
A Kinetic Wielder's Fulfilling Adventure

The protagonist, Karlyle Montgomery, lives in a world where almost everyone has a kinetic ability. Karlyle is a pyrokinetic, having the ability to wield fire. His journey begins with a mandatory tourney he must take part in if he wishes to keep his powers by law but then it becomes much more; it becomes a journey to explore the world, develop his power, work on himself, and to overpower the imminent and growing evil that started to plague the realm. Though will he be able to?

omnivolent · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Enchark: Tour around the city II

Now that Mimi cooled down and got all her laughter out, the three continued to slowly walk down the street. They passed another statue on the street and Karlyle read the nameplate on it as they made their way. It read, 'Lissandra Waltz, Chief of Enchark Safety Corps.'

The statue's marble hair reached down to the belt on her waist which was armed with different equipment. On the right side of her hip, there was a tome attached to the belt which Karlyle suspected had something to do with her kinetic. Some wielders of kinetics preferred to use items such as staffs, swords, bows, etc to channel the kinetic and Lissandra Waltz was most likely one of them.

On the front of her waist, there was an officer badge that read 'Enchark Safety Corps' on the top and '1275' on the bottom alongside a notepad that had a pen attached to it with a thin rope.

However, on the left side of her waist, there was a pouch with a pair of handcuffs. Most likely made of Tytanima, a special metal that somehow prevents the use of kinetics when it makes contact with someone's skin.

Since nobody truly knows how kinetics operate, except for possibly the council, nobody knows how Tytanima manages to prevent their use. It got its name from the person who found it, Doctor Tyna. Naturally, Tytanima is found in clusters in rocks and geodes. When raw, it has a purple-ish black colour but when it's treated and its shape is altered, the colour changes to be more black.

The metal is known to be smooth, so wearing it in itself isn't uncomfortable, but those who wear it experience a sense of nothingness. Kinetics are a core part of a person's being so the inability to use them feels like suddenly missing a limb; which also played a part in the early opposition to the tourney. Some even mention feeling a phantom syndrome where they feel like they're using their kinetic but nothing actually happens.

Due to its ability to prevent kinetics, Tytanima is a strictly managed resource. A law that was passed in Anarchia made it illegal to mine, possess, or use Tytanima without first gaining the approval of the council member that presides over your city of residence, called the Tytanima Usage Act. This law is exponentially more strict with The City of Union, the one city that isn't directly controlled by a council member. The City of Union must not engage in Tytanima trade, possession, mining, containing, or collecting. All Tytanima clusters that were located under The City of Union, and within 5 kilometres of its grounds, had to be surrendered to the council. If The City of Union was found to be taking part in anything to do with Tytanima, they'd be immediately sanctioned by the council, physically and diplomatically.

"Come on Lyle," Mimi stated without stopping her skip. She turned around to see Karlyle looking at the statue of the chief, "we're almost there."

Karlyle's attention was interrupted and he turned back around to walk behind Mimi and Foster. Like previously, she was skipping forward with her hands held behind her back, resting on her waist, and her head facing straight ahead. Foster was grudgingly following behind her. To anyone around them, it was the same sight as seeing a tired human walking their hyper dog in the morning.

After passing one more building, they reached the end of the street and turned right.

"This is it..?" Karlyle was surprised when he saw the flat field of grass that spread out for dozens of acres. He had easily expected more out of something that was in the central rings, especially after seeing the central tower.

"Just you wait..." Mimi exclaimed before speeding up towards the park gate.

"What does she mean?"

"I don't want to spoil the surprise for you," Foster answered.

Mimi entered the park through the giant gates before them and faded away into the air. Karlyle dismissed her disappearance as he thought she was just using her kinetic, even if that wasn't truly it.

Karlyle and Foster walked through the gates and suddenly, from the flat land, rose mountains, different species of trees, waterfalls, and hills, and in some areas the land deepened, creating ponds and lakes. For some of the flat parts, the earth shook and twisted, forming concrete that was shaped in paths which spread around the park like roots.

"Woah" Karlyle gasped. Foster put his hand to his mouth and chuckled behind it after seeing Karlyle's reaction.

Once the transformation of the park was complete, the people inside, including Mimi, appeared from the dust that rested on the ground.

Mimi exclaimed, "finally you're here." She skipped towards them.

"Is this another one of Councilman Kyanar's spells?" Asked Karlyle.

"Yep. It's an illusion spell that covers the entirety of this land. Technically speaking, the version you're currently seeing is the real one. Councilman Kyanar's spell flattens it and conceals it, you have to enter through the gate to see it otherwise."

Karlyle looked around the park, inspecting each detail from afar. He noticed the ducks and geese that were in the pond up ahead and also saw the families that were gathered for picnics under the large oak trees. Karlyle remembered his family picnic when he was 17. Emilia kept fighting with the defenceless Asher while their mother tried to keep them apart. Karlyle's father was preparing the food they had brought along and Karlyle was simply observing the situation, knowing that soon he'll have to fight in the tourney.

"Let's go to the waterfall!" Shouted Mimi excitedly, breaking into a run.

The two she left behind watched her run off before deciding to follow. Foster was faster than Karlyle, leaving him behind but he decided to slow down so they'd be running at the same speed.

"How is she.. so.. god damn.. active..." panted Karlyle.

"That's just a part of her... I've known her since we were children and she was always like this," replied Foster. He seemed to not be affected by running at all contrary to Karlyle who looked like he'd pass out any moment.

After what felt like a month's worth of running to Karlyle, they caught up to Mimi who was already sitting on the ground in front of the waterfall. She was enchanted by the flowing water and its sound when it hit the rocks on its way down. Droplets of water glistened in the beaming sunlight that forced its way through the overhead canopy. It looked like a starry sky except the stars disappeared as soon as they appeared on the never ending black canvas of space.

"I love watching the water," commented Mimi and the two boys with her sat down next to her, Karlyle on the left and Foster on the right, "sometimes I wish my kinetic had something to do with water," she reached her hand out as if trying to manipulate the waterfall's movement.

"Well even if you did have such a kinetic," Foster guided her hand down back to the ground with his, "I would have to arrest you if you did that just now."

"You really have to ruin the fun don't you."

"I guess I do," Foster retracted his hand back to his knees.

"My sister actually has hydrokinesis," Karlyle commented.

"You need to let me meet her."

Mimi turned to face Karlyle, her face more serious than he's seen so far.

"Her and I fought, for fun, before Foster came to collect me. She won.."

"I guess she must've passed the tourney easily then," Mimi turned back to face the water.

"She's 14."

Mimi laughed hysterically and Foster choked on his saliva, coughing as much as Mimi was laughing. Karlyle couldn't believe he embarrassed himself like that, the words just slipped out of his mouth. He didn't know which was worse: revealing that his sister, who was 4 years younger than him, beat him in a duel or letting them have the idea that she won the tourney easier than him. Now that they knew the former, they obviously assumed the latter would soon become true too.

"Well, that must've sucked for you..." remarked Mimi.

"It did, and it made going to the tourney a bit terrifying."

"I can see that."

Foster interjected, "don't worry Karlyle, I'm sure you'll pass the tourney."

"Thanks, Foster."

"By the way, before there's any confusion, my name is actually Gillian, Gillian Foster. Mimi just calls me Foster as she once heard one of my superiors say that."

"Well since I've been calling you Foster you can call me Lyle, if you want."

"Sure, why not, Lyle."


The two laughed for some reason and Mimi continued to watch the waterfall.

"Well, where should we go next?" Inquired Karlyle.

Foster checked the watch on his right wrist, "we can go to one more place before we have to head back for the tourney parade."

"Then let's go to Councilman Kyanar's arkana fountain," suggested Mimi.

I tried to do a little more description and information giving in this chapter rather than dialogue so I hope you guys liked that. If you didn't please tell me in the comments.

As always, feedback is appreciated.

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