
Chapter 4

The group arrived at the Military HQ. Leo separated from the group and went to the hospital.

"Could I please have someone examine me." Leo said to the receptionist.

"Yeah, just go through that door. A medic will be with you shortly."

Leo went through door into room 02. He then sat down on a chair. Moments later a female doctor went in.

"So what do we have for today? What is your name, age and problem, please."

"Uhm, Leonardo, but you can call me Leo, 15 years old and I got some injuries on me."

"Okay Leo,do you mind showing me your face and your injuries."

Leo then proceeded to show the doctor all the injuries, just not his face.

"Okay, if that is all you will be back to normal in no time."

"There is actually one more."

Leo then proceeded to take out his mask that the captain gave him.

"OH my God..."

"Is it really that bad?"

Leo's face was a mess. The four slashes were so deep that he had a lot of dead skin hanging around his face. His nose was practically gone and his mouth was divided in two.

"Ehm, we are going to need to take you to the ER." The doctor said.

In the next 2 hours the doctor was carefully removing dead skin from Leo's face, and sticking the scars together. After she was done she gave him back his mask.

"If something happens again you can always come here to the hospital Leo."

" Thank you very much doctor Sara."

"There is someone waiting for you when you go out, okay?"


While leaving the hospital Leo got approached by a military personnel.

"I am here under direct orders to take Leonardo M. Crespo to the higher-ups."

In a military meeting room

"So you are saying that the son of the scientist survived and he might have manifested his abilities?"

"Yes, according to his story there is no way he would have survived if his abilities had not manifestaded."

"You think we should send him to the new colonization program program?"

"I think that he is capable and would be of help to the colonization program."

The Telefon rings

"Sir, he is here."

"Okay, send him in."

Leo enters the room where the captain and some unknown person are sitting.

"Hello Leonardo. I am General Pax. Nice meeting you. You must be very tired why dont you take a seat?"

"Thank you."

"Captain Josh has been saying some nice things about you to me."

"Really? He has?"

In Leo's mind Captain Josh didn't like him, because of the incident on the shelter.

"Yes, we would like for you to accompany? Would you like to?"

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to test if you have an ability." Captain Josh answered.

"Ehhm, okay."

The triowalked through the floor and entered the elevator. They then went to the level -10.

Exiting the elevator Leo saw a huge training ground with a lot of diferent people that were fighting each other. But they all had a manifestation of an ability. There were people throwing out fire balls, some controlled the earth under their feat, some were super strong etc.

"Leo do you know how the ability manifestation happens?"


"We, the people that have survived the Toxin, all have mutated cells now. These mutated cells can generate a special ability. We have two case scenario. The first one is where you teach you mutated cells a specific ability, and the second one is where your mutated cells generates a new ability for you. We think that because you were about to die in that ravine. Your mutated cells might have created an ability for you to survive that situation. And we would like to try out some things."

Leo got then placed inside a machine.

"This machine was created to react and agitate the Toxin, but we found out that I can also agitate the mutated cells, then activating your ability. Should we try it out?"

"Does it hurt?"

"No it doesn't. And just so you know you are immune to your own ability, for example if you control the fire, you will not be burned by your own fire. Can we proced?"

"Yes you can."


Inside the control room...

"You can now initiate the procedure."

"Agitation cells in 5 4 3 2 1..."

For a second nothing happened, but then infront of the eyes of everyone present. Leo, varnished.

He appeared outside the room. Leo then pressed the button to enter and the door opened. He then walked inside the room and stared at the General and Captain in the other room through the glass.

"Teleportation... thatis quite interesting..."