
Going Hunting. Hooray!

Aidens P.O.V

"Wake up son!" Dad yelled loudly into my ear.

"What....?" I groaned, rolling over on the bed.

"C'mon! Get up!" he said, dragging me out of bed. "It's a special day!"

I perched myself on my elbows where I landed on the floor and stared at my dad, completely confused.

"Uh, what exactly?"

"You don't remember?"

"Nope. I know it's Sunday though."

"Well son! It's the day you, me, your cousin and your uncle go hunting for Mixed-Souls!"

"Waitwaitwait," I sat up, alarmed. "you were serious about that?! Dad, Mixed-Souls aren't real. We're just gonna waste time!"

"Not true!" he protested, "I remember that one time on the news, someone got a picture of one! Plus," He cupped one side of his mouth, "Remember what happened when you were seven?"

With that said, he trudged out the door. Then he poked his head through the doorway and said,"Oh and, by the way, they're here, so I suggest that you get ready quickly" before he actually left.

"A whole day wasted in the forest. Hooray!" I muttered under my breath as I changed and put my hiking boots on.

"Besides, I'm still not convinced that the man was a Mixed-Soul. It could have been some random dude pulling a sick prank for crying out loud!"

I looked outside. "But it all seemed so real.... Y'know what? I'm not going to think about that day"

Pushing those thoughts away, I walked out of my bedroom and down the hallway, towards the stairs.

*5 mins later*

As I walked down the stairs, I kept my eyes on the ground to make sure I didn't trip and fall all the way down. It's happened way more times then I care to count. I'm quite graceful aren't I? Unfortunately, I didn't make it all the way down without tripping. And what sucks about it is how I tripped on the last. Fricking. Stair. Fortunately, I didn't fall flat on the floor, as usual.

"Aaaaaaye wassup Aiden King!" my cousin hollered. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my last name is King... or even say that my name was Aiden for that matter. But who cares right? You probably would have figured that out by yourself anyways.

"Wassup Oliver Deen!" I yelled back, giving him a fist bump. I don't know why we always do that, but I don't really care. Because yeah.

*15 minutes later*

"So dude, it's crazy that we're gonna go hunting in the forest for those weird half-animal-half-human creature things ain't it?" Oliver asked me, as we walked into the forest.

"Well, yeah I guess, but like I said before we left, the chances of actually catching one are pretty slim.." I replied.

The truth is, I really hope we don't catch a Mixed-Soul. Why? Well, I like to help animals, not hunt them down. Its the whole reason I have the lab. Oh! Something else I forgot to mention! So, my dad bought me this lab thats pretty big and its super cool, that I also live in, because it has this nature dome that is really big. (By the way, I very much suck at explaining things, so if you didn''t understand anything I just said, then, well, whoops.)

Anyways, whenever I find an injured animal or something like that, I take it to the lab, and help it. I'm a really good healer by the way.

Back to the topic at hand, if they are real, which I doubt, they're pretty dangerous. Not saying I believe they're real though. I don't.

As we walked, I couldn't help but think that the forest was beautiful. I admit, I've never actually been into the forest, despite how close I live to it. Kinda do wish I came here in the past. The scenery is just amazing. But I keep getting this feeling that I'm being watched. I don't know.

"Oh, boys," my dad said to Oliver and I, "here, I brought these for you, in case we need 'em". He handed us pretty big guns.

I'm honestly surprised, since my dad wouldn't even trust me with a spoon. Yet here he is, handing me a shotgun.

Anyways, as we walked along this path deeper and deeper into the forest, me and Oliver were talking about random stuff. Mostly memes, because memes are life.

I realized that we have been walking for like, an hour and still found nothing, only rabbits, mise, and voles. I stopped talking to Oliver and faced our dads.

"I told you we wouldn't find anything" I told them.

Then, I stepped on something. Looking down, I saw that it was a loop of rope. Before I could react, the rope shot straight upward and caught my foot, So I went along with it.

"AH!" I screamed.

Okay I take back everything I thought about the forest before. I'm glad I haven't been here before ohmygod.

"Um, what happend?!" I yelled. I looked down.. Er, up, and saw that my legs were tied together by a rope and the rope was tied to a branch. How did that happen? I thought it only caught my foot! Guess there were other ropes somewhere, but I don't know. Anyways, the ropes could only mean one thing; a trap set up by someone. Turns out that everyone else got caught in the trap as well. Well isn't that unfortunate.

"Guys.. we.. are.. stuck.." Oliver said, with a little fear in his voice.

"What ever do you mean?" I muttered. I looked up, pretending to be shocked. "Oh would you look at that! I didn't even realize my legs were tied. Shocker."

He shook his head slightly. "S-Shut up."

"It's okay kids, i'll just cut the-" My uncle started, before getting cut short by rustling noises coming from somewhere near us. I guess you can't cut the ropes. Big oof.

Seconds later, five people came crashing through the bushes. Though  they had confused looks on their faces as soon as they saw it was us. Oh lovely. More company.

"Whoa....." One of them said. It was was one of the girls, around 17 or 18 years old.

"Whoa! I was expecting prey, and what do we get? Humans! I didn't think your traps would work that well! Nice job Kiana!" One of the guys exclaimed as he bumped the youngest girl with his elbow.

"Humans... I haven't seen one of those in years" growled another one the guys with a disgusted tone.

"Can you eat humans?" The youngest male asked.

I don't know can you? (Wait no don't-)

"Trust you to think of your somach!" The one they called "Kiana" joked as she pushed him playfully.

"Wait.. but then, isn't that technically cannibalism? I mean, we are half human.." The girl who first spoke asked.

"Hah, why not we just kill the humans. They are intruding in our territory after all." The mean one who obviously hates people snorted. That's when my dad spoke up.

"I'd like to see you try kitties" he said.

Waitwaitwait hold up... "Kitties"?

I looked at the top of their heads and, sure enough, they had cat ears. Alarm shot through me. Ohshi-

"Dad?! What are you doing?! These are Mixed-Souls! They could kill us right here and now!" I whisper-screamed at my dad.

But he totally ingored me. Rude. "Hand me a gun Oliver" Father dearest commanded. Oliver handed over the gun he was holding onto. Before Dad could do anything, the Mixed-souls noticed that he was going to make a move.

Obviously they're gonna react Dad omg how do you not know this-

"Hah! You've got nerve human. Kiana! Get their weapons!" Mr. I-really-hate-people-even-though-i'm-part-human-too yelled. Then this Kiana girl ran at us so fast that a millisecond later, all our guns were on the floor. I was totally confused as she stood infront of us, smirked, turned around and walked back to her group of friends or whatever, her tail held high.

"How the heck.." I murmered.

How is that possible? I have a book that is about Mixed-Souls, but the only way one can move that fast is by being a Royal. A Royal is kinda like an ordinary Mixed-Soul but waaaaay more rare.

Royal's tend to be born with super powers and wings. And sometimes, they could be born as a griffon, unicorn, hydra, manticore, or anything along that, basically any mythical animal that you can think of. The reason they are called "Royals", I don't know, but I ain't gonna question them. Now you know what Royals are. Congratulations. Hold up wait didn't I answer my own question? Ohwell.

Anyways, as I looked at my dad, I could tell he doesn't understand whatever the heck just happened.

"Hah! Now you don't have your weak weapons!" Mean Dude said confidently. He looked at me and smiled wickedly. Uh-oh. That's not a good sign. He reached for something that was behind his back, and pulled out a terrifying looking sword.

Aha, well frick. GG guys it's been a good round.