
A ghost of myself

Carina has lived her life in control, forced to fight, forced to prove day after day that she was worthy of life, forced to fight for what was hers by birthright but everything she worked for got thrown out the window the moment she chose to walk down that alleyway, the action so trivial took everything from her Now a wandering soul Carina was dragged into the world in the shadows, she must navigate her way in this land of the unseen in desperate attempt to solve her own murder

Raven_bard · Fantasía
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196 Chs

Chapter 100

Felicia's POV

"Hokkaido?" I asked, the word on my tongue hung heavy as a bad omen 

"Hokkaido" he repeated sounding much too excited.

"Last I checked, you don't have a lot of friends in Hokkaido" I jabbed, Ming belonged to a race of people he betrayed a long, long time ago, he's welcome in very few spaces in the entire Asian continent, much less in a town with string kinship to the Yokai world, there are spaces in Hokkaido that would flail him alive and hang his hide on their wall as a trophy, so his excitement at this entire ordeal made it all the more concerning 

"Well, you know the beauty of life my love, so long as you breath, there's always a chance to meet new people, besides, this is a mutaul acquittance of ours", a mutual acquaintance?, Ming and I don't exactly associate with the same groups of people so that definitely peaked my interest 

"Who is it?" 

"Furukawa Keiko"