
Raising Lucifer 2 (Games)

A few moments later James came in and was shocked to see Sia already there because the hotel was a bit farther than his house and he did not reckon wasting anytime at home.

"What? Sia's already here?;" He asked when he walked in.

"Yep she is and it's a long story." ....


The demons that where on guard around Lucifer's grave saw Wendy and Josh walking towards their direction, they looked at themselves briefly wondering what gave the humans the audacity to come this far into the desert and even dared to pass where they were alone.

"Let's beat these guys to a pulp and take their bodies." One of the demons suggested.

"There's just two of them and five of us, how do you expect five demons to share two bodies dummy? And besides I doubt if we'd make it out of this desert alive in human skin." Another demon countered.

"So what do you suggest we do?" The first demon asked again.

"I say we play scared chicken." The other demon replied, causing the others to nod happily in agreement.

"Now that sounds like fun! We have been bored in this Desert for so long." Another stated, causing all the rest to giggle in happiness.

Wendy ad Josh walked steadily straight wardly as they hand been directed to do by Luciana and Divina. They could not help but wonder where the demons were. They could not tell if the demons where still far away or just a few meters ahead of them. But all that same, they kept on walking. 

Suddenly, they saw a very strange beign that looked as ugly as nothing that they had ever seen in their entire Life. The sight of the being standing in front of them, made them so afraid that they thought of running back towards where Lociana and the rest of the team were.

But as they turned around to run, they saw another uglier beign even uglier than the first one which made them fall straight to the ground at the sight of it. 

"We really need to find a way to get out of here." Josh whispered to Wendy. 

Wendy looked to his left. "On my count of 5 we are going to run out, through that space okay?"

Josh nodded and then Wendy started to count. "1..2..3..4..5!!"

They both stood up at the same time and made to run away through the space that Wendy had pointed at earlier, but yet another being appeard in front of them. 

"This is so much fun, I can feed on the fear coming out from these guys for a whole week." One of the demons whispered to another.

"These guys will not even last up to a week dummy. So shut it!"  The demon replied.

That was when Wendy confirmed that these creatures might be the demons that Luciana and co where talking about. They had imagined that demons would look a little bit like humans, since they where able to possess some human bodies, but now he was shocked to believe that what he was staring at now were demons.

"Relax Josh. These are the demons, Luciana told us about. Seems like they already started playing games with us like we where told they would." Wendy whispered to Josh, hoping that non of the demons heard him.

Josh turned to look at Wendy wondering if he was joking or he really meant what he said. "Guy how are u certain that they are demons?"

"Look at them. They seem to be of the same species and they communicate with each other, and also they are obviously playing games with us, else we'd be dead by now." Wendy  answered looking around to see if Luciana and the rest had already started coming closer.

"We are going to keep pretending like we are scared so that they keep playing their game and give the rest of our team enough time to sneak up on them." He added.

Josh nodded in acceptance as they continued to pretend as though they where trying to escape to enable the demons keep on playing their so called game Laughing loudly in amusement.

Soon enough one of the demons stopped laughing and started to look in horror.

"What happened? Why are you trying to kill the fun..."  Another demon had started to ask but could not complete his statement when he felt himself divide into two and faded away from existence.

Momentarily the three other demons passed away the same way now this particular demon was left to watch on in terror, as what seemed like a fun game a few seconds ago had turned into a disaster right before his eyes.

Luciana, Divina and Azrael come from behind the destroyed demons. Azrael had happily killed two of the demons while Luciana and Divina had handled one each. Now only one demon was left shaking in fright.

Wendy and Josh  hieved a sigh of relief when they saw their team mates come in from behind the demons.

"We thought you guys where not coming anymore." Josh whispered. But the trio ignored him and send straight to the remaining demon who now knelt on the floor begging for his Life.

"Where exactly did you guys lay Lucifer? Not like we don't know already, we are just giving you a chance to live." Divina Lied.

"There, he was laid right there." The demon replied pointing at a particular spot.

"Our equipment are still there, just a little bit covered up with sand." He added. Hoping that they would hurriedly go and dig out for the equipment so that he could escape but to his greatest surprise, they did not make any move.

"So you really think that we'd just let you go like that, so that you would go and alert the others that Lucifer's corpse had been found?" Divina asked as she walked away leaving the demon to Azrael.

When the demon saw that there was no way that they where going to let him go if he did not make any move by himself, he turned to run away, but Azrael slayed him before he could make the move.


(WRITERS NOTE: Thanks to everyone for following up the story so far. I'd like to see more reviews as it would help future updates, if you haven't dropped any reviews yet, please do, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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