
Chapter 55: An after-thought

She was an intelligent girl but she looked as though this was the first time this had occurred to her. Her gaze, assessing, on Russell, she said, 'No.'

'Do you think Russell is acting normally now, from what you know of him?'

She continued to look at him. 'I don't know.'

'Why don't you know?'

'It could have all been an act. I only knew him for a couple of days. How do I know what he's really like? He could still be acting.' Added an afterthought as Elisabeth opened her mouth to shut her up, 'He went berserk in the motel room.'

Elisabeth remonstrated. 'Might that have been because he thought himself under attack?'

Lisa was slow to answer, her difficulty with the question obvious. 'I suppose.'

Needing to recover that lost ground Elisabeth said, 'Are you sure events were exactly as you described them?' Again the answer was slow. The question had been hardly more than routine but the hesitation made her wonder. 'Miss Moody?'