

A boy was born upon this world.

A world filled with many things.

Life and Death. Poor and Rich.

Truths and Lies. Facts and Fiction.

His mother gave birth to him.

But as to why he was brought upon this world,

he would not know until much later in his life.

As such, his life began.

The boy grew in age.

Experienced many things.

In such a short span of time.

For his mother was remarried.

To someone who claimed to be of the same faith.

To someone who promised to be a better spouse.

Such are the words of the man.

But as the years goes by,

the truth slowly came to light.

The man was deep in two vices of mankind:

Greed, and Lust.

And in the end,

his nature was revealed to all.

He was banished,

forever forbidden from their lives,

ever again.

But the price had already been paid.

The loss of the mother was not small.

And the damage to the relationship was damning.

Since then,

she would not have any other man to be the leader

of her small family.

During the course of everything,

the boy had made a lot of friends,

but he also suffered,

from those closest to him.

At first,

it was but a small speck.

A seed of hatred,

resentment of his life,

his "family",

and of what had transpired.

He had bore it all.

Verbal abuse.

Physical disciplinary.

Threats that are illogical,

and simply inhumane.

Yet, he gritted.

He continued to strive forward.

Onwards to that blinding light.

The light that is the future.

Hoping for a better life.

And to be rid of such hardships.

And thus,

his struggles continued.

As he entered school.

As he struggled to be like others.

As he tried to gain acknowledgement,

from the single parent that raised him.


only but a few words were spared for him.

A few encouraging words,

among the countless curses,

that were hurled at him,

during his struggles and even,

the aftermath of his struggles.

Whether it was worth the pain,

the suffering,

and the many injustice that he faced,

remained to be seen.

But on the horizon,

the answer would be clear.

Time doesn't wait for anyone,

even for him.

And the hour approaches,

until finally,

it came.