
253- The Sands Have Eyes Pt. 1

Chandea, Year of Severus, 21st, I.R., the 84th day of Spring, Golden Eagle's Front, Western Border


The sweltering heat of the Dunes had irritated Prince Veritus since they arrived there. His knights and his slaves ended up bowing to the great might of the sun as they slowly roast inside their armors while patrolling the area. Many of his men had been staying in the infirmary for more than a week now, and it seemed to worsen as their campaign raged on. 

Many of them looked defeated even if their skirmishes were yet to begin. A rumor had even started that some knights might abandon their post and run back to the outskirts of Arteria, to save themselves from the war. To boost their morale, the young Prince had no choice but to get out of his tent and patrol with his men across the miles stretched border on horseback under the punishing heat of the sun.