

The humans that approached where a group of guys, with two girls in their midst, they seemed as though they where on their way to or from a club house. Victoria walked towards them from the opposite direction as though she was lost or something.

When the people saw her, they paused briefly on their tracks and observed her for a moment.

"She seemed lost." One of the girls whispered to the other guys giggling.

"Hello damsel. Do you need someone to show you around?" One of the guys said as he walked towards her with a smirk on his face.

"No I.. I.. I am fine.." Victoria replied forming a shaky voice.

The guy smiled weirdly as he stretched his right hand and held her arm softly at first. "Come on, you know you are alone in the dark street and it's a little bit cold, I could make you feel warm." He said as he strengthened his grip on her when he saw that she was trying to release herself from his soft grip.

"No please.  Don't," Victoria said, she turned to look at the others that where be hind him.

The guy dragged her closer to himself and began to un Hook his belt as he pinned her closer to the wall.

"Guys please help me, you wouldn't let him do this to your fellow gender would you?" She pleaded with the ladies who where with the other guys behind him.

But instead of helping, they just giggled. 

"Shut up bitch and let him have his fun, you've got a nice set of boobs." One of the girls shouted as the others erupted into another round of laughter.

This gingered the guy that was trying to take advantage of Victoria, he giggled as he squeezed her left boobs with his firm hands trying to force himself on her.

Momentarily Victoria stoped acting scared and gave the guy a Stern look. "You are Soo.. going to regret this, all of you." She said.

Causing all of them to laugh even harder. 

"Now look who's muttered enough courage to stand up for herself." The guys said as he tried to bend her over on the wall, but he was shocked that he wasn't even able to move her body an inch away from the way she had kept it still.

"Is everything okay brah?" One of the guys who stood with the others asked, when he noticed several failed attempt to bend her over from the assult guy.

"I'm fine, she's just trying to be stubborn." The assult guy said, still trying to bend her over, sweat starting to form on his face, in the cold night. His Trousers still down.

Victoria seemed to be enjoying every bit of what was happening, apart from the part where the guy pressed her left boobs - she needed him to feel a little pain for that guts before she finally killed him.

She looked down to his legs and saw that he was hard and his Trousers where already down. 

"Good." She muttered as she grabbed his hardness and by turning her hands easily to the left his d**k twisted making some cracky sounds.

The assult guy shouted in pain as he let go of her not knowing what to do. His eyes widened in shock as he saw her blue eyes turn read and her canine grow longer than normal.

"She's a demon!!" He shouted in agony as he fell on the floor holding his mamba, while he rolled from the left to the right.

The other guys saw what was happening and decided to turn and run away but when they turned around, they where shocked to see that they had been surrounded by The other vampires, who happily rushed towards them and fed themselves to their satisfaction, keeping some to take home.


Luciana walked as fast as she could to get to the place where the address on the piece of paper had directed her to. Finally she got to the particular place that was written on the paper.

The place was quiet, it seemed to be a warehouse or something, because the place was empty but well lit. She could here her own footsteps as she entered into the place.

She thought she wasn't going to be affraid because she was a fallen angel and nothing could possibly harm her. But what if the person that wanted to see her was not just an ordinary human - what human would ask to meet in this kind of place at this time of the night - she wondered.

"Hello!" She called out, as she walked slowly further into the place. Well she was already there and she could not just run away like some scared chicken, she was going to see to the end of everything.

"Hellooo!!, I'm here.. you said you wanted to see me." She shouted again. But still heard no reply, except the echo from her own voice.

She sighed as she walked further inside the place and looked around but every where seemed to be empty.

"What the fuck is all this." She said hissing as she turned around to go... But as she was about to turn, she heard her name loudly behind her in a masculine voice.

"Luciana!!!" The voice thundered.

Luciana could not help but wonder what a guy would be doing in this empty place, when the meeting was supposed to be between her and another lady - was it the guard? She asked.

But the guard wouldn't have such a loud thunderous voice, no human did. She felt someone standing behind her, so close that she could even feel the person's breath on her neck, but she turned anyway, to see who it was.

But when she turned around, she was relieved to see that it was just Felicia.. wait relieved? Why would she be relieved, she had heard a masculine voice behind her, so she could no help but wonder if they where alone.

"Who else is here?" She asked.


(WRITERS NOTE: Thank you all for your love and patience, “A Gift From Hell 2” Promises to be more exciting and interesting, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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