was that a Rango reference-" My head got chopped off.

I died.


I jerked my head back violently and cold sweat washed my bloody body as I staggered back.

'My head..' I thought to myself and grabbed my head only to find it intact. But I noticed that Goo now had his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"You reacted, not bad." Goo hummed to himself, "Now let's see if you can react to the real thing."

*Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup*

 The flow of time crawled to a stop as my heart thumped loudly in my chest. It was beating so quickly and so wildly that it sounded like an engine to others.

It was the second time I had a near-death experience.


[Bullet Time : Master- Grandmaster]


*Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup* *Thup-dup*

My reality turned into a world of slow motion as I saw the sharp glint of his sword which was slowly unsheating.

His serious eyes which were a vast contrast to his joking demeanour was a chilling sight that my mind took a solid second to make sense of.

My body ignored all its injuries at the moment as I performed in a state beyond my normal capabilities. After all, what was the use of restricting my movement to heal my injuries when I was about to die at the moment?

The stance that he used was also something I was familiar with but it was deadlier than I ever remembered. I quickly deduced that Goo probably trained under the same swordmaster I did when I was young.

At this point, the sword was already half sheated but a sudden intrusion froze the whole tension. Time returned to normal and I also saw Goo ease up as a melodies voice rang out.


I turned around to look and then purple meets red.

Her eyes shook when they saw me. I could tell horror, worry, rage and other myriad of emotions at the depth of her eyes which held back tears.


What is she doing here?

"What are you doing here pretty lady? Know that just because you are hot doesn't mean I will go easy on you." Goo said with a raised eyebrow.

Then a hand grabbed him on his shoulder as Nomen appeared behind him. His hand clenched at Goo's shoulder, "Mind your tongue you dog-eating monkey. Or else I will treat you like my grandpa treat your grandpa."

"huh?" Goo was confused as Nomen spoke in Japanese. But he could feel that he was just threatened and insulted.

Then two people walked out from the back again. They were Daruma and Hyotokko, the executiveu of the second affiliate.

"What's this? Are you all seriously trying to stop me?" Goo asked and an amused smile spread on his lips. "Two fodders, one injured fighter and one amateur."

"And you." Goo said and pointed to Tsukimi, " What are you going to do? Distract me with your melons? Too bad I am an ass guy."

He laughs, "I will not ask again, leave before things get ugly and hand over Vivi."

Then a dark aura emanated from him as he leaked out his killing intent. For all intents and purposes, he was more than willing to not only fight but to kill.

But that all stopped as footsteps were heard from the other end of the hallway. Then slowly, the owner of the footsteps was revealed and it was Shiba Inu.

Or better known as Sinu Han, the boy of promise and the God of Combat.

He was the person that Jake Kim had been searching for all this time and he had been constantly fighting under the second affiliate. He was a monster amongst monsters who was a master of invisible attacks. The watered down version of Yuito's null attacks.

Goo pursed his lips as he looked at Shiba Inu. And then he revealed a smile that showed his pearly white teeth.

"Hah!! I was just kidding! This is too bothersome now." He said and turned around "I am leaving."

Then he walked away.




"Or not!!" He yelled and suddenly turned around and swung his sheated sword towards Nomen. he ducked under the swing and Daruma was quick to come for the rescue.

Daruma was someone who hated Gun to the bone and knowing that Goo and Gun were close friends, he wanted nothing more than to kill him. So he attacked with the intention of taking a life.

"Magami secret technique!!" Daruma called out and drove his hand forward.

...Which was swiftly cut off by Goo with a casual swing of his sheated sword. There was a moment of shocked silence as Darmua's hand slide clean off his wrist.

"AHHHH!!!!" Darmu screamed in shock and agony but before he made too much noise, Goo slashed at his neck and made him collapse. Whether he was unconscious or dead was unknown.

I watched all of it carefully from my place, analysing my opponent as much as I could. He was extremely fast and precise with his attack to the point that he could use the blunt edge of the sheath like a normal blade.

Hyotokko was the second one to rush at Goo but he did not fare any better. He swung his fist and tried to grab Goo but the enemy simply bent his body and slashed at the back of his knees and cut his tendons.

Hyotokko fell to his knees and with a smile on his face, Goo slamed his weapon at his head. It broke the mask and knocked out Hyotokkop instantly.

He had proven his words, the two of them were nothing but fodders to him.

"Huu..." Goo sighed, "So, who's next."

Nomen seemed pissed off while Shiba Inu was stoic and emotionless. They both stepped forward and got ready to battle with Goo, a weapon master who was said to be equal to Gun.

But before anything happened, Tsukimi spoke up again.

"How much?"


Her words confused most but I knew where she was going with it. Goo in the series was known to be someone who was obsessed with money and would ask money for his help or for beating up people ever since he was young.

Goo revealed a smirk at her before he shook his head. Then he brought out one of his finger.

"1 billion won."



"I said I agree. Leave now and I will send 1 billion to your account." She said and immediately took out her phone. It seems she was about to send the money right that instant.


"It's done." She said and put away her phone. Goo immediately got a notification on his phone and his eyes widened when he saw the number of money he just received.

"Fuck, I should've asked for two." He said scratching his leg. "Crazy bith, were you also serious when you said you were willing to pay 10 billion to kill Gun? Danmit."

He took off his glasses and he put his hand through his hair. He seemed thoroughly split on what to do.

"Chrales is going to be fucking pissed off but..." He trailed off and smiled. "A billion is a billion."

"Welp, I will be leaving now. So Long everyone, I really hope we all meet again. Especially you, Yuito Fujita." He said and locked eyes with me "I really want to see if what Gun and the old man said was true. I hope you have good recovery by the time we meet again. "

He then walked away from us and got into the elevator at the end of the hallway.

Huh, that was easy.

It's funny how the only non-fighter in the room was able to drive him away. I guess it is not only brawns but brain works as well.

Tsukimi turned back to me and I locked eyes with her again. Her eyes were big and generous. They were shaking and jiggling as she slowly inched towards me.

{I don't think those are eyes bro.}

She opened up her arms and I was too tired to care. So I fell forward and smushed my face between the eyes which wouldn't stop staring at me.

Soft, and warm.

Her arms wrapped around me and I heard a sniffle. She cried.

"Why do I always have to meet you like this?" She said, her voice was heartbroken and I wanted to console her.

But I was too tired.

I passed out.




[IMAGE of Tsukimi. Beautiful enough to forgive]


Author : I know you guys missed the *Thup-Dup* word count. It really brings me back.

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