
A Girl For Her Series

Seeing her as more than just a friend would drive my heart wild, she is special to me in every way. Let's call her Jana, and she has no idea what she makes me feel inside. I have known her a little over two years, but feels like forever even when we talk every day. It's not like we haven't planned to see each other again, it has been in my mind to finally be in love with a woman, and she's the closest to my heart for years. Jana and I have the same thoughts and beliefs of a happy couple. She's never been with another woman, so this is my chance to show her the love I feel but take it slowly and thoughtful as possible. I believe Jana can be happy with the right person as though it might be scary at first but what woman isn't when they go for someone new? This is my story of how my happiness to Jana Johnson was worth it. My name is Angel Knight, and I'll be guiding you to beginning to the end. (This is a on-going series)

LesbianJuliet88 · LGBT+
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30 Chs

Chapter 8

Angel and Scarlett still haven't touched each other in any romantic way, it bothered Angel because when she was with Jana they made love and everything but she is figuring that this non-sexual relationship will work itself forward on finding a romantic area for them both sexually eventually. It just became so dull for Angel like it was living in Kansas once more. Angel wanted Scarlett to give her attention but it seemed so far out of reach that they avoided one another. Angel grabbed a bottle of whiskey out of the cabinet and drank it until it was empty then slept peacefully without stress. She woke up to find herself naked next to Scarlett like they made love drunk but she couldn't recall any of it.

Scarlett got out of bed without looking at Angel but spoke softly.

"That was just pity sex, I will not be making love to you any time soon. I am not going to cure my alcohol problem either. I don't love you in any way, I have no idea why you came here to be with me but this life isn't for either of us." Scarlett said in a scowled voice.

"Why do you hate me so much? I thought you said we were soulmates. Scarlett, please, I am trying to understand this motive that you have against besides when I went back to Jana and that only happened because I needed some place to stay while you recovered, I didn't think it would happen overnight. Scarlett, please, let's work this out, make love with meaning behind it. I don't want to drink just to have sex with you." Angel begged.

"I don't hate you, I am aggravated because I can't get rid of you. I wanted Annabel Hudson not Angel Knight though my own stupidity did this to me on making you Annabel Thomas but no, you had to come back from Kansas to prove some kind of love that we don't have. I don't get you, Angel, you have a perfect woman and kids waiting for you in Kansas. I can't love a woman that doesn't belong to me, it is selfish to think that I could make you my dream girl but I can't change that." Scarlett replied as she sat on the bed still naked.

Angel kissed Scarlett's shoulder with a soft touch making Scarlett shiver.

"I don't want to leave you, Scarlett. I know what you did is wrong but I don't belong with Jana at least not at the moment or if ever. I am in love with you." Angel whispered in Scarlett's ear.

"You do belong with Jana. Not me this is where you get it wrong, I am the evil ex-girlfriend who tried to rape you few years ago, and controlled you in High School. We aren't to be together, Angel." Scarlett replied, pushing Angel back away from her.

Angel sat up keeping her hands away from Scarlett as she bit her lip trying to think of a reply to handle Scarlett's ambition on pushing her away so much. Angel rubbed her hands together on her lap, watching Scarlett get up from the bed and headed into the bathroom without looking back at Angel. Angel got up from the bed rushing to the bathroom door to find it locked which disappointed Angel feeling that Scarlett isn't giving in. A few seconds went by when she heard a scream from the bathroom as Angel looked down through the bathroom on the floor to find Scarlett beating on the bathtub, and laying her head down crying. Angel got up from the floor, and walked away back to getting clothes on, dreading days to come when she would see Scarlett smiling.

After getting dressed Angel went to her phone to text Jana on seeing what she can do to make a way for them all to be happy, maybe moving Jana out here wouldn't be a bad idea. So, that way they all can be together without this separation. Angel got a hold of Jana, though Jana didn't like the idea, she agreed to it, so Jonathan and Avery can see Angel as much as possible this way. Angel knocked on the bathroom door telling Scarlett the good news.

"Good, once they are here, you can live with them because I can't be with a woman like you, you are too much. I agreed with Jana to make you as happy as possible but I am not willing to keep this so called relationship alive when their wasn't one to begin with." Scarlett said through a vile tone.

"I am not going to move in with them. I am staying right here whether you like it or not, Scarlett. I am technically still your wife until we sign these divorce papers but even then I am not leaving you." Angel replied as she sat in front of the bathroom door.

Scarlett screamed again and again and again as Angel kept smiling through her wonderful thoughts. She would have access to two women but one is her permanent partner that is Scarlett whether Jana likes it or not this is going to work. Angel heard the bathroom door open, out of spite Angel kissed Scarlett with passion and finally Scarlett gave into Angel they made love like never before. It felt amazing to have Scarlett's lips roam Angel's body that is in need. Out of breath, Scarlett looked at Angel.

"Even though we made love sober doesn't mean we are going to be like this all the time, I am not in love with you like you want but I will love you for as long as you are here. I don't even like admitting this but you have given me no choice." Scarlett whispered between breaths.

Angel kissed Scarlett more than made love more until neither of them could take it anymore. Angel didn't care what Scarlett thought was right but she was going to make Scarlett fall in love with her somehow even if it meant fancy dinners and fun.

You can find this series on Amazon Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and Paperback. I can't make them Hardcover because the books aren't that big.

This Series will also be brought to a big novel called Jana & Angel once it is completed. You all have seen it on here and you would have the option to choose between the Novel or Series to read on here.

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