
A God is born

The fabric of what we know as reality has been torn. Nephlims, elves, humans,demons and other creatures find a way to survive together in this new world. A new ruler of hell has ascended the throne, does he want war like his predecessor or does he want a new age, does he want peace, and what happened to Lucifer morningstar, The Light bringer, King of Demons and former right hand of the creator, where is the creator himself in all these madness. But there is a prophecy, one that was born the day the world as we know it changed when humans discovered the existence of mana and other essences, a prophecy of a god, one that will make sure the world is safe once again. But many still wonder is this new age a blessing or a curse......

Roco_Lee · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The prophecy

After the fall the lands of the universe merged into one known generally as the conjunction, vast lands to accommodate vast species. The city of humans is now known as New home named after all the races of humanity made their home as one, the city of elves is known as Ereditia from the native elven tongue called Quenya, the city of vampires is known as The Red town named after the the blood lust of vampires a millennia ago(Vampires have evolved and don't drink blood anymore but royals still need blood once every 30 years), the city of Nephlims is called the city of the fallen, the demon that reside on earth and not in hell call their city Morningstar in honour of their fallen king.

This chapter takes hold 400 years after the last chapter.

"James hurry up we'll be late". James knew he was late but he had to find his ring first but he thought it'll be so much easier if his sister wasn't always shouting. After consecutive minutes of searching over and over he finally found it he stuffed it in his pocket and went down the stairs before his sister came up to kill him. "I'm here I'm here jeez.

James sister, Freya was a control freak and she knew but she loved it of course bossing her brother was the best thing she did all day but she knew how much the ring meant to him so she didn't complain. After all it was the last thing his father gave him before his disappearance ( his father vanished briefly after the conjunction)

They presently lived in united republic a home to all species headed by a council formed by a representative of each specie faction

"Hurry up" Are you thinking of your dream again"

"Yes , I can't help but think it means something having a dream several times is weird"

"Exactly weird not special" anyways Marcellus called me yesterday night

James was shocked but didn't comment, they just kept on walking in silence they finally arrived at school and parted ways

"He called Freya and not me , how could he do that, leaves without saying a word and doesn't still call to check up on me"

James was still busy fumbling when he heard someone speak, it was his best friend Ariella

"Hey what's wrong you look worse than the time you were rejected by Charlotte and you looked pretty bad then hehe , what's wrong"

"Apart from your harsh criticism it's nice to see you how are you I'm just thinking of why my brother called my sister yesterday and not me, doesn't he wanna know how I'm doing "

" Oh I'm sorry don't bother yourself with that we have a new teacher by the way and he's allegedly also our instructor for enhanced training. I pray he's an elementalist they're always hot"

James wasn't surprised by this she always wanted to date an elementalist ever since she heard her older sis dated an elementalist in high school and they were the hottest couple.

!!!! ATTENTION Students get to the training building now your instructor is waiting now!!!

"Alright Arielle you can see your hot new boyfriend now by the way have you seen Henry?"

"Nope probably relaxing somewhere he's one of the best elementalist in our school and he's also a cultivator, life doesn't get better than that"

They both proceeded to the training ground together with Arielle fantasizing how the new instructor is going to look like

I'm sorry about the bad presentation of the story, this is my first story so it's gonna be a little off for a while but I assure you I have a good plot
