
A Journey of Revenge

The type of anger someone gains from losing their whole life, is a whole demon on it's own. But on top of losing their one true love on the day of their wedding, is what makes real demons. Is it worth it to follow revenge? Would you just give up? Damocles is solely driven by revenge, which creates an interesting story about his journey.

The_Balancer · Fantasía
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2 Chs

2. Wedding

"Uzah, are you sure everything is fine and there is nothing suspicious happening?" I anxiously ask.

Reassuringly, " Yes sire, i promise everything is under control. Quit worrying, today is a special day for you. It is meant to be happy and joyful!"

I take a deep breath and sigh, "You're right Uzah, it seems my nerves are getting to me. I just want today to be memorable for the both of us. And for everyone else, since this day also marks the merging of our families."

A servant opens the door to my dressing room and states," It is time my lord."

"Deep breath, Nasien. I may be your head guard, but I am also your best man and lifelong friend. Let's go, brother." Uzah says as he slaps my back,

"Lead the way brother," I say as I recompose myself.

Uzah takes the lead as we get to the main doors to the reception hall. We make eye contact and sit there for a moment, I then nod my head for him to open the door. Uzah swings the doors wide open, as if they were nothing. I see my remaining family and all my friends towards the front. While behind them I see all of the mansion staff. All of them have looks of adoration and pure joy for me. While on the other side, I see some looks of disgust and anger mixed in with the fake smiles.

Something I noticed was how the hall was designed, as if we are separate. Our side is, of course a deep crimson red with the deep royal purple accents. While the other side is a dark blue, also with the deep royal purple as accents. And down the middle where the two side meet is a black line. Where neither side mix and symbolize our union.

I ignore that feature and continue down the aisle, music and cheers fill the hall. Uzah takes his position next to me as we get to the priest. I look over at him and see pure happiness for his lifelong friend.

I smirk at him and whisper, "Getting soft on me friend?"

Uzah gives me a light shove, "You wish, can't a guy be happy for his friend and lord?"We both chuckle and focus back on everything.

Not too long passes before the doors open again. Everyone in the hall looks and see Hiromi slowly walking up the aisle. This tall, slim, brunette who has "tamed" a wild teifling was walking with her arrogant and dick of a father. But on that day he did not matter in my eyes. Hiromi look the most beautiful she has ever look on this day.

Her long brown hair flows down her back covering her back, while her lightly tanned complexion compliments her dark blue dress. She re-adjusts her glasses and we lock eyes. With the purple flowers flowing around her, she looked like a goddess in my eyes.

As she reaches my position the priest starts the ceremony. I notice my guards tense up as everything officially starts. Time pasts and everything goes smoothly, and finally the part everyone was waiting for comes.

"Do you Nasien, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I say as tears from happiness forms in my eyes.

"Do you Hiromi, take this men to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?

"I do."

" Then by the power invested in me by the gods. I now pronounce you, husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."

As soon as the priest finishes his speech, an explosion rings out the hall. All of the sudden I was tackled and knocked unconscious. After a while, I slowly regained my vision and I see my beautiful Hiromi. Surrounded in a pool of blood, with her hand reached out towards me. I look in her eyes and could tell, she was living no more.

I couldn't tell if it was screams from the guests or if it was me. But all I heard was screams while my throat was hurting. The screams finally stopped after a while, I took a look around and all I saw was death and destruction. My family and friends were all killed and their corpses burnt. I gazed over to Hiromi's side and saw no one dead, in fact, I saw no one over there. Instantly I knew Hiromi's father was apart of this.

I could hear fighting outside the hall, before I went to join the fight. I reached down and grabbed Hiromi's ring, as I did I kissed her hand and promised, " I will avenge you, my dear. You will forever be with me."

I then used a wind spell to boost my speed so I can join the fight. During the run, I pulled out a weapon using my summon magic and funny enough, it was a dagger. So much anger was building up in me after seeing my people killed along with my love. I was about to explode by the time I reached the fight.

I see my old friend, beaten and bloodied, kneeling on the ground. Facing an army, of troops wearing blue and purple. Behind Uzah was my men, all dismembered and burned to the point of being unrecognizable.

Immediately, I screamed, "UZAAAAHHHH!"

I see my brother, look at me and smile. And hear him say, "I never did get to try out being a Grand Master."

Then a lightning bolt, hits him square in the forehead, killing him on impact. Uzah then collapses face first on the ground dead, just as I was able to reach him. With tears flowing and intense anger, I reach down to grab his personal trident while swearing to him out loud, "Don't worry old friend, I will get revenge. For you, for Hiromi, for our people. I will become a proper demon and I will not stop until they are wiped out from this world."

In the distance I hear, "If you're out to kill me, then you need to survive this Nasien."

I look up and see attacks flying at me from all directions. Multiple different elements of spells, arrows, javelins, everything. So I spread my arms to welcome it all as the attacks land. I shout out, "TIME TO LIVE UP TO MY NAME, THE KING OF LUCK"

I then feel the attacks pierce my body in multiple points. I feel my consciousness slipping away, but all I could remember is the pure hatred and bloodlust I had at that point. But then black took over as my consciousness faded away.

Hopefully you've enjoyed the first two chapters of this story. Spent, probably the past 2-3 hours on this with both being over 1000 words. Let's see where this story goes.

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