

In a magical world where naming a monster makes them evolve, a women is kidnapped by goblins. She's then taken to the goblins nest, rapped, tourched abd forced to bare a child, the women gives birth to a girl. But instead of hating the child she was forced to bare the women names her: Delia then glowed in a golden colour. Then some adventures show up and saved the women but she died immediately after giving one of the adventures a message: "Please take care of my daughter please, for my sake.'' Then later Delia is betrayed. Watch delia vonsfield as she searches for happiness in a world fulled with betrayal and heart breaking moments. The wallpaper isn't mine if the creator or owner want me to take it out please contact: +933676207 from Angola. If number isnt reachable please comment in comments i always check the comments. support for other light-novel like this!

countless_writings · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Human characteristics?

Right now delia and Jason where in their personal bathroom that Cole's team the "Ranger rocks'' where created especially for them, Jason was now taking off all of Delia's clothes and once she was in her birthday suit he hoisted her up the and he placed her in the tub and he immediately started scrabbing her off.

And Delia started to playground like a small child playing with bubbles while giggling and waving her arms around and seeing this Jason thought she looked like an ordinary kid if you ignored her different skin color and after 30 minutes of bathing they finished.

And they were now starring at the one and only bed in the room they ordered should I say jason was trying to figure their sleeping arrangement and he continued to pase from left to right over and over again, trying to figure their sleeping arrangement. Jason pased around the room for a long 4-minutes until he decided on a sleeping arrangement.

"Okay I got this, she'll sleep on the floor and she's a monster so sleeping on the floor she won't feel uncomfortable, yeah this is a right, good decision jason,'' jason said to himself while's also patting himself on the back for his clever decision making. He thought but when he layed his eyes on delia who seem's the whole bath part was only starring at a innocent wall intensly like as if she could see something no-one else could see.

And with his kind heart jason started to rethink his decision, so he started to rethink and it took about 7 straight minutes for a new decision was decided by jason.

"Delia,'' jason called out to delia and the girl slowly turned around to look back to jason, Jason realised during they're bathing time that slowly but surely delia started to age and act more and more like a normal kid it was like the more time passed, the more she evolved:

"Like a vampire,'' jason thought to himself as he walked up to her and he grabbed her and held her and he walked up to the bed and he layed down on the bed whiles Delia layed on his chest and she was starring at him intensly with her unfocused eye's that looked like she'll doze off at any moment.

But the look didn't even bother jason as he just starred right back to the green skinned girl's clear sky blue eyes and he said to her in an indifferent tone but if you heard him you could hear their was a kind tone in the end: "Sleep now...delia, it's late,'' that was all he said to her even though he spoke in a indifferent tone, Delia somehow felt calm and relaxed and not to mention safe around him for some weird reason her kids sized brain couldn't comprehand for now and with that last thought she dozed off to sleep without her even realising it.

And with that 4-days passed fast and to summarize what happened to delia in this 4-days was as followed, on the first day after the funeral Delia just stayed in Jason's room while he went downstairs to eat and later about 5 to 12 minutes he returned back and he gave her, her own which consisted of 3-apples, 2-sandwiches and a bowl of soup.

But because of her low IQ, Jason had to feed her like a baby using the airplane/flock feeding strategy and Delia easily and quickly fall for it and eventually they finished, and on her second day nothing else happened accept for when jason left he's room he forgot to lock up his room and delia just like a child seeking exploration she opened the door.

And she want exploring while she still wore her dark brown coat and bandages that covered up her whole skin but her exploration had to be shut down because she pumped into someone who was also heading out of his or her and it had to someone who hated her to his core and being, cole the captain of Jason and his party.

The hate and killing intent that cole showed was so thick that Delia literally froze in fear and she just didn't even dare to look up to cole, and when cole saw Delia he just said nothing and just extended his hand towards her and before he could reach her cole heard Jason's worried voice:

"Delia! What are you doing out her, you shouldn't be out, ahhh come on Jeremy girl come-come,'' Jason said as he got on his knee's and opened up his arms wide awaiting for an embrace and not long after sencing and hearing Jason's worried voice Delia snapped back to normal and she sprinted for Jason's direction and she embraced him tightly.

Jason who was tightly hugging him could see that delia's whole body was continuesly shaking in fear as she buried her face to his chest and when he saw this he unconsciously looked at cole who was still until now was starring dagger's at her with pute killing intent and he immediately took Delia back to his room completely ignoring Cole's stares.

And the rest of the other 2-days passed normally with delia slowly and carefully started to understand other emotions just like anger, sadness, and other emotions and like that 4-day's passed by without any other problems and on the 5th day during midnight around 3, while Jason and Delia who where both sleeping in their usual positions delia's whole body went through another evolution and it all started with her hair that went from raven black hair to platinum white hair, her normal looking ears turned to long elf like ears, her green skin color turned to clear light white, Delia opened her eyes for a moment showing that her clear sky blue eyes remained unchanging and she now looked fully human but her front cane nine teeth's also didn't change much but the only difference was that the sharpness reduced.


Morning came and when the rays of the sunlight hit Jason's face he grumpily tried to stand up from the bed but he couldn't stand up because of a white haired girl with didi's face in every detail from her nose to mouth all identical the girl layed comfortably ontop of his chest with a silly smile, plastered on her didi like face. Jason's first reaction to delias new appearance was first confusion then slow realisation before he freaked out falling off the bed.

Jason started to try to reclaim his memory of if he brought a random girl to his room, he tried to recall his memories of last night to see if he happened to drink but he couldn't remember any such thing and if he did anything shady to the girl he would be in a lot of trouble Jason thought to himself.