
Chapter 36: Talking with Naruto

After bathing and resting for a little over an hour, Naruto eventually came out of the bath. Thankfully clothes could be washed quickly, so although they were slightly damp, they were ready for him.

During that hour, I had dragged Kurenai into the bath and cleaned her off, before massaging her and slowly healing her back to form with medical chakra.

Sighing, Anko looked at me, pursing her lips.

"You know, seeing my women be able to walk after having some fun... kinda disheartening..."

Snorting, I gave her a dry gaze. "If I didn't heal myself and Kurenai, you wouldn't be able to have that much 'fun'."

Scratching her cheek, she gave a small smile before helping me drag the sheets off the bed.

Finishing that, I set Naruto's clothes next to his door and waited for him to finish.

Sitting around, Anko and Kurenai took a quick nap, worn out from the day spent indulging in one another. Meanwhile, I started thinking of exactly what I could create as a regimen for Naruto.

Considering his already insane physical power, I doubt he will be able to quickly learn to control his chakra. There is a balance to be had between power and control, and when someone leans too much into one side, they almost lose the other.

Kurenai was a good example; she was incredible in Genjutsu, her precision with chakra commendable, however when faced with a direct Taijutsu fight, she will almost always lose. She used to focus entirely on her Genjutsu, however after I had talked to her about it, she started slowly training her body, slightly evening that skewed balance.

Sighing, I decided to just keep the training as is; some physical training, but the main focus would be his control and sealing.

Hearing a knock at the door, I shook Anko and Kurenai awake before opening the door. The smell had aired out by now, and both my girls were presentable.

Seeing Naruto's normally cheerful face become shy, I gave him a smile.

"Was the bath good?"

He nodded, before muttering "I didn't make you wait, did I?"

Shaking my head, I ruffled his hair. Looking back, I saw both Anko and Kurenai stretching.

"Alright, lets go get some ramen!"

Naruto went back to normal at that, smiling as he bounced around.

Following him out of the compound, we made our way towards Ichiraku. People still whispered and glared at Naruto, and some even glared at us, but when Anko gave them a chilling smile they turned away, frightened.

I scoffed, completely flabbergasted by how they treated Naruto, and by extension, us.

We were Shinobi. What does that mean, exactly?

It means that we could slaughter everyone here, easily. A normal Genin is already stronger than most grown men, so what about Chunin, or Special Jonin?

It'd be a damn massacre.

So why would you try and antagonize professional killers? Killers who have body counts in the hundreds, and who can spit large fireballs, or use the wind to shred you into pieces?

I scoffed again, continuing towards Ichiraku. This walk confirmed what I always thought; Not only was someone manipulating the common people, but it wasn't good to have Civilians on the Council. They just didn't think or understand what we were. Shinobi should be governed by Shinobi; Civilians governed by Civilians.

Entering Ichiraku, I sat down, Naruto on my right and Anko on my left. Kurenai sat on Anko's other side, and before we could even sit down, four bowls of ramen were placed in front of us.

I looked up at Boss Teuchi, and seeing him give me a small nod I just smiled, before digging into my bowl.

Slowly savoring the chicken broth as well as the soft noodles, I looked over at Naruto, no longer surprised to see he had already eaten four bowls.

Finishing my bowl, I looked over at Naruto, and asked "So, do you like the Academy?"

He finished slurping the broth, before turning to look at me. Seeing his normal smile, I was almost fooled. Looking into his eyes, I saw they were moist, and held pain.

"Yeah, sometimes it's boring but at the end of the day-"

Before he could finish I had pulled him into a hug, stroking the back of his head.

Stiffening, he sat there, rigid.

"It's ok, Naruto..."

Slowly repeating that as I held him, he leaned into me, his shoulders shaking slightly. Feeling the front of my shirt grow damp, I continued to hold him close, allowing him the time he needed.

Moments passed, and eventually he pulled away, wiping his eyes.

"You ok now?"

He nodded his head, blushing slightly.

"So got any girl you like? Maybe a boy, I won't judge~"

Hearing Anko's teasing voice, I shook my head, but seeing Naruto's blush deepen I raised a brow.

"Well... there is this one girl..."

Chuckling, Anko leaned forwards.

"What does she look like?"

"She has this beautiful pink hair, and eyes that look like jade..."

Blinking a few times, I wasn't prepared for a description like that from a kid. Typically it's 'pretty', 'cute', or 'cool', not 'beautiful'. They certainly don't compare green eyes to jade...

"Ah, you mean Sakura Haruno, yes? Top of your class?"

Hearing Kurenai's voice, Anko and I turned, looking at her. Turning back to Naruto, I saw his bush deeper as he scratched his cheek.

"Ye-Yeah, it's Sakura..."

"Doesn't she treat you poorly though?"

"No, not really..."

Hearing the weak response, Anko chuckled, before saying "Kurenai, some people are into that, you know? I mean, look at Kokoro~"

Without looking I sent a quick chop towards Anko, hitting the back of her head.

Looking at Naruto, I asked "Anybody else? Any friends, or people who treat you nicely?"

Scratching his cheek, he said "I guess... Shikimaru and Choji?"

"The Nara and Akimichi Clan heirs?"

Naruto shrugged, but said "Yeah, they talk to me sometimes. Choji even offered me chips once!"

Yeah, the Akimichi kid definitely likes Naruto. Trying to get them to share food is harder than trying to sneak up on the Hokage...

"What about Sasuke?"

Hearing Kurenai, Naruto growled "Nope, not him. I hate him! Everyone treats him like some special kid just cause of his name!"

Looking at me, Naruto asked "Why don't they treat me like they do him? The Uzumaki clan was stronger than the Uchiha clan!"

I chuckled at that, before saying "It's because of how long the Uzumaki's have been gone. There are only a few Uzumaki's left; after the place they called home, Uzushiogakure, the Village Hidden in the Whirling Tides, was destroyed. They fled here, to Konoha.

The Uchiha clan has been here the whole time; in fact, while they were still in power a few years back, they ran the Police Department in Konoha, and many joined either the Interrogation Unit or the ANBU. They were a talented bunch..."

Naruto scoffed at that, before asking "Will the training you are giving me make me better than him?"

"As long as you work hard, study hard, and don't give up... most likely, yes."

He smiled at that, before turning back to his bowl of ramen.

"Hey, what about Hinata?"

Hearing Kurenai's question, Naruto tilted his head, confused.

"What about her?"

Sighing, Kurenai shook her head, before turning back to her bowl.

Looking towards Boss Teuchi, I asked "You got some paper and a pen I can borrow?"

Nodding, he handed me a what I asked for, and while everyone was looking at me curiously I wrote down a schedule for Naruto.

Handing it to him, I said "Listen, this is for over the Summer, when you don't have your classes at the Academy. Follow this to the letter, understood?"

Reading over it, he blanched slightly, looking up.

"Do I really have to do this?"

"You want to be stronger than Sasuke and make Sakura fall for you?"

He nodded.

"Then follow the schedule."

"Hey, read it out kid."

Hearing Anko, Naruto started reading the list.

"From 10-12, study and practice sealing.

From 12 to 2, practice Leaf Concentration and Tree Walking.

From 3 to 4, practice basic Taijutsu.

From 4 to 5, complete 200 push ups, pull ups, sit ups, and a four mile run.

Before bed, practice Leaf Concentration for a few minutes."

Anko looked over at me, and said "You trying to kill the kid?"

I shrugged, saying "I did half of that when I was growing up."

Anko blinked a few times, before saying "You did all of that when you were his age?"

"Again, half, but yes, I did."

She continued to stare at me, before turning towards her ramen.

Smirking, I looked back at Naruto, and before I could say anything I heard Boss Teuchi say "If you show me proof that you were doing what she asked, either from creating seals in front of me or showing me the Leaf thing, I'll give you free ramen. Sound good?"

Naruto looked between the paper and Boss Teuchi, before grinning widely.

"I'm going to train hard and beat Sasuke, believe it!"


So, quickly, I just want to inform people that I have started some other books, that are going to be SIDE PROJECTS.

They are 'Alexandra the Iron Maiden', which is a cyberpunk novel, and 'The Ker: Danmachi Fanfiction', which is, you guessed it, a Danmachi Fanfiction.

So, if you like my writing, check them out and add them to your collections. They will likely be updated once or twice a week, so if you just want something to stockpile...

Anyways, I hope you continue to enjoy!


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