
A Girl who Fought to Provide

Ava Catia Vice is simply The Girlwho Fought to Provide, Ava's brother Grayson is the only person she has and the only person she worries about more than herself, as long as her brother is fed and has a roof over his head, she didn't care about anything else. She's had the weight of the world on her shoulders since that tragic night but she managed, she had to, for him, for Grayson. What happens when she catches the attention of a group? Will she let them in? How will she handle the unknown information thrown at her?

Azure_Blade · Ciudad
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2 Chs


"Can you get those boxes over there please." I asked of my little brother.

"How are we going to afford to move Av?" He asked, using my nickname and running his fingers through his blonde hair he inherited from our mother.

"I saved enough money to get us out of this

town, I promise I have it all sorted out." I explained, putting more boxes into the huge truck.

"I don't like that you're still working with

Kota." He frowned.

"I know, I'll try to find a proper job once we settle in but it's the only income we have for now." I said kissing his forehead.

I pretty much have full custody of my little brother Grays on who is 16 years old, though we both have our grandmother, she would not provide for us and kicked us out, saying we were old enough to look after ourselves.

Her doing that was a blessing since she wasn't very nice to us. My brother and I struggled coming back to my parent's house after losing them but we managed. I struggled more trying to provide for my brother but I always made ends meet, I always figured out a way, and it was hard.

As long as my brother was fed and had a roof over his head, I was content. Our parents died in a car crash a year ago, we've been coping well but the house reminded us of them so much it was suffocating. I decided to move us, for a fresh

start. A new beginning, somewhere where our neighbors didn't look at us with pity and reminded us of the loss we have faced.

"Earth to Ava." Grayson waved his hands in front of my face.

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly.

"How did you manage to get our grandmother to sign the papers to the new house?" He asked, helping me with the boxes.

"She signed them right away, didn't even look them over, she doesn't want us." I sighed, a pang of hurt hitting my heart.

"It's okay, we'll be fine." He smiled half-heartedly.

"I know." Bumping shoulders with him. I decided to keep our parent's house in case we needed somewhere to come back to if things didn't work out in our new place.

"Is that everything?" I asked, walking back into the now empty house.

"I think so, I'll check upstairs." He bolted up the staircase.

"Nothing up here." He shouted moment's later, running back down.

"Okay. Let's go." I said, double checking the windows and back door to the house.

Our house was once filled with love by our parent's, now it only felt empty without them. It was a beautiful house, your typical white picket fence house. Locking the door behind me, I bent down to grab the spare key from the fake plant that sat neatly next to the front door.

"Can't believe we're actually leaving, I'm going to miss it." Grayson said, eyes filled with unshed tears.

"We'll be back one day." I promised, throwing my arm over his shoulders with difficulty since he was a little taller than me.

"Come on before Jeff and Dave get more impatient." I said, staring at the huge trucks from the moving company.

"I'm glad I talked you out of selling this car." Grayson said, settling into the leather passenger seat.

"I'm glad you did too," I smiled, inhaling the familiar smell of my fathers' cologne. Even though he hasn't been in the car since they passed, the car still held his familiar scent.

We had a Ford Mustang GT, it belonged to our father, and I would have sold it in a heartbeat to provide for my brother.

We were going through a hard time when I was getting ready to sell it, the power and water were on the verge of getting switched off so I decided to sell it but my brother knew how much the car meant to me since it was our fathers' prized possession, mine included.

I worked something out with the electricity and water bill company to extend the payment, so it gave me enough time to come up with the money from my job working with Kota.

Pulling out of the driveway, the mover trucks followed closely behind as we drove to our new destination, our new beginning.

"It looks like a nice neighborhood." Grayson said, stepping out of the car to stretch his tall frame. His hair was disheveled since he slept all the

way here.

"Teenage boys." I muttered under my breath.

I stared at the house, it was better than the pictures, small but big enough for the both of us. The color of the house off-white with dark grey detailing. A dark grey patio stretched around the front and right side of the house.

Checking the mailbox for the keys the real estate had left for us. It sat neatly placed with a welcome card.

Welcome to Statesman, hope you enjoy your new house.

I read it out, clipping the house keys to my car keys and handing them to Grayson to go open the door.

"I'll help Jeff and Dave." I called out. The sun was setting so we had to move fast or else we wouldn't be able to see anything. It took us an hour and a half to get the furniture and boxes into the house. I had

Jeff and Dave put all the heavy things where I wanted before paying them.

"I ordered pizza for dinner, let's get started

on unpacking." I huffed, staring at all the boxes chattered over the entrance and dining room floors.

It's going to be a long weekend of unpacking. I sighed heavily.