
A ghost of myself

Carina has lived her life in control, forced to fight, forced to prove day after day that she was worthy of life, forced to fight for what was hers by birthright but everything she worked for got thrown out the window the moment she chose to walk down that alleyway, the action so trivial took everything from her Now a wandering soul Carina was dragged into the world in the shadows, she must navigate her way in this land of the unseen in desperate attempt to solve her own murder

Raven_bard · Fantasía
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196 Chs

Chapter 139

Felicia's POV

"That symbol, I've seen it before" she said

"Where?" Elliot asked and the Kappa girl held her finger up, water droplets came together till they formed a large ball of water, I've seen this before, when Kappas want to clean wounds they focus on the lines on their palms those lines act as rune which when activated allows them to gather and disperse water, but this was nothing like that

This wasn't like how the Kappas forcefully tried to gather as much mana as possible, this was more like she was spreading her Mana and the water droplets were drawn to her like moths to a flame, the same principal as Elves manipulating their primal sources, I knew the Theory of Elves being forest children and I heard the boy tell his story but seeing it for the first time, it felt surreal