
A Giant's New Life

Sealed for so long, the last of the giants decided to reincarnate to the surface. Whether to see the world or avenge his long lost friend, he's about to embark on a journey he never had before.

James_Marcher · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 3: Failed Expedition

It was noon when the people sent for the expedition won their first fight. They collected the usable parts of the monsters and bury the dead mercenaries. Everyone was preparing to return but the monsters didn't waste their chance for vengeance.

There's an imposing figure walking towards the battlefield. Along with some middle ranked monsters, the dreaded monster joins the battle. It was the Goblinlord, which every goblins followed.

It cuts its palm allowing its blood to drop to the ground. The drops of blood became low ranked goblins, thousands of them. The goblins then advanced aiming to block the way of the humans.

The humans have no knowledge of the danger that's coming. They immediately march away from the forest.

"Hurry and move forward!", the troop leader said.

"Sir! The pathways are blocked!"

"What do you mea-?"

"Goblins! So many goblins!"

At the shout of a mercenary, the whole group saw the little monsters. The humans are entirely surrounded by the thousands of goblins.

"Don't panic! Concentrate your attacks on one spot and create a pathway"

"Yes, sir!"

The goblins are killed easily like before but their numbers are quite a nuisance for the troops. The troop leader thinks that something is odd, as he looks at the monsters. They're way too organized and they don't seem to be fazed by their own kind's death like before. The troop leader soon realizes the imminent danger.

[Linear Slash]

The troop leader quickly opened a path as his slash of light travel several meters ahead.

"Retreat! Quick!"

The troops felt the panic of their leader. They know something is wrong, but asking what it is may delay their retreat further. But they don't need to worry about it. Even if they do their best, they're already cornered.

The wall of light made by the troop leader was stopped in an instant. There are three giant goblins that received the attack. Although the power was weakened along the way, the giant goblins can't be totally unharmed. But they didn't care about it as they are accompanied by healer goblins.

Each of the goblins are healed quickly by their healer goblin partner. They are ready to fight in no time, much to the dismay of the humans. The strong monsters finally showed themselves in the battlefield.

There are twenty-four giant goblins as well as healer goblins. They act as walls to prevent the humans from escaping. There are seven mage goblins accompanied by six healer goblins and following them is the Goblinlord.

At the sight of the Goblinlord's forces, the troops became terrified. Crying in their minds, hoping they didn't do this reckless expedition. It's too late now as even if they fight, the Goblinlord is more than enough to kill all of them.

The low ranked goblins are surrounding them once again after their attacks. They recreated their circular formation that trapped the humans. Even if they're weak compared to the humans, their numbers compensated for their strength.

Soon enough, the overwhelming numbers of the low ranks will exhaust the humans. Many of the humans are killed in their tired state. Even the kingdom's troops are reduced while the goblins didn't seem to lessen. Then within the chaos, the strongest of the mercenaries talks to the troop leader.

"I'll make you an opening. In my signal, you should retreat"

The troop leader was taken aback. The mercenary doesn't seem to be lying. But as the leader of the expedition, he couldn't let his subordinates to sacrifice themselves for him.

"No, you should be the one to retreat. Tell his majesty that the expedition failed"

"Are you good in the head? You can't make a path for me. The magic you used earlier is your strongest right? I doubt you can do it again"

The troop leader knew this. But he couldn't bring himself to live by sacrificing his subordinate's life. He's a duty bound person until the end.

"Don't be stubborn. I can still kill two or three of these giant goblins along with their healers. If I were to die, at least let me die with honor"

"To hell with that! Stop being stupid"

The mercenary punched the troop leader's face. As his chosen job, honor might not have any meaning. Still, if he can make a sacrifice that will save the dwindling kingdom, his life may not be in vain.

He scolded the stubborn troop leader while killing every goblin coming their way. It's a surprise that the battle didn't finish immediately when the troop leader stopped fighting for awhile. One of his men heard their exchange.

"Sir, it's okay. We will die to make a way for your escape. The moment the Goblinlord arrived, we know we couldn't make it. So please, at least be the one to save the kingdom"

The other troop members nearby agreed to it. Even the remaining mercenaries knew that they don't have a chance to escape. The only one capable enough is the leader if only they will clear a path for him.

The humans are continuing to kill the neverending goblin forces. Some are burned by the mage goblins and some are crushed by the giant goblins. The troop leader have no choice but to strengthen his resolve.

"Make a way to the leader!", the mercenary is the one to shout.

For the first time, the mercenaries and the troops are united, making a pair of parallel lines to let the troop leader and the strongest mercenary pass through the middle. They run as fast as possible but the mage goblins realize their objective. One fires at them but one of the troops was killed instead.

All of them decided to be human shields for the leader. At the end of the line are the three giant goblins along with their healers. The two leaders quickly aim for the healers but they're blocked by the giant goblins.

"What a troublesome combination"

"Agreed", the troop leader said.

"Let's finish this then before it's too late. Leader, stand back a bit"

The mercenary raised his sword sideways. It lights up with a silver shimmer. With it, the mercenary covered himself with a silver glow.

[Whirling Blade]

The mercenary killed every goblins in the way of his rotating attack. Even the giant goblins didn't stand a chance. It's time for the troop leader to escape.


The troop leader didn't waste any time. He runs with magic boost without looking back at the battlefield. Small droplets scatter around, the tears of hopelessness. But even if it is hopeless, the information he will deliver can save the kingdom.

The Goblinlord looked at the escaping human. It seems that the monster intentionally let the human escape. A sinister smile then formed on its face mobilizing the goblins to finish the people that remained.

The strongest of the mercenaries knew that the Goblinlord let the escape mission succeed. The monster's aura is enough for him to realize that they are no match from the beginning. The underlings of the monster are threat enough but the Goblinlord is on another level. There's no chance to win against such a monster.

The realization made the mercenary thought of something. These powerful monsters, which they don't have a chance to beat, are staying away from their old territory. So just how powerful was the thing existing inside the forest?

Even if they can somehow win against these monsters, it might be an impossibility to reclaim the isolated forest.

As of now, there's no point in further thinking. The Goblinlord ordered the goblins to finish the remaining humans. But the humans refused to be killed without a fight.

There are scattered burning corpses around the battlefield. Humans and goblins alike were being killed as time passed. Mage goblins shot simultaneous fireballs while the troop members cast their barrier. The giant goblins crush any humans they see, killing the nearby low ranked goblins as well.

The troops and mercenaries finally killed every low ranks with the unintentional help of the giant and mage goblins. All of them are exhausted but they need to keep reducing the middle ranks.

The strongest of the mercenaries killed about nine of the giant goblins along with their healers. The collective kill of the others are twelve giant goblins along with their healers as well as a mage goblin.

But the kingdom's troops are only twenty people while the mercenaries are merely seven including the strongest. The Goblinlord smiled as it saw the despair within the humans.

The Goblinlord made a move. It stands in front of the strongest mercenary, being the strongest of the remaining. It gestures to fight the mercenary much to the mercenary's annoyance.

The mercenary is almost out of magic. He's reserving his magic to at least wound the Goblinlord. Now, he's face to face with the monster inviting him for a fight. His pride couldn't take the way the Goblinlord looks at him. Even if he can't win, he plans to destroy the monster.

"If you died, I'll make your underlings my slave"

The Goblinlord nods as if he understands the statement of the mercenary. Once again, the mercenary raised his sword sideways, his whole body covered in silver light along with the blade. The Goblinlord stands having no plan to dodge.

[Whirling Blade]

The mercenary concentrate his power on a single part of the Goblinlord. The repetitive slashes become stronger the more the mercenary rotates. Any middle rank monster will not survive these strikes.

The mercenary used all his power. Maybe his strongest attack wounded the Goblinlord. He looked at the monster hopeful he succeeded.

He saw it. The sinister smile of a monster. There's not a wound present on the monster's skin. It withstands the seemingly powerful strikes. If even the strongest of the remaining can't wound him, none of them will ever be.

The Goblinlord then moves its right arm. In an instant, the mercenary was pierce with the monster's stretched palm. The remaining humans became enraged and took their chances against the Goblinlord.

Needless to say, all of them are killed in the process. A grim result far from their desired victory.