
A Sign

Selina and one other witch where the ones who had spotted Sam sneaking around, outside of the hotel in the morning, they did not know he was the one because of the disguise, and he was too far for them to perceive his scent, neither did they check with their witches'  eyes to confirm if he was a vampire or not.  They had also noticed him following Lucifer and Sia around town, but they hid them self to allow him take the first move before they could strike. Now they saw him follow Lucifer into the hotel. And also when he read their to number and hid to make a call.

"This guy has got a lot of nerves walking in here" Selena said. As they saw him sitting at the hotel's bar asking for a drink. "Let's confirm if he is a vampire or just am ordinary spy. " She said. As they their eyes turned green, and they saw that Sam was really a vampire. "Holy shit he is a vampire". The other witch said in panic.

Selena held her hand trying to calm her down when Sam turned around and his eyes met with there's, "why are these guys looking at me weirdly, he wondered."..

When Selena and the other witch confirmed that he was a vampire, they moved immediately to look for Divina, to inform her that they had spotted a vampire, they climbed the stairs as fast as their legs could carry them, and when they got to Divina's room, they knocked hurriedly.  

Divina who had been receiving a hot massage from one of her maidens, sighed when she heard the panick knock on the door.. "who the hell is that" she wondered. But she did not say anything as she continued to receive her massage. But the knock came again, and this time it was harder than the first one. She hissed as she asked the maiden to stop the massage, and she sat up and covered her body properly with a towel. "Come in, the door is opened" she commanded,  Selena rushed in with the other witch. "What is it?"

Selena took a deep breath before she answered. "a vampire is in the building, we saw one vampire down stairs, probably a spy."

Divina sat up from where she was relaxing with a startle. "And you left him alone and ran all the way here?, What if he does something to Lucifer while you are here complaining instead of doing  your jobs." 

"The crowd downstairs is too much and we could not do anything to him without drawing their attention." Selena said, "and I believe that he cannot do anything too  because there would be so many witnesses."

"So why did you come to me?." Divina asked . Wondering why they did not stay there to monitor rmtge vampire's movement  until everyone was gone.

Selena on the other hand had her reasons for coming to Divina, she knew that the vampire might loose his patience from waiting for people to leave and decide to do something crazy. So she came to ask Divina to dismiss everyone so that they could handle the vampire, Damn the consequences. "The people will not obey us if we ask them to leave or go back to their rooms. But if the order comes from you, the owner of the hotel, they will obey without hesitation." Selena requested.

Divina sighed making sense of what Selena had said, that was the wisest thing to do. Now that they had one vampire, they had to get rid of him, even if it meant leading to a full blown war, after all they where fully prepared for anything. It would be better to fight now, than when they where not ready. "Alright, wait a bit while I get dressed, abd we would go down together."


Sam still sat at the bar drinking. He felt relieved as the two weird ladies that where looking at him ran through up the stairs. They must have been shy ladies. He chuckled as he imagined that they where staring at his handsomeness and when he turned to look at them they ran away. On a normal night, he would have run after them, and maybe layed with one tonight or the both of them, after all he was strong enough. But  this night was not just any other night, he was on a mission and he needed to accomplish it as soon as possible..


Luciana finally got into the Center of Hell. Where Lucifer's throne was, and her fellow fallen angels. Amanda spotted her first at the gate As she walked in. "Luciana!!, What a surprise visit. And what is more surprising Is the fact that you came alone and not with Lucifer, whom you are suppose to be protecting with your life. Especially now that his life could be in real danger." Amanda said, immediately Luciana walked in.

Luciana sighed, she and Amanda had not really been on the same page, right from when Lucifer had let her rule by his side, she had thought that Amanda had always had an insecure feeling that one day Lucifer would replace her with some one else and she(Luciana) was the one in the best position to take her place.  But unknown to her Luciana had never had her eyes on the female throne, not then, not now and not ever. She smiled at Amanda, perhaps she was not aware that Lucifer now had a true love, she could not wait to see the look on her face when Lucifer would return with his love and ask her to sit beside him on the female throne.

"Well I came here as part of my duty to protect Lucifer. I came to get his sword." Luciana said , causing Amanda to chuckle loudly, "what a funny statenent, you think you can make us believe that Lucifer would send you to hell, to get his sword without giving us a sign? Well we would see about that, lets go to the palace and speak with Amazon." Amanda said as she walked with Luciana to the throne room.


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( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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