
A kind soul with a dark secret

A young child named Xavier Phantom at the age of ten years old was enjoying his time at a little playground when he accidentally bumps into another child who looked about two years younger than him by mistake then he quickly apologizes and helps the kid up. Soon after they become friends and start to play together at the playground together and as they grow up they soon become best friends.

Lovely_Creator3424 · Acción
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 How We Met

"Mama can we go to the ice cream place next!?"

Little Xavier said, "Ok you know what Xai how about you just go play over there at that playground across the street" Xavier's mother said, "Ok mama!" Xavier said, while Xavier was playing at the playground he accidentally runs into a little kid by mistake.

" Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you!.." Xavier said, The little kid runs and hides behind the slide. Xavier feels bad and runs after him as he hides behind the slide, "Uhm..did I hurt you..Are you m-mad at me?..." Xavier asked with a frown on his face as the little kid kept hiding, Xavier then goes over to a bench and sits. The little kid peeks from behind the slide,He feels bad and goes over to the bench Xavier was at.

"….Uhm I-I'm sorry you didn't hurt me…" the little kid said looking down shyly. Xavier looks at the little kid and smiles kindly, "it's ok!" He said, "My name is Xavier!" He holds out his hand for the little kid to shake, "What's yours?" He asked. The little kid looks up at Xavier and gently shakes his hand, "M-my name is Zander.." He said giving off a shy smile, "It's nice to meet you Zander!" "Let's be friends!" Xavier said excitedly as he stood up from the bench, "O-ok.." Zander said as he was pulled by Xavier who was exited to have a new friend.

And from that day forward as the years went by Xavier and Zander became best friends they had lots of sleepovers and play dates.