
Chapter 15: The Rito Champion

The next day we awoke early, knowing it would be a long day's travel if we wanted to make it to Rito Village. I quickly deconstructed the tent while Link made us a quick breakfast and then we were on our way. We carefully made it down the mountain, our horses treading lightly along the incline. It was a windy day with dark ominous clouds above us, fortelling rain.

Once down the mountain we returned to the path and crossed Jeddo Bridge, the wooden planks clanking as the horse's trotted over them. Nearing the Seres Scablands, the wind began to pick up and rain descended from the sky in a hazy drizzle. Before long, both Link and I were soaked through , my clothes sticking to me uncomfortably. Since the rain was light, visibility was still good, however I still had to squint my eyes to see.

My eyes looked over at the Scablands. To me the name had never sounded fitting for this place with oddly shaped trees and marshy terrain. I had always thought it needed a richer name, one with more mystique to it. Scablands just made it sound like it was barren or harsh, which it was neither. Although there was a tendency for ferocious thunderstorms in this region. I frowned, hoping this storm wasn't one of them. Yet despite the gusty winds and monstrous storms, the Dragon's Blood trees stood tall and strong, never wavering. The trees themselves were a marvel, looking like no other tree I'd ever seen. They were bizarre, but beautiful in their own way. Their bark was light and spotted and they grew to towering heights. Their branches jutted out straight towards the sky, with dark green leaves only growing at the end of the branches.

As a child, I had frequently come to the Ridgeland territory since it was next to the castle and far less populated than Hyrule Field. It was nice to come here and get away from things. Master Falnor had also taken me here to train, flying me to the top of the Dragon's Blood trees where I would practice archery. Shockingly the tops of the trees were rather firm, springy in fact, like a bog, thus I could stand on them and shoot arrows all day... which had happened on more than one occasion under Falnor's instruction.

I had not known it before, but the Scablands were actually an important place for the Rito. Although they did not come here to train as often, they collected material from the Dragon's Blood trees, which had many uses. The bark itself was smooth and pliable yet strong, making it excellent material to craft bows from. And unbeknownst to most people, the trees had a red sap that had miraculous healing properties. I had spent a long time researching it and even developed a healing ointment using it. Furthermore, there was a certain species of plant that grew in the Scablands as well that when properly processed, made the strongest bowstrings.

We continued along, the rain growing stronger, making it harder and harder to see. Puddles began to accumulate in the path and the earth became moist, squelching every time the horses put a hoof down. Our pace had slowed, thus it took longer than normal to reach the Tabantha Bridge Stable, the Tabantha Great Bridge just beyond, swaying slighting from the strong winds.

The stable was quiet as we passed by it, everyone staying there taking shelter inside. Link and I continued onwards without stopping and reached the bridge. I gazed out over the bridge, knowing it was sturdy but that did not stop the knots in my stomach as the wind made it rattle and lurch. Dismounting Icefire, I took his reins and slowly led him across the bridge, making sure to keep him calm as well as diligently watch my steps. Although the rain had made everything hazy and hard to see, I was painfully aware of how deep the ravine beneath us went.

It seemed to take us forever to cross the bridge, a strong gust of wind lashing out at us when we were half way across. The wooden boards beneath us groaned and a spasm of fear coursed through me, wondering if after all these decades the bridge would finally collapse. Hardening myself, I glued my eyes in front of me and tugged on Icefire's reigns, relieved that he was staying calm. Finally my feet fell on sodden ground and I let out a long breath I had not realized I had been holding.

A minute later, Link was at my side, his face masked and eyes intense. I climbed back onto Icefire's back, the weight of my rain-drenched clothes weighing me down. Then the horses were once more trotting through puddles, splashing water with every step. Piper Ridge was to our right and the path veered past the jagged ridge, passing through a small canyon. The rocky walls on either side of us blocked out some of the rain, however at this point it didn't really matter. It was a full downpour now and I was fully soaked, cold, and anxious to get to Rito Village. Glancing at Link, it seemed he also was not enjoying the traveling conditions, his face firm and resolute.

We continued on in silence, just the constant batter of rain sounded, although by now it was loud enough to drown out everything. The path was becoming harder and harder to follow as water covered it, making it indistinguishable. At this point I was going off of landmarks and memory, knowing to head Northwest once Nero Hill came into view and then we would slowly ascend until we reached Kolami Bridge and the narrow passage that would spit us out at the Rito Stables.

We exited the canyon, the cliffs falling away. My eyes looked Northwards, the jutting rocks of Nero Hill just visible in the rain. Turning slightly so we went around it, we trekked along, the rain finally letting up so it was a drizzle once more. I felt my shoulders relax, relieved the rain was lightening. The ground hardened as it transitioned from grassy terrain to rocky cliffs. I swallowed as Kolami Bridge came into view, its thin boards slick from the rain. Beyond it were more cliffs, a tiny channel carved out in between them.

Biting my lip I dismounted Icefire and then very carefully proceeded onto the bridge, wishing that we would construct a wider and more secure bridge here. Icefire neighed in concern and I quickly patted his nose, reassuring him. "It's alright my friend. We will go slow and steady." I looked over to Link, who had also dismounted, his eyes fixed on the bridge, his lips pressed into a thin line. "Be careful." I called to him. His eyes shifted to me and he gave a brief nod.

Cautiously I continued, grateful that the bridge was short. Although wet, the bridge was not slippery, like I had feared. With a few more steps, I was off the bridge, pulling Icefire along. He shook his head, also grateful to be off the bridge. Link soon joined us. I looked up at the sky, trying to determine how late it was getting, however it was hard to tell with the clouds masking the sky. It was beginning to darken, allowing me to conclude it was later in the day, perhaps evening by now.

Hopping back on Icefire, I led us through the narrow pass, the cliffs so close together in some places, I could reach out and touch both walls simultaneously. Not much rain reached us, the cliffs protecting us. It was growing cold however, and my wet clothing didn't help matters. I folded my arms, rubbing my hands aimlessly along my biceps, trying to warm myself up.

Wariness was beginning to fill me, my legs and shoulders sore from riding all day. My entire body was shivering from the cold. Just as I was beginning to question when the pathway would end, we rounded a corner, and the rocks began to melt away, revealing an open expanse. Gone was the rocky ground and once more there was green, soft earth as well as trees scattered about. There was a medium incline and at the bottom was the Rito Stables, firelight making it easy to spot. The rain had finally stopped, but it was painfully cold as we had traveled pretty high in altitude. The gusty winds didn't help matters and I heard my teeth chattering.

Wishing to be warm, I spurred Icefire into motion. He galloped down the hill, seeming to know that our destination was just ahead of us. Once we reached the stables, I jumped off Icefire and quickly paid the stable owner for two beds, throwing in extra so the horse handles would tend to the horses, seeming as everyone in my party had had a rough day of traveling, both horses and Hylians. The stable owner assured me the horses would be well fed, groomed, and pampered. With that I grabbed my saddlebags, which were waterproof thankfully and plopped them next to the bed I would be sleeping in. I dug out my joggers and a simple shirt and then went out to the fire.

My stomach let out a growl, but my tiredness outweighed my hunger, making it easy to ignore. Swiftly I took my armor off and then began to take the rest of my clothes off until I was just in my pants and sports bra. Laying the articles of clothing and armor out around the fire, I slipped behind the stables, out of view from everyone and quickly shed the rest of my wet clothing and pulled on the joggers and shirt, the dry clothing feeling wonderful after wearing sodden clothing all day.

Returning to the fire, I saw Link, who was shirtless and shoeless. He too was hanging his wet clothes around the fire. Although he had basically been shirtless the entire time in the desert, for some reason I couldn't help but admire his well-toned body. He was a very handsome Hylian - fit, beautiful eyes, and a pleasant smile.

"If you want to change, you can go behind the stables." I said, rubbing my arms as my body was still chilled. "I'll go and get my cloak and a blanket. It gets pretty cold in Tabantha." I sighed, recalling that I would have to get Link proper attire for Tabantha. It would have to be tomorrow's concern. I was spent after the miserable day of traveling.

"Just assuming I don't have a blanket along?" Link asked, smirking.

I was surprised he was in such good spirits after what we just endured, but Link was much more easy-going and relaxed than I was.

"Yes." I replied sternly, knowing very well Link would never be that prepared.

Link laughed at my reaction. "Thanks Zelda. Once I'm back I'll start cooking."

I lifted my eyebrows up, "Aren't you tired? You don't have to cook tonight."

Link frowned, "Aren't you hungry?"

My stomach answered for me, a loud grumble coming from it. Link arched an eyebrow and I looked away, growing annoyed. "Yes, but I'm sure you're quite tired after today's journey. I'm not going to make you work more after all that. We can just dry off and warm up and then sleep for an eternity."

"An eternity?" He mused, a smile still on his face. His cheeriness was beginning to get on my nerves. How was he so chipper after today? I was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to be left alone and drown in a sea of plush blankets.

Seeing I wasn't up for joking, Link continued, "I don't mind cooking. Besides, I'm starving. And I bet it will make you feel better."

I brought a hand to my temple, kneading it. "Whatever. I'll be right back." Before he could say another word, I spun on the balls of my feet and went back inside the stables. I grabbed the cloak I had worn in Gerudo during the cold nights as well as the blanket I had packed. I wrapped the cloak around me, nestling into the warmth.

Then I returned outside, where Link was, setting up a cooking pot around the fire. He was quietly humming to himself. He had another pair of Hylian trousers on as well as the red shirt he had allowed me to borrow when we were at the beach. That felt like such a long time ago.

I walked over to him and handed him the blanket. He took it with a smile and threw it over his shoulders. "Thanks Zelda."

"Hm." I replied, annoyed, sore, tired, and hungry. Sitting on a log next to the fire, I looked at the ground, digging my foot into the damp soil. I was still cold and shivering, wanting desperately to just curl up in my bed back at the palace which had copious amounts of soft, warm blankets. For some reason I had a thing about blankets, always finding the need to get more. Nothing felt better than burying myself under a mound of blankets, as if I was isolating myself in a cocoon of solitude and warmth.

And right now I wanted nothing more than that. It was the first time since I left Hyrule Castle that I wished I was back... although it was more I missed my bed rather than the castle itself.

"Here." Link spoke, and a bowl of food came into view. I grabbed it, muttering a quick thank you. The bowl felt warm in my hands and I brought it to my face, the steam wafting up onto my face, warming it. Glancing at the bowl's contents, I saw Link made a rich, creamy soup. It was orange and the smell was familiar and decadent, making my mouth water.

"You made pumpkin soup?" I asked, surprised but delighted.

Link nodded, "Yeah. I thought it'd cheer you up." I scrutinized Link, making him fidget in his spot next to me. "Do you not like it?"

I frowned, truly mystified by this knight. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I blurted out. "I've been nothing but unpleasant and cranky since we got here."

Link blinked at me. Then his lips contorted as if he was trying to hold back a smile, "You're yelling at me for being nice?"

"I'm not yelling!" I exclaimed, making Link laugh. I frowned, sulking.

Once Link's laughter had died down, he said, "My sister gets pretty cranky when she's hungry, so I figured you were just hungry... and tired. It has been a long day. So I didn't really think much of it."

I looked away and mumbled, "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Just eat your soup. And I made extra, so there's more if you want."

I looked down at my soup, the smell tantalizing. Without any further prompting, I began to eat, the rich flavor of pumpkin meeting my taste buds. After the first spoonful it was as if a ravenous monster awoke inside me and I devoured the soup in minutes. Warmth spread through my body and I got up to scoop more soup into my bowl.

It did not take much longer before Link and I had polished off the entirety of the soup, both of us satiated. Now with a full belly, I felt much better. The chill in my bones was also gone, although it was still cool out and a shiver would pass through me every now and then.

"Thanks." I said to Link. "I do feel better."

Link smiled, "Told ya. My mother calls it hangry when my sister gets like this."

"Hangry?" I smirked.

"Yep. Anger caused by hunger. Looks like you suffer from it too." Link replied, a wide grin on his face.

I laughed, "I feel like the people around me suffer more."

Link gave a thoughtful look and then nodded, "Yep, sounds about right. My sister changes into an entirely different person when she's hungry. It's kind of scary."

"Well I hope I wasn't that terrible." I replied, a shiver going through me. I pulled my cloak closer.

"Nah, you've got nothing to worry about." Link arched an eyebrow. "Are you cold?"

"A little." I replied, "Although I'll probably head to bed soon." As I finished my sentence, from the corner of my eye, I saw Link scoot closer and extend his arm. His arm came around my shoulder, depositing a part of the blanket around my shoulder. I grabbed onto the corner, to hold it in place. Thankfully the blanket was pretty big - I wasn't sure if I owned a small blanket - thus it covered both of us.

"That should help." Link smiled at me, his face right next to mine. I felt his shoulder on mine and a wave of heat rushed to my face and ears.

Looking away, I brought my knees to my chest, "Thanks." I mumbled.

We sat there for a while longer, enjoying the heat of the fire and the warmth of the blanket. Eventually my eyelids began to droop and I covered a yawn with my hand. Deciding I should head to bed before I fell asleep outside, I said, "I'm going to head to bed." Link didn't respond, so I glanced over at him. His eyes were closed and his head was slightly tilted downwards.

I smiled at his sleeping form. He looked so peaceful and at ease while asleep, all his worries and responsibilities washed away. Reaching a hand out, I gingerly shook his shoulder. Link's eyes instantly fluttered open and he looked around in alarm, as if expecting an attack. "You fell asleep." I supplied. His eyes found mine and I noticed him relax. "Come, let's go to bed. It's been a very long day."

Link nodded and I stood up, heading inside. Link followed, not far behind. Once inside the stables, I crawled into the bed, pulling all the covers over me. My thoughts wandered to what tomorrow would bring and if I would find the Rito Champion, but they didn't last long as I fell into the depths of sleep.

"Do you have any winter clothing here?" I asked the stable owners the next morning. I had slept late, but felt fully rejuvenated. Link was busy cooking, and while he did that, I was trying to buy him some proper winter apparel. His doublet, which he had on now, would not due in the high altitudes of Tabantha as well as the snowy tundra of the Hebra region.

"I have a few sets. Rito-made, in fact. Although it looks like you already have a fine Rito-made winter set." The stable owner observed, his eyes on my winter outfit. I had pulled it out this morning, marveling at how pretty it was. The pants were plane and black with brown boots trimmed with white fur over them. The coat was cream colored with golden embroidery and fur trimmed cuffs. Over the top of it I wore a matching shawl that just covered my shoulders and had a fur-trimmed top, which kept my neck warm. Brown gloves and a brown belt completed the ensemble.

"It isn't for me." I answered. "It's for my traveling companion." I pointed at Link.

"Ah yes." The owner nodded, seeing Link's outfit. "If you're heading to Rito Village, he'll definitely want something warmer. Good things he has you to look after him."

"You have no idea." I muttered, recalling how ill-prepared Link was for most things.

"I should have a size that fits him." The owner replied, running a hand over his white beard. "I'll be right back."

"Thank you." I called as he left the front and went into a back room. I didn't have to wait long as the owner returned swiftly, a wrapped bundle in his hands.

"Here you are, Dear." He handed me the soft package wrapped in parchment and tied with a thin piece of rope. I paid him and then gave a brisk nod of thanks.

I walked over to Link, who was putting together two bowls filled with eggs and fried herbs and mushrooms. Seeing me, he smiled and handed me a bowl. In exchange, I held out the package for him, causing him to arch an eyebrow in question. "Proper clothing." I expounded, my face firm, leaving now room for argument.

Link let out a sigh and took the package while I grabbed the breakfast he had prepared. Link set the bundle off to the side and the two of us began to eat, enjoying our meal together. "Thanks Zelda." Link said a minute later.

"Like I said, I can't have you getting frostbite on me." Link chuckled, shaking his head.

We finished our breakfast and quickly gathered our belongings, ready to cross the bridges that lead to Rito Village. Excitement filled me at the thought of returning to Rito Village. It had been many years since I had visited this place with my archery master and I had fallen in love with the village instantly, captivated by the snowy mountains in the distance, the rustic cottages, and the giant lake surrounding Rito Village.

Both Link and I packed only essentials, leaving the rest here at the stable, along with our horses while we were at Rito Village. Link had also changed into the clothes I had bought him and I was pleased to see they fit him quite well. They weren't as elegant as mine, they had a more rustic aesthetic too them, but I liked it. The pants were cream colored with light green markings on the thighs and he wore brown boots. There was a thick brown shirt underneath a brown and cream colored breast plate. A sturdy red sash was tied around his waist with a brown belt and he had light green pauldrons and brown gloves to complete the outfit.

Once our backpacks were filled, we set off towards the first bridge. The bridge jostled slightly as we made our way over, but the railings provided a sense of security. Reaching the first island, I looked up at the giant rock column up ahead, making out different huts built alongside it.

With vigor, I commenced onward, hurrying over the next few bridges and islands until we reached the base of Rito Village. There was a Rito standing a little before the spiraling staircase, a spear in his feathered hand.

"Princess Zelda?" The Rito called to me, tilting his head.

I nodded. "Yes, I am the Princess. I am here to speak with the Elder. If Master Falnor is around I would like to visit him as well."

The Rito gave a brief bow. "Of course. Please wait here while I inform them about your presence."

"Thank you." I smiled at the Rito, who gave a brief nod and then turned away from us, ascending up the stairs.

I turned to Link then, smirking at him. "At least you don't have to sneak around here."

Link rolled his eyes at me. "That will be a nice change."

"I wonder if we will see your rival?" I wondered out loud, curious to see the individual who was at Link's level.

Link shrugged, "Probably."

It was then a shadow passed overhead of us and a Rito with green feathers landed beside us. The feathers on his chest were a faded orange while those on his head were a brilliant red. He wore the traditional brown breastplate of the Rito and cream colored pants. Additionally, there was a bright red scarf around his neck as well as an orange sash around his hips with an elaborate red design on it. Lastly, he had a great eagle bow tied to his back, the same bow he always had with him.

I smiled and ran to the familiar Rito, delighted to see him. "Master Falnor!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms out. His wings opened as I neared and the two of us embraced, his wings soft against my skin.

"Zelda!" Master exclaimed, his voice deep and rich. "What an unexpected surprise!" Pulling me back, he looked at me with his dark brown eyes. "You've grown since I've last seen you." His eyes looked slightly past me, his beak smiling. "I see you still have the bow I gave you. I hope this means your skill has continued to develop."

"It has, Master." I replied, eager to show him how far I had come. "I would love to spend some time training with you again."

"Ah yes." He said, "We should indeed if there is time." His eyes looked father back, spotting Link. "But it looks like you are here on official business."

I nodded, my smile fading slightly. "Yes. I must speak to the Elder. You are welcome to join us Master. In fact you may be able to help."

"If there is something I can do, I shall oblige. Although I am curious as well." Master Falnor brought a winged hand to his beak, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "The Elder shouldn't be too busy. Let me take you up to him."

"There was a Rito on his way to inform the Elder of our arrival." I informed.

"Ah, you mean Bosli." Master replied, "Yes I ran into him on his way up. That's how I knew you were here. He probably has informed the Elder by now, so mine as well head up."

"Very well." With that Falnor began to lead us up to the top of the village, which is where the Elder resided. For the Rito it was but a few flaps to reach, but for us it would take longer as we had to climb the stairs all the way to the top of the rock.

"Who is the man with you?" Falnor asked as we climbed.

Realizing I had forgotten to introduce them, I quickly apologized. "Right, my apologies. I forgot my manners." Pointing back at Link, I said, "This is my knight, Link. He also possesses the legendary Sword that seals the Darkness."

Falnor's eyes went wide, surprised. "Link? You don't mean Damek's son?" His eyes narrowed, scrutinizing Link.

"Yes, Damek is my father." Link answered.

"My, my." Falnor said, "You have also grown. And to think that little boy I once saw training here now holds the Sword that seals the Darkness. Remarkable."

"Do you know each other?" I inquired, wondering why Link hadn't mentioned it prior.

"Not necessarily." Falnor replied. "I doubt Link remembers me. But I worked with his father several times and recall seeing his son on occasion. I think we talked once, when Damek introduced us at the Flight Range."

Link's eyes looked thoughtful, as if trying to recall this memory. Finally, "I think I remember that. You were going to give everyone there a lesson."

"Preciously." Falnor gave an approving nod.

"I guess I didn't need to give introductions, but Link, this is Falnor, my archery instructor." I laughed, finding the situation ironic.

"I suppose we've caught up now and best be on our way." Falnor advised, seeing as we had come to a halt. "We do not want to keep the Elder waiting. She can get rather cranky."

We continued up the stairs, slowly winding around the Rito Village, passing by a number of elegant, open, wooden cottages. They were shaped kind of like a vase, with a larger base and then the wood slanted inwards at the top, narrowing. The roof was pointed like a teepee and generally had a pretty design on it, some as simple as stripes while other appeared to be detailed murals - one had a painting of a two large birds on it, their talons locked together in battle, their wings outstretched and melting into the purple and blue background. All the huts had large openings to make it easy for a Rito to jump out and start flying or land.

"Falnor." Link called, which surprised me. He was normally very quiet when it wasn't just the two of us. "How are the Rito I used to train with doing?"

Falnor thought for a moment, then said, "It was you, Revali, Hyss, Nisi, and Tath that used to train together, correct?"

"Yes." Link answered. Although it was hard to see as his face was fixed in the normal mask he wore, I could see a glint of curiosity and anticipation in his eyes. He must have missed his Rito friends and was interested to hear how they were doing. I made a mental note to give him a day or two off to visit his friends. During that time I could train with Master Falnor or search for the Rito Champion.

"Nisi and Tath have become exceptional warriors. Hyss has continued his training, but he has dedicated most of his time to becoming a scholar and now helps advise the Elder. He also married not too long ago. And as for Revali..." Suddenly there was a gleam of pride in Flanor's eyes. "Revali has become the best Rito warrior in decades. Why his skill has surpassed even mine. And he flies as if he is the wind himself, swift and agile." Falnor turned back to look at me, smiling. "I actually would like you to meet him, Zelda. I think it would be beneficial for my two greatest students to interact."

His words hit me in the face like an unexpected slap. His TWO greatest students? Since when did he have two? I thought I was his best student? I silently simmered, itching to meet this Revali and see how great he truly was. I had spent years training and perfecting my archery skills. Falnor had even praised me as being better than most Rito.

"I would be delighted to meet him." I replied, a hint of animosity underneath my forced sweetness.

Falnor took no notice, but I saw Link give me a quick glance from the corner of his eye. He had been around me long enough to sense the underlying hint of malice in my voice. "Excellent." Falnor said. "I shall have to find Revali once we are done with the Elder. He's probably training at the Flight Range. Always trying to improve."

"Of course." I giggled, masking the jab I felt at this comment. I was also always trying to improve. Now I couldn't wait to show Falnor how much I had improved since I last saw him, to show I was his best student.

We fell into silence after that, however we were close to the top of the pillar. I looked out at the land, all of Hyrule visible from this vantage point. To the south was the Gerudo highlands, covered in thick clouds. To the North was the jagged, icy peak of Mount Hebra as well as many other snow cliffs. And Eastward was the rocky, ominous Death Mountain along with the Deuling Peaks, which actually seemed quite diminutive all the way up here. Beyond that was the soaring Mount Lanayru, also shrouded in clouds today. And even farther in the distance was the blue of the sea, barely visible.

Reaching the top of the giant rock pillar, there was a single hut. A cold gust of wind blew past us, chilling the exposed skin on my face. We walked towards the cottage, seeing the form of the Elder, patiently sitting on a purple cushion with her eyes closed, as if she was meditating. She looked similar to the last time I had seen her, white feathers with the occasional black feather spotted throughout. The feathers on her head where white at the base, but turned black at the ends. These feathers drooped around her face, almost creating a hood around her head. Her beak was smaller than most Rito, making her face seem flatter. She wore a light purple shawl with a white design over her chest, and cream colored pants. Several bangles were on her ankles, all various colors of purple. She also had a necklace around her neck, composed of polished amethyst beads.

"Elder Kallo?" Falnor said, his voice gentle and respectful. "Princess Zelda is here to see you."

The Elder cracked an eye open, analyzing Falnor. "Bosli already told me she was coming." She replied, her voice high-pitched. Then her eye looked back at me. "Come in, Child."

Obeying, I walked past Falnor and into the hut. The Elder watched me with both eyes now and motioned for me to sit on another cushion next to her. The wind chimes and dream catchers dangling from the ceiling caught my eye, and I stared at them a moment admiring all of them.

"Is it alright if Falnor and my knight Link join us, Elder?" I asked.

"Hmmm." The Elder huffed, giving Falnor and Link a cagey look. "I suppose so."

Quickly the two males entered the cottage and sat down on matching purple cushions. Just as I was about to start talking, movement caught my eye and the Rito that had been at the front of Rito Village flew up and over the cottage. He came back into view as he landed at the entrance, a tray on one of his hands. Looking closer at the tray, I saw a teapot and several teacups.

"It took you long enough!" The Elder screeched, "How long does it take to make tea? You've kept our guest waiting."

The Rito set the tray down on the floor, giving an apologetic nod. "My apologies Elder."

Trying to come to the Rito's aid, I said, "We don't mind. We are very appreciative of the tea though. Thank you for your kindness, Elder."

The Elder swiveled her head at me, scrutinizing me under her dark eyes, "Did you expect us to not observe custom pleasantries? Do you think the Rito are a rude and disrespectful clan?"

"N-No!" I exclaimed, now nervous that I had offended the Elder. "Of course not. I just don't expect every time I go somewhere for tea to be served." I tried to recover, however I wasn't sure if I was helping my case. "It has nothing to do with the Rito's hospitality. In fact, you're very hospitable."

I heard Falnor chuckle, however I was too nervous to look at him, my eyes glued to the Elder in a pleading look. Thankfully once Falnor had stifled his laughter, he came to my aid. "Elder Kallo, Zelda did not mean any offense. She was merely thanking you for the tea."

The Elder's sharp eyes turned to Falnor and I was relieved they were off me. I did not remember her being so scary when I was younger. "I knew that." She retorted, folding her winged arms. Deciding to leave before the Elder turned her sights on him, the Rito guard quickly left, having finished pouring everyone a cup of tea. I took my tea, and sipped it, the warm liquid feeling nice as it ran down my throat. It was slightly bitter, but it had a pleasant, nutty flavor that I liked.

"Elder." I called, drawing her attention to me. "I have something I wish to discuss with you."

"Well I assumed so." She replied airly. "Why else would you be here?"

I bit my lip, "Right." I cleared my throat, trying to get my thoughts in order. "I'll get right to it then. I'm sure you have heard of the rumors about Calamity Ganon's return?"

"Who hasn't?" The Elder's face turned serious, her voice losing the bite behind it.

"I believe that these rumors have substance to them; thus I am traveling Hyrule to unite the clans in order to combat Ganon. I am here to ask the Rito for assistance. Furthermore, I am looking for a skilled Rito warrior to represent the Rito as their Champion and join Link and I in directly combating Calamity Ganon. I have already visited the Sheikah and Gerudo, both have agreed to lend us their assistance. From the Sheikah, Robbie and Purah have agreed to provide technological advancements while Urbosa from the Gerudo has accepted the position of Gerudo Champion."

The Elder thought for a minute, and from the corner of my eye I saw Falnor glance at me, his face serious and deep in thought.

"A Champion you say?" The Elder mulled.

I nodded, "Yes. I am not as familiar with the Rito, so I was hoping you or Master Falnor would be able to recommend any warriors to be the Champion." My mind thought back to my dream. "Someone that is as fast as the wind."

It was Falnor who spoke next. "If you are looking for a great warrior that has mastered the wind, Revali would be the first candidate I would suggest."

"Revali, aye?" The Elder repeated, "He is one of the best Rito warriors in a very long time. I would have to agree with Falnor that Revali should be the Champion."

I nodded, a small knot of jealousy in my stomach at Falnor's praise of his other student. However I pushed it down. If he was the Rito Champion, then I would have no choice but to accept it. "Very well. I take it you agree to joining us in fighting Calamity Ganon?"

"Yes, Princess Zelda." The Elder replied, her eyes firm and unwavering, surprising me at her sudden change in demeanor. "The Rito will not let Hyrule fall into such evil clutches. For generations, there have been stories about the evil that is Calamity Ganon. How he laid waste to Hyrule thousands of years ago, sparing no one. If there is anything we can do to prevent such a catastrophe, I will gladly do it."

I bowed my head to the Elder, "Thank you. I am truly grateful."

"What do we do until Ganon shows himself?" Falnor asked.

"Link and I are currently traveling throughout Hyrule to unite the clans and find four champions as well as to awaken the sage powers inside me. Until then, train your warriors and once I return to the castle, I will send word. I will talk with the Hylian general and plan for joint training between the Rito and Hylian militia. We can discuss the details later."

"I see." The Elder replied. "You have thought this through. However, do we have enough time to execute it?"

I swallowed, "I do not know. I believe so. I think we will see more and more signs of Calamity Ganon's return the closer it gets. For now there have been more sightings and attacks by low level monsters. I assume more powerful creatures, perhaps even armies of monsters, will appear when he is close to returning."

"And your powers?" The Elder asked, "I have heard you have struggled for many years to try and unlock them."

Her words were like a stab to the heart, but I kept a neutral face. "I am working hard to unleash them. I hope my travels to the Spring of Power and Spring of Wisdom will provide the proper conditions for them to awaken. I promise you I will do all I can."

The Elder nodded. "I see. Well there is nothing that can be done." Her head suddenly swiveled to Link, "And who is this young Hylian?"

I gave a quick bow of my head, "That is my knight, Link. He will also be an important asset to defeating Calamity Ganon. He wields the ancient sword from legends, the Master Sword."

The Elder's eyes widened. "Why didn't you say that to begin with? This is incredible. Certainly Calamity Ganon will stand no chance against that sword and Hylia's appointed Hero."

"We all have much faith in him." I said, "But to defeat Calamity Ganon will have to be a joint effort. That is why we need to form a united front as well as the help of the Champions."

The Elder shifted her gaze from Link to me. "So young, and yet you speak wise words. Well then, I think I've heard all I needed to. I leave the rest to you and your knight." Her eyes found Falnor, giving him a pointed look. "And as for you. Inform Azo about the Princess's plan and we will begin to prepare for war."

Falnor sighed, "I'm retired. Have Bosli inform him."

"Retired." The Elder scoffed, "You're still training all the youngins just like you did when you were active. And we'll need your skills now more than ever."

Falnor gave the Elder an exhausted look, "I spent years training the next generation so when something like this happened, I didn't have to come out of retirement."

"Eh, quit your complaining." The Elder replied with no sympathy. "We'll always need someone with your skill, no matter how many you train. Now listen to your Elder and go inform Azo. Also, take the Princess and her knight to meet Revali."

"Will do, Elder Kallo. Although Link and Revali already know each other." Falnor said, giving in to his Elder's demands.

"Eh? They do?" She squawked, her eyes narrowing.

"Link is Damek's boy. He used to train all the time with Revali, Hyss, Tath, and Nisi." Falnor explained.

"What?" The Elder exclaimed, "Why did no one say so sooner?"

Falnor shook his head, "It's not our fault your memory is fading faster than an autumn sunset."

"My memory is fine." The Elder replied, offended. "He's just full grown now. Last time I saw him he was a child, running around with the others." She put a winged hand to her face, "Imagine that, Damek's son. How is he? He had a daughter now too, didn't he? I think I remember her running around here to."

"Now, now, there will be time to reminisce later, Elder." Falnor interrupted, his tone teasing. "I have to take these two Hylians to meet Revali as well as talk to Azo, since no one younger is up to the task."

"Eh, stop talking like you're my age." The Elder scolded, not appreciating Falnor's teasing.

"Goodbye, Elder." Falnor spoke, motioning for Link and I to follow him.

I quickly stood and bowed to the Elder, "Thank you for your time and assistance, Elder." She waved me away, but I saw a small smile on her beak.

With that, the three of us left, Falnor leading the way. "Azo is at the Flight Range training, and Revali is most likely with him." Falnor looked back at us, a frown on his beak. "Seeing as you can't fly, and since there are two of you, I can not carry you both, so we'd have to walk there. Which is far too tedious." Falnor thought for a moment. "To save us all some time, I shall fly there and talk to Azo. You two can wait here in the village."

I nodded, understanding, but still a bit disappointed I wouldn't be going to the Flight Range where I could show Master my skills. Seeing my disappointment, he said, "Don't worry, Zelda. We shall go to the Flight Range tomorrow."

I beamed, "That sounds lovely."

"I'll inform Hyss, Nisi, and Tath that you're here, Link. If they are free, I'm sure they'd love to join us tomorrow."

Link gave a brief nod, but I saw the slight twitch in his lips, signaling a suppressed smile. "What about Revali?" I asked, "I will need to talk to him."

"Oh I haven't forgotten about him." Falnor smirked, "In fact I have decided to have the three of you for dinner tonight. That way you can meet Revali and discuss this champion business with him. We'll all meet at my place around sunset."

"Oh." I said, surprised by the turn of events. "That sounds... lovely." Although it actually didn't. Still my diplomatic side had surfaced and I gave Falnor a heartfelt smile. "We shall see you and Revali tonight then."

Falnor gave a brief nod and then with a flap of his wings he was airborne, soaring through the skies. I sighed, wa