
5 Years At Home (4)

Before Ray could drift off to sleep he got a system notification, 'Ray, as you have reached spirit saint you bloodline, is unlocking and you will begin to feel drowsy and go into a deep sleep if you are going to make and preparations do so now!', 'Aah! Shit! Really?! Uh...fuck, what do I need? Oh yeah, I have the herb Tang san gave me 'Dragon King's bloodied tear', might as well eat it now', oh and I don't know how long imma be asleep, so let's take a strengthened senzu bean that will last me at least a year and a bit', Ray took out the flower and the slightly glowing green pill, eating it first and then the flower and began to slowly absorb then both and then put a sign outside saying he was doing some indoor cultivation for a while.

Ray could feel his blood begin to stir and went to rest whilst putting a barrier around his room...




Whilst Ray was in his deep sleep his body began to have changes, first, it was his body, his muscles grew and grew but then began to shrink into the perfect shape glistening with might, he grew from his normal size of 6'0 to 6'3, his face changed looking more refined and handsome than before, his skin looked like jade and softer than a babies, his body all around began to glow with a multicoloured sheen and then the changes of the inside began.

His bloodline was beginning to surface for real after a few months of sleeping and his organs began to strengthen themselves, his heart began to change colour into a normal beating red heart to black dead heart to a golden brimming with life heart, it was insane if Ray was awake now he would be screaming in terror by the immense pain this caused, instead, he groaned a little in his sleep, his already white hair looked even more mesmerizing as it began to glow and his eyes the same.

In the centre of his body, he had a drop of golden liquid surfacing and growing slowly, the effects of the flower began to show its effects as a ghost-like dragon was swimming to the golden liquid and began to swim around it and help it refine itself, this happened through another two months.

In the final weeks of his slumber, he began to bleed through his mouth and parts of his arms, it was creepy and if anyone walked in now they would cry in fear, pools of black and decaying red blood made puddles on his sheets and on his floor, in the final week though, the glow radiating throughout his body grew heavier and heavier, like looking at the sun.

Now, Ray slowly opened his eyes and felt the fatigue on his body, the glow had faded, he slowly got up and looked around, 'Weird...I don't feel any different', but that thought quickly vanished as he was assaulted by pain all around his body, it was heart-wrenching but that didn't even begin to describe the true pain he was feeling, it felt like someone was ripping him apart limb from limb and then stuffing there hand in the wound and ripped some more, his mind was beginning to haze up but then he gritted his teeth and stayed awake, blood on his lips he continued through the pain, screaming till his voice was sore, this happened for at least an hour before it subsided and he lay there breathing heavily.

He looked around his room and his bed to find it dyed in red and the floor in black or red, 'W-what...the hell...[R-Ridley] h-help...', 'Oh! Quickly buy a 'blood regeneration pill' from the system store!', Ray weakly nodded his head and bought three high-level blood regeneration pills and eat one of them, he then got out a bottle of water and chilled it slightly and began to drink it, nine bottles later he began to feel better, 'I still feel like shit, it's better than before but it still feels bad all around, [Ridley] explain', 'Yes! As you have been in slumber for a whole year your body went through changes and even now it's going through subtle changes, the normal blood from before was taken out to replace it with the new bloodline as you can tell from the stains around you, the effects of the bloodline changed everything about you from your looks to your organs which have all been strengthened or changed completely into new and improved organs.', 'Uh...a fucking year...damn I wonder what I look like now?', Ray went to the mirror in his room and froze as he got a good look at his new features, he touched his cheeks and checked his hair which now went slightly below his shoulders and then said out loud, "HAHAHA!! I'm beyond handsome at this point!!! I've changed completely!! This is fucking insane! [Status]!"



Name: Ray Yin

Age: 18 years

Level/Rank: 75

Bloodline: Ancient Race


-[Saint tier] Silver Dragon Eyes(Second Awakening yet to be met):

-Rings: 5 (100,000+ years old)

-[Mystic Illusion Wolf] [Black Space Deer] [Golden Nomad Eagle] [Amber Toad Sage] [Phantom Tiger]

[Divine tier] Dragon God Avatar(Second Awakening yet to be met):

-Rings: 5 (100,000+ years old)

- [Shockwave Flying Serpent] [Three-Headed Flame Cerebrus] [Giant Earth Ape]

[Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear] [Ice Lion King] [Yin Yang Heaven Descent Dragon]

[Legendary Red-Eyes Black Dragon]

Mental strength: 26,500


- [Time manipulation] [Increased Ability Cast] [Natural God Demon Body]

Spirit Bones:

- Three-Headed Flame Cerebrus' Drago Meteor right leg bone (Age 100,000+)

- Yin Yang Heaven Descent Dragon left Forever Balance left leg bone (Age 100,000+)

- Red Eyes Dragon Darkness Emperor Crown (Age 100,000+)

- Red Eyes Emperor Destruction Right Claw (Age 100,000+)

- Red Eyes Emperor Deathly Left Claw (Age 100,000+)

System points(sp): 20,000


Items: 40% discount ticket(for store items); [Half-Step Saint Tier] Spirit Sun Balance Technique;

[Fate Tier] Dawnfang/Duskfang


Ray looked over his status and looked at his bloodline and asked, 'Where's this ancient race from?', 'It's from a universe called 'King Of Gods' where it's based as one of the 10,000 ancient races.', 'Oh! That world, yeah, yeah, I know this, if I remember it's ranked number 1! Is that what gave me that new ability?', 'Yes, the new ability 'Natural God Demon Body' is a passive ability that makes your body physically stronger, able to automatically cultivate and in that world if they didn't cultivate they would still become an ancient god in their strength system.', 'Oh! Cool! So if I go there I should be pretty OP!', Ray decided to try and feel his bloodline to which he did, he felt a familiar strength that he feels that he always had, it was golden in colour and was spread throughout his body, 'Hmm...if I ever decide to go there I'm gonna have to get a few techniques for this...', started to clean his room after some thinking and then put down the barrier he had in his room, he had a long overdue bath and then went to open his door but when he touched it the door broke off, 'Ah! Shit! I need to get used to this new strength!', Ray put the door to the side and decided to fix it later, he went downstairs and checked the time, it just turned into the afternoon, Ray felt that his parents were still in the house and overheard their conversation, "Muu...when'a Ray gonna get out of his room!", "Patience, maybe he's having a breakthrough that just takes a while!", "A while my ass! It's been a year!", they kept talking and it mainly his mother complaining and pouting like a child, 'What the fuck mom! You're like 40! Stop acting like your 10!', but then he laughed inwardly and went to surprise them.

Ray sneaked over to them using his ability [shadow manipulation] and thought, 'Damn, I would be a good assassin! Maybe a future occupation?', but then he got rid of that thought and continued with his sneaking, he was hiding in his mom's shadow and slowly got up without either of them noticing and then shouted behind her, "SURPRISE!!!", "AAAH!!", his mother got spooked and hit him in the face with her sceptre spirit which made him take a step back but didn't hurt him, she was still screaming and trying to hit Ray but then his father saw that it was him and quickly stopped her drama, "Stop women!! It's the boy, he decided to finally come out!", "Huh?! Oh! It's my boy!" She went to hug him but then she saw his face and flinched, "Uh? Were you always this handsome?", his father heard this and looked at Ray more closely and spat out his drink, "Pfft!!! The fuck!!! You weren't this handsome a year ago! Boy, tell me your secret?! And how did you get taller than me?!", Ray ignored his father's remark and then looked at his mother who was hugging him, the funny thing about his mother was that she was way shorter than him, like 4'5 ft and his father was 6'0 ft, it was quite funny when they stood together, his mother was pinching his cheek with curiosity, "Mom why are you pinching my cheek?", "Hm? Uh...it's really soft, like when you were a baby soft, tell me your secret, you will right, right?", she gave a slight pouting face and then Ray was speechless and then took a step back and said to [Ridley], 'Hey is there a pill or creme that will make your skin soft like mine?', 'Yes! But it won't be as good as your skin.', 'That's all good, just buy it!', 'Affirmative! You just bought [Skin Beautifier Creme], you have just lost 2,000 sp', Ray sighed and put his hand behind his back and brought out the newly bought creme and gave it to his mom, "Here, try this.", "Ooh! What is it?", "It will make your skin look nice!", his mom had stars in her eyes and hugged her son whilst thinking, 'Haha! I really have a good son!' and ran away, 'What's wrong with this women sometimes it's a normal mom than other times she's a god damn child!', Ray laughed at his fleeing mom and then talked with his father, "So...his sis' at school?", "Yes! Uh, what happened to you?", "You mean how I look?", "Yeah.", "Oh, nothing really, let's just say it's a bonus for reaching the spirit saint rank.", "Ah! Now that I look you have reached that rank! Haha! You're a real monster son! When I was your age I barely reached the spirit king rank! Sigh, I guess the young replace the old after all!", they talked for a bit and then Ray decided to go pick up his sister, 'Okay let's try flying without wings for a change!'

Ray stepped out of his house and began to feel as though the spirit energy was gathering around his body and then he slowly floated up and began to descent upwards, "SSSHHIITTT!!!", Ray flew up at insane speeds and he couldn't control it, members of the clan looked at his as he floated up and then saw him vanish and heard his echo and were dumbstruck, 'Holy shit! This is way to fast!", within less than 15 seconds Ray had reached the clouds and went through a bunch of them only to get wet, he didn't stop and decided to teleport back, he flashed back and created a crater outside the clan gates, the guards were alerted and ran outside the crater and pointed their weapons at what was in the crater, "Wait! Wait! Stand down!", some of the guards thought that they recognised this voice and were dumbstruck when they saw the dust clear and saw Ray with his white hair shining in the sunlight like an angel descending on mortal plain, Ray also noticed this and was confused, 'Hey, how come my hairs glowing?', 'As it happens the ancient race was considered perfect and they all had this as another passive, your hair glows as it's perfect! Honestly, you make many women jealous!', 'Uh, okay.', Ray could hear the jealousy in [Ridley]'s voice but he knew what to question and what not to and then told the guards he was just practising flying for the first time and they nodded their heads and continued with their routines, Ray decided to try and fly as slow as possible but this was still considerably fast as he left the guards started to discuss what just happened, "Oi, oi, young master is a spirit saint now, that's insane, isn't he like 18?!", "Yeah, yeah! He's a genius amongst geniuses and did you see how he was glowing, he looks cooler than the last time I saw him!", Ray reached the school gates and all the women were looking at him as he descended downwards and all blushed and kept their eyes on him, Ray shivered as he felt that many eyes were on him and then released some of his pressure to make them stop looking at him but this made more look at him, the women were thinking, 'Were did this saint come from!', 'Gasp! He's like an idol, no he's above them! He's the image of God! Just look at his hair it's glowing like an angel from heaven! ' many were thinking the same thing and Ray could feel many eyes on him so he teleported to his sister's classroom but he failed to realise that it had been a year and she was moved to a different classroom so he scanned the school to look for her and she wasn't much further away than where he was so he teleported towards her but forgot she was still in class, all the students were shocked as he teleported in whilst still floating like he was a god and the teacher even more so who was thinking, 'The fuck?! Such a young saint? Why did he come into my class, this is against the rules! Which class is he from?', the teacher went up to him and said, "Excuse me! Sir! You broke one of the school rules, what class are you from?!", Ray looked at her but then he blinked and realised what he did and said, "Uh...ahem...I don't go to school here, I was looking for my sister but forgot she was still in class, sorry!", he then saw his sister talking with her friends and then she looked at him and she froze, "B-big brother?!!!", "Haha! There you are, uh, sorry for intruding!", Ray then teleported out of the class and waited for it be over, the teacher was annoyed and was about to shout to Ray's sister but when she checked who she was and the fact that she called him'big brother' she flinched and didn't say anything and let it pass, soon enough the class ended and they were all let out, Ray waited by the exit and saw that after a few students came out he saw his sister who also saw him and ran to him, "Big brother!", she ran to him and hugged him but it was a bit awkward when she was that much shorter than him, "Big brother you were in your room for a whole year, it was sooo boring and you shouldn't just come into my class!", she pouted and then Ray smiled at her cute face, picked her up onto a piggyback and flew up, "Wow! You can fly?!", "Yup! Now let's go!", Ray flew up and began to fly towards the sky, "WEEEEEE!", is what he heard from his sister as if it was a roller coaster, soon enough Ray went back down towards his house.

His sister looked at Ray's hair and then her's and pouted, "What's wrong?", Ray asked as he saw her pout, "Hm...you have glowing hair! Why don't I have glowing hair?! It's sooo cool!!", 'Oh, shit!', "Uh, reach the same rank as me and you will(lie).", she stopped pouting and then jumped and said, "Yeah, yeah, I will and it will be cooler than big brother's!", 'Oh shit! Maybe she will forget this! Also is there a way for me to turn this off?!', 'Yes! Just think about it.', 'Oh...that simple huh...', Ray stood still and thought about his hair to stop glowing and soon enough it dimmed and stopped glowing but it still looked soft and as if the gods blessed him.

So there we have it, he unlocked his bloodline!

Enjoy the chapter!

LORD_LUMIcreators' thoughts