
The big plan...


Max smiled as he watched Magedon and the rest of the demons burry the body of the fallen angels that they had slaughtered. He nodded happily as he stared at the flaming sword which had given him the victory; he had waited for this day to come for so long. 

He turned to look at Lucifer’s lifeless body, and this made him feel satisfied and even more proud of himself. Although he still could not Fathom how he came back to life, he was grateful to whomever or whatever had brought him back to life. Max paused on his thoughts as he tried to ponder on his last line of thought.

“Whatever had brought him back to life?”  What if it was hell that brought him back? Would it also do same to Lucifer? Max could but help but wonder.

“Do not burry Lucifer’s body with the rest of the fallen angels.” He stated, causing Magedon to stare at him confusedly.

“This is the safest place in hell right now, I mean where else could we possibly burry him?” Magedon asked hoping that his doubts would be cleared.

“I do not want him buried here in hell.” Max sighed, “Take him to earth and make sure no one sees you, or know where you are going to burry him.”

Magedon still wasn’t clear about why Max did not want Lucifer to be buried in hell but either way, he had to obey instructions. “What about his sword.” He asked.

“Burry it together with him, we don’t need such useless weapon here.” Max replied as Magedon took Lucifer’s body together with his sword and left with two demons for earth.


Back on earth, Michael was still standing between Leo and Linder, after he had successfully stopped them from trying to tear each other apart.

“What the hell did you say your name was again?” Leo asked, rubbing his head, it still ached from the pain he felt from when Michael had hit him while trying to stop the fight.

“My name is Michael, and like I said earlier, I’m not going to let you kill this Vampire, because she is part of my big time Plan.” Michael said emphatically, pointing at Linder.

“Look Mr Michael or whatever the fuck your name is, or whatever big bad ass plan you have with this girl. But I caught her spying on my friends. So you either let me finish what I have already started otherwise I am going to treat you as an accomplist.” Leo Stated firmly as he brought out his claws and his eyes turned green.

“Hmm, a werewolf guy.” Michael chuckled as he saw Leo’s eye change. “Well I would back off if I were you, I don’t want you to get hurt.” He added.

“Well let us see who gets hurt.” Leo said as he rushed towards Michael.

Michael easily avoided Leo’s punches, He chuckled as he watched Leo try as much as he could to scratch him with his claws, but he just seemed too slow.

 Michael soon realized that there was no need to waste any more games with Leo, so he punched him hard on his left Rib and watched Leo pass out within split seconds. He sighed briefly and turned to Linder who still lay weakly on the other side of the floor.

“I’d take care of this guy, but I need you to pass a message to Felix for me.” Michael stated.

Linder groaned weakly, but was surprised that Michael knew Felix. He might be a friend after all, she thought.

 “So what should I tell him?” She asked.

Michael nodded and looked around briefly before replying. “Tell him that the arch Angel Michael asks to meet with him, I need to discuss something important with him.” 

Linder gasped as it dawned on her that she was actually looking at an angel for the first time in her whole life. Or so she thought. But then she had to put herself together as she had already seen so many strange things in her life already.

“Is it part of your big plan? And is this suppose to be my only role in it or something?” she asked.

Michael chuckled as he turned around and picked up Leo’s unconscious body from the ground. 

“Just deliver my message.” He said as he brought out his wings. “And don’t forget to tell him that I saved your life.” He added before flying away with Leo’s body.


Shortly after Michael had left, Felix arrived with Tracy to the spot where he had tracked Linder’s location to. When they arrived, they ran towards where Linder still laid on the floor, recovering from the fight with Leo.

“Are you okay? Did someone see you or something; you look like you where in a fight.” Felix enquired.

“I’m fine; I’d tell you what happened later, but right now we need to figure out how to get our prisoner back.” Linder replied as she pointed to the tent where she had seen Luciana go in with Sia, Divina and the rest of the people present, after Wendy had arrived with Josh.

“How many people are in there?”  Felix asked, stretching to see if he could see the people inside the tent from where they stood.

Linder sighed, “A couple of humans are in there with them, but we can take them down.”

Felix pondered briefly on what he was going to say next, he knew that Tracy and Linder where expecting him to take a drastic action as they expected a fight to take back their prisoner, but deep down he knew that He didn’t want to hurt, Luciana and he needed to give her a chance to be on his side, especially now that she has been through a lot.

“We are not going to fight now.” He stated, causing Tracy and Linder to stare at each other in shock.

“What?!” They asked in Unison, genuinely confused. 


(WRITERS NOTE: Thank you all for your love and patience, “A Gift From Hell 2” Promises to be more exciting and interesting, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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