
Chapter 3: New Beginnings

With their wedding behind them, Cedric and Eveline settled into their new life together. The adjustments were many, but their love and determination saw them through. Cedric continued to modify their home to accommodate Eveline's needs, ensuring that she could move about with ease and independence.

One of Cedric's first projects was a specially designed chariot, enabling Eveline to join him on rides through the countryside. The chariot, crafted by the finest artisans, was both elegant and functional, allowing Eveline to experience the freedom of the open road once more.

Their days were filled with shared activities—reading in the grand library, overseeing the estate's affairs, and enjoying leisurely strolls through the gardens. Eveline's advocacy work also flourished, as she used her position to champion the rights and needs of those with disabilities. Her efforts led to significant changes in the kingdom, making Aeloria a more inclusive and compassionate society.

However, their peace was not to last. The kingdom of Aeloria faced growing threats from external forces. Rumors of a powerful sorcerer amassing an army in the eastern lands reached the court, and Cedric knew that he could not ignore the looming danger.

Despite his desire to remain by Eveline's side, Cedric's duty to his people called him to action. With a heavy heart, he prepared to lead his troops into battle. Eveline, understanding the weight of his responsibility, offered him her unwavering support.

"Go, Cedric," she said, her voice firm. "Protect our kingdom. I will be here, waiting for your return."

Cedric embraced her tightly, his heart aching at the thought of leaving her. "I will return to you, Eveline. I promise."

With a final kiss, Cedric departed, leading his men into the unknown. The battles that followed were fierce and brutal, testing Cedric's strength and resolve. But through every clash and every hardship, the thought of Eveline kept him going, a beacon of light in the darkest of times.