
A girl who travels in her own script

Aisha_Nadeem_1075 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Getting Mateo out of the prison

Avery wakes up the next day and her servant says"You are awake your Highness"than she says "why am I still here". Than she says " where is Mateo?"and her servant says "in the prison"than she remembers what has happened.She ran to her mother and says"please release Mateo"and her mother says"He has poisoned you but than she says "I fainted because I had drunken wine" than her mother says "but you have a large wine capacity how can you get drunk after only drinking two glasses".Than she says "please mother release him he is my husband and he has not poisoned me"but the mother says no.

But you known she gets everything she wants .So she asks her mother again and again and finally the mother says yes.