
Chapter 77: Gathering the tatters

Elisabeth gathered the tatters of her resources. Mary Eleni rested huge, liquid eyes on her. She looked neither happy nor unhappy to be there. 'Miss Stavros, would you state your name and occupation.'

Mary Eleni turned away from Elisabeth to state to the room in general, 'Mary Eleni Stavros. I am a chef at the Hyatt on Collins in Melbourne.'

'Miss Stavros, what was your relationship to the deceased?'

'He was my father.'

'You live in Melbourne?'


'That is where you were born?'


'And you stayed in Melbourne when the rest of your family moved to Canberra?'


'How long ago was that?'

'Nearly ten years.'

'How old were you?'


Elisabeth wet her lips. 'Miss Stavros, was your family a happy one? Was your childhood a secure one?'

Disdain made its mark. 'Secure? Financially, yes, I suppose it was. Happy? No. How can a child be happy if there is no love?'

'Would you tell us what your parent's relationship was?'