
Chapter 2: The Orc and the girl

The soft wind is carrying the song of green leaves. The trees are dancing gently. However, a girl is walking brutally and naked. She's mumbling about something. A big shadow grow upon her and she was lifted into air.

"Gahaahaa, What a lucky day! I found a enjoyable toy for tonight." She heard a loud voice behind her.

Normal girl may scared and lost consciousness for a while but she doesn't . "Put me down or I will fucking eat u alive" - said by the girl.

"GaHahahahaha. . oh my beauty., I'm scared, I'm scare, I'm so… Gwaaaa " -Before the orc end his line, the girl pull and bite his hand. The blood are covered her body. "U are no longer my toy, u are my lunch. Come here u little dead meat"

**BANG** The sound of club hitting the ground together with body is devastating. Her head is smashed and the body alone was left.

"What a pitiful woman.! If she was smart enough, I won't kill her for long time" - The orc sadly said and left the club on the ground and pick the headless body.


Right after he pick the dead body he heard "It's FUCKING HURT, u idiot orc" and his head feel like hitting by a mountain. **Boungggggg** - the last image he saw was the naked girl holding the club and walking to him slowly. "devilll devill"

The orc really sacred and want to run

but his body don't move.

"My **Bannng** Namee **Baannnnmg** is**Bounnng** Dav Vaaaaa" ***Banng Banng Bangggggg** The face of the orc is nowhere to be found. The anger upon YamaRaZa is all transferred to pathetic orc. After a few minute Dav Va calm down. He feels thirsty and try to drink the blood of orc. "Mmhmm not bad," The taste of orc blood is as same as human but more salty and give the drinker a huge strength and lust. He doesn't know anything about it and try to eat orc meat. Orc meat are too smelly to eat raw. Only after one bite he wants to vomit. So, He drinks blood until he satisfied his hunger. After his stomach is full, he falls asleep like a wild animal. That's becoming trouble because he is in FEMALE body and naked which is welcoming a lot problems. Besides, he also drinks too much orc blood which might give uncontrollable strength and

L U S T.