
Be prepared

Tracy walked towards the night club with the bag of money on her hand. Felix could not help but clap as she came closer. “Congratulations on your first fight. I see that you do not need any other training.” She laughed at his joke, or what she thought was a joke. 

“I watch a lot of vampire movies you know?.  At least I know how they fight.” She said smiling, Then she went and hugged him. “Thank you so much for all your help.” 

Felix nodded his acknowledgement then he noticed the stain of blood on her hands. “You need to get cleaned up while I handle the mess you made.”  Tracy hugged him once again before finding her way to the backyard to get cleaned up.

Felix felt awkward with the third hug. He hopped it was not what he was thinking.  She was cute and all, but they had only just met, so it was definitely just an ordinary hug. He imagined what Luciana would be doing at that particular time as he gathered the bodies to burn them. Was she crying he eyes out?  Or no she must have already forgotten everything and moved on. He sighed well he would have to find out the next day before they go for the search for Azrael’s blade, and he needed to figure out what to tell her before then.


Sia woke up the next day feeling gloomy. She hit the alarm clock that had woken her as though it was the cause of her problems wondering how it got there in the first place. She sighed as she checked the time and it was 9:00am, the alarm must have been sounding for hours she thought. Then she sluggishly came out from her pink duvet which was supposed to be on her bed, but miraculously covered her up on the crouch. Or maybe she had covered herself up properly before she slept and now she had  forgotten.

 head ached, she held it for some time. “Arrg” she moaned as she got up from the crouch where she had slept wishing she had not done that because she felt she really needed the sleep and There was nothing inspiring her to go to work that day, but worst of all was that she knew Lucifer was going to be there. Unless something bad had happened to him and that would explain the reason for his absence.

 she hoped that was the reason as she rushed into the bathroom and half brushed her teeth and took her bath. As she was bathing she could not help but wonder if Michael had succeeded in sending Lucifer back to hell. She cursed inwardly  as it now dawned on that she might have been thinking selfishly all along. But on the other hand she thought of how she was going to strangle him if he showed up at work. So she came out of the bathroom and hurriedly put on some clothes and rushed out without having breakfast.


Lucifer stood up and peeped from his office into the police station’s counter for the umpteenth time, and yet there was no sign of Sia in her duty post, he wondered why she had not showed up to work at that time of the day. He knew she was pissed about what seemed like he bailed on her the night before. But he had showed up at her place that night and she was fast asleep. He hovered around her sleeping body for a few seconds.    He did not want to wake her so he covered her up with her pink duvet. And then he brought her alarm from her bed side down to where she slept so that she would be able to get up early the next day for work. 

Now he could not help but wonder if she had hurt herself or something might have happened to her. Just when he thought of going over to her place to check on her, she walked into the station. “speaking of the dev…. Oh I’m the devil” he muttered as he laughed staring at her as she walked in. when she saw him she paused and frowned at him, and walked straight to her duty post.

 smile on Lucifer’s face disappeared as he saw her reaction.  “Shit, what am I going to say to her .”


~ At the vampires’ club house ~

 the human vampires where gathered round about Felix and his siblings as he briefed them about their first mission.  He moved up to something which he used as a podium so that they could hear him better. 

“Your first mission is not going to be an easy one. I have trained you as much as I can, and this would help us separate the weak and less attentive from the strong and willing.”  He paused and his eyes met that of Tracy and she winked at him. He removed his eyes from hers as quickly as he could and continued what he was saying. 

“ We are aware that God hid the Blade of the angel of death here on earth, and no one knows where, it is. But we are fully aware that Moses Drew a map to where the blade was buried before going to heaven. And it was hidden somewhere in the scrolls in Rome... We would head there first by night fall. And then we would use the map to find the place."

"I have a question" Joe said. "What if they discover that we are vampires, same way that priest found out about us?."  Felix sighed . "I got that covered already no one would suspect a thing. We would be in and out before they know what is happening" Felix turned to look at Tracy. "Does anyone have any other questions?" Nobody indicated. "Now go and get your self ready, because at night we are running to Rome.  For now there's something I need to fix."


(Writers note:.  08172693022 you can chat me up on WhatsApp to talk about the book. Your  opinions would really go a long way. And  Please don't  forget to update daily as more chapters would be published ❤️❤️)