
A God in Training

Everyone's born into a world with all sorts of people. Good, bad, neutral, chaotic, and a lot more. Imagine being given a chance to take care of those shitty people, the ones who prey on the weak as they walk home from work or leave the store. Kenji Makito has been putting up with bad people all his life and even endured quite a bit of trauma in his life. He's now given a chance to become a god but it's not instant nor is it easy. Fight for what you believe is right, that's what they say at least. Schedule: Updates are TBD but will try for Daily! Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me and if any art belongs to you, let me know!

Kota_Sama · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Chapter 9: Let's see your Rank

Falling asleep took a bit since I didn't know much about Katsuro so I didn't want to fall asleep so easily around someone. He doesn't exactly give off a bad aura but you never know.

Waking up this morning though I was surprised to see the sun shining into the room since my apartment was always closed up. I didn't really let the sun in much but it's okay.

Having a roommate will take some time to get used to.

"Morning Kenju. Seems you'll be testing today huh?" Katsuro questions after saying my name wrong.

"It's Kenji, and yes I'll be testing." I respond with a bit of an annoyed tone in my voice.

Only natural to test the waters with people but I'm not sure that's the best way to test it out. I don't have a lot of patience with people, especially stupid ones.

"Best of luck. Ranks are a big deal you know." Katsuro mentions before laying back in his bed.

These ranks probably determine a lot of different things here since it's got a lot of powerful tech here. Also helps with fighting against the Mitho.

Wouldn't want weak people fighting against stronger Mitho by themselves or in general.

"Why?" I question while getting up out of bed.

"They determine what squad you get put onto and what type of missions you're on." Katsuro responds with a laid back tone.

Definitely seems like a pretty easy going guy but I'm wondering what rank he is or what the ranks are in general. Plays a significant role in where you get assigned here so I'll make sure to do my best.

I want to be against the strongest ones because I know it'll lead me to Ayumi a lot faster than these weak ones.

"Thank you for the information. It'll definitely be useful." I say before heading out the door.

Not really sure where to go so I'll just walk around until I find the right place since this place is pretty big. Would've helped if she told me where I was going yesterday but it doesn't make a difference.

It helped me get use to the layout of the place so it wasn't really a bad thing to do either way.

{Equipment Room}

This definitely isn't the right room but it would be interesting to see what kind of equipment is inside the room. Will I have to wear one of those suits that they wear? Maybe not since Katsuro wasn't wearing one.

Could be a preference thing or possibly helps with power absorption. If that's even the right thing to be considering it as.

"Oh there you are. Let's go. You'll end up late." Aliza speaks up from behind me.

"Sorry I didn't know where I was going." I respond while turning around.

She looked at me for a moment with a carefree expression before speaking.

"Not a big deal. I should've told you or waited for you this morning. Just follow me." Aliza says with a joyful tone in her voice.

I'm really not sure how to react to the people here, everyone is giving off such different auras compared to what I'm used to. But I will be back to check out that equipment room when no one's around.

"Not a big deal, I'll follow you." I reply while beginning to follow her.

I took in the surroundings once more while following her and realized that a lot of the rooms here seemed to have empty spots. No names on the doors, doors left open with empty spaces, and the majority of people didn't seem to be in here.

Must be different sections of the building for others to stay in or maybe the battle isn't going as good against the Mitho.

"Here we are." Aliza says while gesturing towards a door.

{Rank Examination}

I guess they have the rooms labeled for a reason but this place is huge inside so how was I expected to find it. Doesn't matter now though since I have to head inside.

"Thank you for helping me find it." I speak with a sincere tone before entering the room.

Inside the room was a couple of other people around my age but they were all just standing there idle. I don't know what kind of test they do for these ranks.

"Welcome. You may join us in getting your rank Examination." A man with an officer like uniform says.

The guy in the front of the room definitely looked a lot older but everyone else here was pretty young so I wonder how many new people they get usually.

I know I'm one of them but I need to get this done so let's do it. Walking towards the spot he pointed to I realized something was underneath where my feet go.

"You'll feel quite a bit of things but don't worry this is normal as it's a full body analysis that determines your power ranking." The Officer says while looking around the room.

The room was bland with nothing really in it but a board at the front. I'm assuming that's where the ranks display when we're done with this test.

Shock. Shock. A sudden pain went throughout my body as I stood on this weird panel. It felt like a stabbing pain after the initial shocking feeling that I had.

What the hell is this exactly?

I tried to look around the room but it felt as if I was locked in place with no possibility of moving. I could hear some of the other people screaming though.

Screaming from this isn't shocking but my pain tolerance is a lot higher than even I expected. The broken hand didn't even stop me from wanting to fight back at the school.

Could be related to this system or maybe my injuries from years ago.

"After seeing how everyone reacted I could safely say that you're done but wait why aren't you phased." The Officer says while staring directly at me.

The Board behind him then lit up with the ranks of everyone in the room. Seems first names are the basic they'll give to keep confidentiality.

Aika - Rank C

Misaki - Rank B

Yasu - Rank C

Taichi - Rank A

Kenji - Rank