
A God in Training

Everyone's born into a world with all sorts of people. Good, bad, neutral, chaotic, and a lot more. Imagine being given a chance to take care of those shitty people, the ones who prey on the weak as they walk home from work or leave the store. Kenji Makito has been putting up with bad people all his life and even endured quite a bit of trauma in his life. He's now given a chance to become a god but it's not instant nor is it easy. Fight for what you believe is right, that's what they say at least. Schedule: Updates are TBD but will try for Daily! Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me and if any art belongs to you, let me know!

Kota_Sama · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

Chapter 12: A Test of Strength

"You ever think the training is too hard?" Ayumi asks with a bit of curiosity behind her voice.

I don't remember her asking me this question.

"Kenji." A voice echoes around me.

I looked around but everything was still the same and I was still at the estate here. I keep hearing my name get called.

Someone's calling out to me right now but I don't see anyone else here with us.

"Kenji let's go!" The voice shouts as it gets louder.

That's when suddenly everything changed in an instant and I was back in reality. The training area for the rest of strength that all the new members would be doing.

Gasp. I had lost my breath for a moment after coming back to the real world instead of that dream.

"Everything good?" Katsuro questions with a bit of concern in his voice.

"Yes Sir." I respond while taking a few glances around me.

Got to keep the way I talk to the way they would in the military. I should've rejected the chance to do this but I didn't want to go back to school and that life.

I've lived a life of repeatedly doing nothing, learning nothing, and helping no one. It'd be stupid for me to pass up an opportunity like this.

I'm 16 now but I could do this for quite some time.

"Good then let's see how you do with the test." Katsuro says with a smirk on his face.

Hours of rigorous obstacles, stupid fights with fake Mitho, and fights against fellow squad mates. This was what they called a test of strength.

Whiff whiff. Currently I was avoiding punches from one of my new squad mates since it was to test our skills in hand to hand combat. There are humanoid Mitho so they want to make sure we are capable of defending ourselves against them too.

"Taro you could do a lot better than that." Katsuro speaks up from the side. He continues to observe from the sidelines as the two fight.

I was playing defense on purpose to let him tire himself out but now I'd feel bad if ended this too quickly. He really is giving an honest effort right now.

"You pretty damn good." Taro says while beginning to grit his teeth.

Didn't see the point in responding right now since this is all to see where everyone is at in terms of power and abilities. I'll just have to fight back at this point.

Without another thought going by Kenji immediately caught his next attack and swept under his feet knocking him onto the floor.

"I'm not done!" Taro shouts as he gets his hand away from Kenji.

Kicking back up he began to try and rush Kenji with a flurry of blows but again was failing to land any of them.

"You're not bad at fighting but I've just been training in lots of different martial arts for years." I say with a serious tone.

Smack! His fist connected with Kenji's hand once more which allowed for the offensive to switch over yet again.

Rushing in with attacks now was Kenji and he was bombarding him with punch after punch until finally his arms gave out.

Pow!! One final punch connected straight with Taro's face which knocked him cold to the ground. He was out and not getting back up for another round of this fight.

"Kenji that rank really is starting to show on you more and more. I expect to see those kinds of results in the field." Katsuro says with a bit of praise before switching back to his serious demeanor.

| Katsuro Ichizuki |

AC Rank: Captain

Power Rank: A

Preferred Style of Fighting: With Mitus in a custom form of martial arts passed down in his family.

Weapon: Mitus. A small metal rod that can easily be used as a weapon.


"Thank you Captain." I respond respectfully before looking around the training grounds.

Everyone here is working hard to prove themselves but I could only wonder how different it'll be out there now. I've only fought a Mitho one time and it wasn't a bad fight but I know I could've died with one wrong move.

{Hours Go by without any issues.} Standing near a small stage used for speeches from Captains or higher.

"Honestly you all did well. I know it's hard to get used to someone your age being in charge of you but it isn't bad. Do your job and I'll make sure everybody stays safe." Katsuro speaks loudly for everyone to hear.

I can only imagine what goes on with the General during all this stuff.

{Generals Office.} A meeting with the president is currently underway.

"These Mitho haven't even really been seen. Honestly seem more like rumors most days or something made up in people's pictures." The President says with a look of disbelief on his face.

The General didn't even appear to be phased by this comment but knew that she needed to get his approval so they could do much more. Mitho are a world wide problem if they manage to get pass the borders of Japan.

"Mitho aren't seen very often because our soldiers take care of them before you even get the chance to see them. I'm only asking to be recognized as another branch of military power." The General responds with a bit of concern in her voice.

He sat there silent for a few minutes after she said that but then he finally began to speak.

"You're my daughter, of course I'll support this. You've shown enough proof but I do have to give you some crap about it or else it'd be too easy." The President says as he gives a smile.

"Thank you." She responds with a bit of relief in her voice.

Announcement brought to you by your local new stations.

Japan has authorized and recognized Angelic Core as an official Military power starting today. New procedures will be put in place and new buildings will be established within each city.

If you see a Mitho please call the following number displayed. ***-***-**** thank you.