
A Horror in Noble's Clothing

The most wanted man was chased by the empire when he stumbled upon a child who was lost. Taking the only opportunity to escape, he killed the child's soul and made his body his own. Weakened after leaving his body, he now lives and acts as the son of a minor count as he plants his revenge towards the empire that made him into a monster. "I will show the people how corrupt this world is, and I will enjoy the scene of this empire's collapse!"

soluna15 · Fantasía
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1 Chs

I Will Be Back

"There he is, chase that monster!" Mobs of soldiers shout as they held swords, spears, and torches; as a man wounded all over ran like a limped man, he turned towards the alley at the dead of night as the militia's torches lit up his last few days.

As the bleeding all over the body caused by the blades and spears slowly kill him, his eyes started to blur and he could see the light beyond.

Yet... he remembered his cause.

As his memories of the past filled his mind. The fire that caused a bustling city to perish, the spears that held his beloved's heads, and the blades that covered his comrade's blood.

He forced his very being to stand up as echoes of the empire's shouts grows closer.

Running like a beast in its corner, he suddenly saw a silhouette walking towards the end of the alley.

Thinking it was one of the soldiers, he doubted going through the end but knowing that this would result in a dead-end, "Fuck!" He was out of options.

"Mom, where are you?!" the shout of the silhouette sounded like it was crying... and it sounded like a child.

The man's eyes dilated as he saw an opportunity to escape forever, the forgotten spell that was taught by his master.

"You should never use this spell, as you will never be favored by the gods ever again!" He remembers his master's words but his ambitions weighted more than the warning his master gave him.

The man ran as he turned to see a boy crying. A boy with white hair and brown eyes. He grabbed the boy by the neck and covered his mouth, enabling him to shout for help.

"I'm sorry, boy. My ambitions overweight your life." The man said as the man's eyes started to glow white while the boy's eyes started to glow black.

People say the eyes are the windows of your soul, and inside the eye is where your soul resides. The spell that the man is using is a forbidden spell handed over to his family. To replace one's soul with a body, in exchange for one soul to be destroyed.

To destroy the boy's soul in exchange for the man's new body.

The black soul of the boy floated like gas as it exploded like a sonic boom. Windows broke and the horses neighed in fear as the man's white soul came out of his eyes and went inside the boy's empty body.

"What was that?!" The soldiers arrived too late as they saw the man's body dead on the floor and the boy who fell down with him.

"Check that fool's body and take the boy if he has any wounds. That white hair signifies the Ducal Empowere, so make him a priority!" A man ordered his troops as he looked at the most wanted man's body on the ground.

His expression conveyed suspicion as he knelt with one leg and touched the man's neck. With no pulse to feel and no magical energy flowing in his body, he suspected that "The man is dead." He said as he remembered the trails of blood they followed was enough to even kill a demon, "That much loss of blood is fatal, we are done!" He shouted.

The soldiers celebrated in joy and pride as this would become a mark in history, the death of the most dangerous man to ever endanger the Empire.

The man opened his eyes, suspicious of the fact that the spell failed and he was caught. Yet, the room he was placed him did not confirm that fact.

It was a room of grand design, a bed that was as comfy as a sheep's wool but most o fall — he was in the body of a small child.

The air became dense as his smile became wider than his face. His escape worked and his plans for the Empire were not affected, "I'm not dead yet, you mutts!" He muttered as the door suddenly opened, putting the boy on guard.

There comes a maid as she felt overjoyed seeing the boy awake, "The young master has awakened!" She shouted outside as a couple more maids came inside the room.

The boy was shocked to see this many maids, wondering what kind of boy he has possessed to be this filthy rich.

Without rest, a man and woman stormed inside the room with tears in their eyes. "Oh son, we finally found you!" The man shouted as the couple hugged the boy quite fiercely.

"P-please... I can't breathe!" The boy said as the couple backed off a bit and apologized.

The man, who he assumed was the boy's father, grabbed him by his arms and asked, "How did you escape from your kidnappers?!" He said as the boy was as confused as the couples.

Knowing that the soul was destroyed, so was the boy's memory. The boy knew nothing of the boy's business before he transferred to his body.

"I don't know... Who am I?" The boy asked as the people inside the room were shocked to know that the boy may have lost his memories.

"You're Chrono Empowere, do you not remember who you are?!" The mother asked as her tears flowed like a tsunami.

"I... do not know." The boy said as he remembers everything but decided to lie for now. He doesn't know about the boy's memories but he did remember the news of the Empowere's only heir being kidnapped.

"What a turn of events. To meet the kidnapped boy the moment I was about to get caught. Is this a coincidence? Or is this someone's doing?" The boy, who is now Chrono, thought to himself.

Chrono turned towards the crowd and decided to act weak. He touched his head and acted like he was in pain as the people became concerned, "My head hurts, I can't remember anything." He said.

The man, who is still the Duke, stood and changed his mood entirely as he orders the maids. "Take care of my son properly like your life depends on it!" He ordered as all the maids bowed and agreed.

"Yes, your highness!" The maids answered.

Days passed and Chronos slowly became better and slowly adjusted to his body. At first, he didn't even know how to walk due to the unfamiliarity of how light his body was. His body all felt numb at first knowing his once muscled body became skinny in an instant. It felt like learning to wield a sword all over again.

The investigation led by Chronos' father about his kidnapper was solved. They were found caught and the answer to Chronos' escape was simple — The kidnappers were all asleep when Chronos took the key from them.

They just took their guards down and that's it.

The coincidence between the Duke's kid and the Most Wanted Man to meet was natural.

Too natural.