
A Killer Comes Home

Zero was soon sold off to pay gambling debts, and when he was a burden to his owner soon he found himself a slave in a country at home. After turning into a natural-born killer he was allowed to go back home and start his life as a normal high school kid. But with no family, friends, or loved ones he has to start from the bottom again. {This will be a new series that will be updated every Friday at 10 CST. Any kind of support would be great to know that you all are enjoying the content.

Marcello_Arose · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Time Passes

The sound of whisking ringed the kitchen. The smell of cookies and chocolates filled the room. It was like a mini dessert party. Once all the sweets were finished they were to be frosted with designs.

"Let me try doing one!"

"No. You're terrible at cooking."

"Well, I'm sorry I wasn't a professional chef at the age of 8."

That same person took a cookie without anyone noticing and made a big 8 on it with frosting.

"See. I'm not that useless."

"It's not even on the center."

"Dad won't mind."

"He's not even your father."

"Shut up."

Soon it turned into a big fight with the two people throwing chocolate and cookies everywhere.

While this happened the keyhole started to move and the door opened. From the door entered a man in his mid-thirties.

"Why is it that every time I get here you guys are fighting?" The man removed his jacket and noticed the big mess in the kitchen. "You guys are almost 18 and still fighting like 8 year olds."

"It's not my fault Andre won't let me decorate cookies." They said as they crossed their hands together.

"Well it's not my fault Kaylee ruins everything she touches," Andrew said pointing at her.

The man laughed it off as he grabbed one of the cookies from the tray and ate it. "Mmm delicious as always Andre. What's the occasion anyway?"

Andre chuckled a bit as he was being praised. His cooking and baking were amazing and he loved it when people complimented him. That was when Kaylee stepped in and pulled out her cookie with a big 8 on it.

"It's been eight years since you adopted me and Andre. We do it every year. I don't know why you're surprised dad." Kaylee laughed as she handed him the cookie.

Andre coughed as he tried to get the spotlight. "It's true. Every year we are grateful that Mr. Garner adopted us and gave us a home."

"I wish I could say the same. You know it's hard to get a date when your profile says, father of two." He laughed it off and pulled them both in for a hug. "You know I'm joking. I wouldn't have it any other way."

He grabbed his phone and took a photo to capture the special occasion. The man was handsome with a 5 o'clock shadow. His black hair sadly did not match any of the two kids. Kaylee and Andrew now had their original hair and eye color. And looked much older than when they were locked up. It would be impossible to recognize them unless someone really tried.

"I can't believe you guys are already so big. To think you guys are already in your final year of high school." He said with a fake cry as he pulled them in for another hug.

"Awe come on dad. It's not like we're leaving anytime soon. We still have the whole year left." Kaylee said as she hugged him back.

As the three did a group hug Andre was already uncomfortable wishing that he could just leave the kitchen.

"I just want you guys to have a normal high school experience. It wasn't that long ago since you guys started attending. I'm still losing money on the tutors I hired years ago." The man soon released the two from the hug and grabbed a plate of cookies to take to his room.

Once he made his way up the stairs he stopped and looked back. "Don't even focus on love. You're still young and most definitely still stupid. Just get some sleep for the first day tomorrow." He soon left for bed leaving the two alone.

"Couldn't you be nicer to dad? He's the reason we're not leaving in the streets right now." Kaylee, mad at Andre, left and followed up the stairs to her room.

"Don't be like that. We both know we're out of here the day we both turn 18." Andre smacked his lips at Kaylee and headed towards his room.


"Why do you want to go to school? You have some of the best tutors in the nation teaching you." An older gentleman said while he was arguing with his daughter.

"I want to leave. I want to have a normal life and have normal friends. I can't remember the last time I've talked to someone who wasn't my teacher or maid." The beautiful girl said crossing her arms together.

The older gentleman was starting to get annoyed at her repeatedly asking the same thing every year. "Why do you keep doing this. You're going to take over the business when I retire. There's no reason to go to school, especially when your life is set for you."

The girl started to tear up as she asked the same question. She really wanted to go even if it was for one year. "Why do you do this to me? Maybe this is why my mother left."

"You are not going to school, and that's final." The older gentleman said, slamming the door and leaving the girl alone.

The girl cried in her bed as she was devastated by the news from her father. She did everything he asked with no complaints, and the day she decided to ask for something she was turned down.

The girl who was crying was extremely beautiful. Nothing this world has ever seen before. Her silky white hair ran down her shoulders and her hers as blue as the ocean. All she could do was cry about the decision her father made for her. Most days she spent crying but she always had her lucky ring and piano to keep her at ease.

"I miss you every day. I've never stopped thinking about you." With a small smile, she kissed her ring before falling asleep with him on his mind.


"Attention maggots. Tomorrow is homecoming and I bet most of y'all are ready to see your families again. However, before we leave for home I must tell you how proud I am of you. Not only have you kept this world safe but help it as well. Thank you all for your service." Those were the last things said by the general in front of the many troops.

As soon as all the generals left many of the troops started cheering and celebrating their return back home. Most of the groups left for sleep as they were to be transported back in the morning.

"I say we keep in touch even after returning."

"Yeah, that would be great. Hopefully, we can go on a double date when we return."

As most of them were chatting and making plans there was still one individual who was not excited for the trip back.

"What's wrong with Zero? He has been like that ever since homecoming was announced." One of the soldiers said before being hit in the stomach.

"Dude! Maybe he has it rough back home."

"You think so? I heard he killed his parents and ran off to the war to fill his hunger for blood."

That last comment made most of the troops laugh out. Zero was always someone they could make fun of when times were tough.

It was all laughs and jokes until one of the sergeants appeared. He turned to them and questioned them. "What seems to have everyone's mood so high."

One of the troops opened his mouth without knowing who asked the question. "It's simple. We're just wondering why Zero's been in a bad mood recently."

"Well most of you have somewhere to go, but he has nowhere. No home, no family, and no friends. He's only been here at camp for a year but judging by his experience he's been in this jungle for decades." The sergeant said with no exaggeration.

"That can't be possible. I've been here since the start of the year and never seen him around." One of the older troops said.

"You're right. But before we convince him to join our side he's been a top-tier killer. Been on the top five most wanted war criminals for years now. You're just lucky he's on our side now. Took a lot of convincing." The sergeant laughed before leaving the troops to ponder on his story.

"Wait that can't be true. Can it?" Most of the troops were scared to even ask him. Most of them started to leave before they got in trouble.

While Zero heard most of their conversation he decided not to act on it. He soon went to bed on the couch where he felt more comfortable. Sleeping with a lot of people made him uncomfortable so he likes sleeping alone in a large room.

The next day everyone was ready to head back on the plane. However, before leaving for the plane a meeting was held for what to do with Zero, and of course, he also was at the meeting.

Most of the officers were clear on their stance. "We can't let a killer back into the country like nothing ever happened." While some shared the opposite view. "He's gone up and is ready to start fresh with a life of no killing."

With the decision split five votes to five the members were in a predicament. With the plane set to leave and the problem not yet answered they would have to wait for another meeting to take place.

That was until Zero stood up from his chair. The entire time he stayed quiet until the very last minute. His words were short but silenced the whole room.

"I'm leaving."

I love writing this and I hope many of you enjoy reading it. More will be coming, please vote, comment, and add it to your library. Every time you do, it makes it so I want to continue writing for you all.

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