

"This is the location." Francis said.

Francis' friends arrived.

"Anyone know how to start a fire?" Kris asked.

"I do we need some stuff for it." Bradley said.

"I'll get it." Derek said.

Derek left to get things to start a fire and returns.

"Back." Derek said.

"Sweet!" Francis, Bradley and Dean said.

"Awesome." Kris and Lydia said.

"Ok we need to build the bonfire." Derek said.

"True". Dean said.

Francis and his friends build a bonfire as they set up their tents.

"Ok we got the bonfire now we need the fire itself." Bradley said.

Bradley creates the fire and Dean brings out the snacks to make S'mores.

"We got the fire and we got S'mores!" Dean said.

Everyone makes S'mores.

"So anyone got a good ghost story?" Francis asked.

"I do have you heard about this man with a killer reflection?" Kris asked.

"Man with the killer reflection?" Dean asked.

"The man with the killer reflection used to be a killer who kills his victims in front of mirrors but he eventually died in a fun house of mirrors but the fun house is being renovated into a home and legend say his ghost still haunts the place looking for more victims." Kris said.