
First case

"We are here for a mission, so let's accomplish our mission first". Magadon said as they set out to look for Lucifer.


The police had received a call from the church about two missing persons, Father Friday and Dave.  So they where asked to search for  them dead or alive. Lucifer was also in the case and since it was his first case , he was attached to a strong partner known as Detective James.   They where in the church questioning some of the father's and elders who had seen the missing persons in the past 24hours. 

"Where do you think they must have gone between last night and this afternoon?". Detective James asked. 

"Father Friday was fanatical about the existence of vampires."  One of the father's started. "He was trying to stop one prophecy from coming to pass."

"What prophecy?". Detective Dave asked.

"That when vampires walk the earth doom shall begin, or something, I didn't really pay attention.".

"So do you know where he might have gone to search for the vampires?". Lucifer asked. 

"Dave mentioned something about a night club Down the street". A member of the council of elders stated . Detective James nodded."we'd check it out,  thanks for your cooperation."  

"Do you rest think Vampires exist?. Detective James asked .  Lucifer groaned in anger. "They better not have escaped hell, unless they want to see my wrath.".

 James laughed. "Your wrath?. Like you are really Lucifer the devil."  Lucifer didn't say another word because he knew JAmes would not believe him, he  wondered how if any vampire had escaped hell.  He thought how he would strangle the vampire and remove him from existence before he raised an army. When they got closer to the night club Lucifer sighted from a distance and saw Felix and sam, with what looked like their converts. "Shit.. " he said as anger boiled through his vein.


 Before Lucifer and James had come to the night club. Something really weird happened.  It was when Sam asked Victoria if she handled the bad guys and she replied that they where taken care off. Immediately she said that and lifted her head, she saw father Friday pass in front of the night club with a hole on his chest. She was shoked to her bone. But she kept her cool and tried to continue the conversation to avoid any questions . When she was free, she left and traced his cent to a boutique.  She stood outside the boutique God sometime trying to digest what she had seen. As she was about to enter inside. She saw father Friday come out with three other men. She pushed them back inside in wild rage. 

"I thought I killed you!!,. Why don't you just die fool.". Victoria shouted in pain.

"Oh, that explains the hole in my chest." Magedon chuckled. "Well I am not here for you, feirce vampires that escaped hell I am here for.."  Victoria did not let him finish his statement before she punched him real hard and he flew and landed on a hard table with his head... "Just die!!!" Victoria screamed. 

Magedon stood up in anger and cleaned the drop of blood that ran down his nose , then he brought out his demon knives along side the other demons.  Then he said. "Fine, let's have it your way.".


(Writer's note: Don't forget to update Daily as New chapters would be published everyday..  and please your review is needed. ❤️❤️).