
Allusive Dream

Bright rays of sunlight draped into the room, refracting off of a blue curtain guarding a single paned window. It was early morning.

Lying in bed under the warm bed sheets, was a little girl about the age of a junior high student. She had long brown hair with matching brown eyes. She yawned and instinctively turned her body to face the left side of her bed, gazing at a digital clock.

[07:20 AM September 17, 2008] the clock said, with its glowing red signs.

The girl leapt up out of bed and stretched, and quickly changed out of her blue nightgown and into a casual white and blue school uniform. Smiling gleefully, she opened her door and entered the hallway outside.

Meeting her, was an older boy with black hair and brown eyes. He smiled and was soon greeted with a sudden hug from her. She hugged his waist tightly and looked up at him with a most joyous face of youth.

She giggled and said: "Good morning, Onii-chan!!"

But then, everything went fuzzy and soon white...


A young girl suddenly woken up, her long, elegant white hair curled outward along where she laid. Her eyes felt heavy, and soon she felt that her face was soaked with some liquid.


Still slowly escaping the edge of her eyelids, tears trickled down her face. The sides of her bed beside her head were soaked from them, giving off a salty scent.

She sat up with one hand on her forehead, her hair cloaking her pale back. She thought of the dream she had just had, and how bizarre it had been.

But...in a way. The dream felt nostalgic, as if she had been there at one point.

And then she pondered herself further with: "That...boy... I...feel like I know him..."

Suddenly, a knock on the door echoed throughout the room, followed by a deep voice which rang out:

"Oi, Truci! You up yet?" The voice asked, one which belonged to her brother, Messorem.

"Y-yeah...!" She replied, startled.

"Get dressed and everything, the old man's making us train again..." He stated, the annoyance in his voice noticeable. A few moments passed and he left, his footsteps still echoing in the outer hallway.

Several minutes later, Truci has changed out of her night attire and into her regularly assigned outfit composed of black, red, and purple fabric and metal. After attending to other priorities, she walked out of her room and down to the throne room several corridors down.

In the distance, her brother was leaning against a wall at the end of the hall, a giant medieval steel door standing tall behind him.

"Well you sure took your time." He smirked, his red eyes shooting a sharp glare at her.

"Hush, brother." She sighed, "You just don't take the time to make yourself look presentable." She grabs his left arm and pulls up one of the shackles on it, releasing tension on his arm. "See? You nearly left your arm locked up..."

"ーTch..." He scoffed, "Anyway, let's enter the throne room already..." Having established that, they did just that.

Entering the room, they were greeted with their Lord, or Father, Aethereus, who was seated on his charred black throne. He had similar hair to that of Messorem, short hair, but it was pitch black rather than white. He also shared similar neutral red eyes to the both of them. Exchanging looks with the both of them, he began:

"Training near the Vasto Cliffs will begin momentarily. I advise you both to do your very best." The 5th Lord announces, getting up from his throne.

Instantly after, black clouds suddenly enveloped a space in front of them, revealing their signature weapons.

"Truci, you're blade has been refined since your last mission. It apears the toxic air present there had happened to let it to rust." He explains, levitating the giant blade onto my back.

It was a giant black long sword with a red gem imprinted in its hilt. It was a very heavy weapon, for sure, but for Truci it got the job done.

She bowed obediently, getting on one knee with a hand on her chest. "Thank you, My Lord."

"I trust you won't lose your arm this time, yes?" He asks, scowling at her.

"Y-yes...sir..." She replies, dipping her head down more in shame.

Getting back to the subject at hand Aethereus continued, "Next is yours, Messorem." He began, "After being scorned with red ash I had to go through the trouble of replacing their metal, but what matters is that they're now good as new." He transports the weapon, really two, onto his belt.

His were two hook blades, both sporting a similar design to Truci's one blade. Both resides at his hips and we're about half the length of Truci's blade, but were easier to swing and control.

"Thank you, Father..." He says, bowing down as well.

"With that, I wish you both great fortune on the cliffs. You will both be granted remnants upon your return."

With that settled, they nodded and were shortly transported from the throne room to a red grass pasture just a few miles from their residence. The sky a red tone with fitting darker clouds.

"Let's get moving." Truci commands, sprinting into the fields.

"Yeah, yeah..." Messorem sighs, shortly catching up with her.

In this distance, they were headed towards a giant skewer of pillars and broken or fossilized weapons, which were right beside a cliff.

It was a very historic place in the Demon Realm, where an immense battle between Celestial and Demonia had struck, leaving behind a cliff into a deep pitch-black abyss, along with a graveyard of weapons.

It was a very smooth run through each and every pasture, until the two had entered a Prodigera, a small land of deceased or undead creatures.

Glazing through the blood red grasslands, one creature whipped out and slammed hard into Truci, sending her tumbling into the grass, red blood staining both her outfit and face.

"What's that you said about being 'presentable' earlier?" Messorem laughed, pulling out his blades.

"Sh-shut up..." Truci mumbled, wiping a patch of thick blood from her face.

"Damn prodigium... We'll teach you not to mess with us!" Messorem shouted, quickly changing the subject. He suddenly darted forward, ready to kill any creatures who stood in his way.

Hello again! I apologize for not posting the next chapter sooner! ;3; I had to take my exams this week so I didn’t have the time to work on this. But, it’s here now! We hope you all enjoyed it!

And once more, I’d like to thank my friend in our group 『Lucid Phantasm』, Mao, for proofreading and helping me with some characters. Please go check out his webnovel as well! It’s called “Bloodlords” and it’s really great from what I’ve read so far!

Ciao~! :3

Yui_Suzukicreators' thoughts