
A Ghost's Echo (Toji in Highschool DxD)

A Ghost's Echo (Toji in Highschool DxD)

HADEZ · Cómic
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3 Chs


⦕ Chapter I ⦖

|| Into the Fire ||​

Mr. Takahiro paced around his opulent penthouse office, the soft glow of city lights filtering through the expansive windows that adorned the room. He reveled in the opulence, surrounded by the trappings of wealth—exquisite furniture, modern art, and a panoramic view of the city below. It was a kingdom, and he was the king.

As he settled into his plush leather chair, his eyes wandered to the large window, and for a moment, he lost himself in the beauty of his domain.

A sudden, deafening crack pierced the stillness. The bullet whizzed through the air, tearing through the glass, and found its deadly mark—right between his eyes. It blew through his forehead and left a splatter of blood and brains on the pristine wall behind him as the force propelled him backward.

On the rooftop of the building opposite, Tōji calmly reeled back his sniper rifle, snatching the bullet shell with practiced ease. His expression remained smug as Mittelt, a fallen angel serving as his operator for the night, clapped with an almost golf-spectator enthusiasm.

"Nice shot, Tōji," Mittelt remarked, her wings retracting. "You never miss, do you?"

Toji smirked, adjusting the collar of his black sweater. "Not when I'm getting paid not to."

"Were you in the army, Drifter?"

"Nope, I'm just that good," he replied in his usual tone as he efficiently pocketed the bullet shell and prepared for extraction. Mittelt's wings enveloped them both, and in the blink of an eye, darkness consumed them.

As Toji found himself standing by the entrance of the dilapidated church, he couldn't help but appreciate the efficiency of magical transport. The air was heavy with the scent of dampness and decay, a stark contrast to the underground hideout lying underneath. Mittelt, her wings retracting, observed him with a mix of admiration and curiosity.

"Toji, you never cease to amaze me," the yellow-haired brat in the quirky black dress commented, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "You're an interesting one, Tōji. I've worked with many, but there's a certain... charisma about you."

"Charisma doesn't pay the bills," Toji replied nonchalantly, glancing around the darkened church. "Now, about my payment for this job..."

Mittelt nodded, reaching into a bag she had brought with her. She pulled out a briefcase and opened it, revealing a substantial amount of cash neatly stacked inside.

"There you go, Mr. Tōji. A 'cool mil' Yen," Mittelt said, a playful glint in her bright blue eyes. "That's about 74,000 Norwegian Krone."

His dark green eyes skimmed over the cash, satisfied with the amount. They never lied to him about the amount so he stopped bothering about counting.

"Good doing business with you, Yellow. Now, any more devil worshipers needing a visit from me?"

"Oh, we still have plenty of work lined up and plenty more cash to burn. You're just getting started." Mittelt smirked, leaning against the church entrance. She'd given up on convincing him to call him anything other than 'Yellow', 'Brat', 'Lil' Goth Girl'.

Toji cracked his knuckles, a hint of excitement in his eyes as he grabbed his suitcase. "Well then, let's keep this partnership rolling."

As Mittelt guided Toji deeper into the shadows of the church, the night unfolded with promises of more clandestine missions and the alluring dance between danger and opportunity. The flickering light from a solitary bulb overhead cast eerie shadows on the worn-out walls as they descended down the hidden stairwell.

As he moved, his thoughts drifted through the peculiar circumstances of his new life.

It had been three days since he found himself embroiled in the world of satanists, mysterious deals, and supernatural contracts. He was never allowed outside unless without constant supervision, though it made sense to him. The supernatural folks could detect traces of Magical Power and whatnot, and him being only visible to the eye and keen noses (if he carried his weapon) had turned out to be an unexpected crutch.

Annoying, most certainly, but he didn't know enough of this world yet to stroll around carefreely and he'd learned his lesson the hard way regarding lowering his guard.

His body count so far had reached around 30, and yet, the elusive devils remained hidden from his sight. Wary, perhaps. He wondered what they'd look like. Horns and pitchforks?

A 'Drifter,' as Raynare had labeled him when she ran a background check. Fallen angels had quite the grasp of the underbelly of the human world, and while Toji couldn't help but muse about the absurdity of the term, he couldn't wave it off either.

Her grave wasn't present. Replaced by someone else's. His old apartment didn't exist. No trace of Jujutsu Sorcerers, no Cursed Spirits, just the occasional Yōkai that freaked out when he spooked them back due to being undetectable—apparently—and the fact that he couldn't contact Shiu. No son or step-daughter to occupy the back of his mind.

No real dream either.

He was not the first to be plucked from another world and thrust into this unfamiliar one. Drifter or not, he found solace in the fact that, at the very least, he was alive and in control of his body. The alternative, death, was something he had experienced twice, and it turned out to be mind-numbingly boring. The unpredictability of his current existence brought a sense of purpose and, oddly enough, excitement.

He adjusted the strap of the case carrying his Zastava M93 Black Arrow, the weight a familiar comfort against his back.

As he reached the bottom of the stairwell, Toji pondered on the nature of his new life. He was no stranger to danger, but the rules in this realm were different. The line between the living and the supernatural remained blurred, and he found himself treading carefully in this uncharted territory. He wasn't going to let himself be eaten alive by pride and pay for it again.

The underground hall greeted him with its eerie silence. The air within held a mixture of dust and ancient secrets, coupled with the lingering complaint of the lack of a janitor. Tōji pressed on, the soft echo of his footsteps resonating in the hollow space, ruined only by Mittelt's jovial skipping.

The promise of answers, the allure of the unknown, and the tangible reward of cold hard cash spurred him forward, a pragmatic dance with the enigmatic forces that governed this peculiar world.

The term 'Drifter' may have labeled him as an outsider, but in these moments, he felt an odd sense of belonging. A purpose emerged from the chaos, a purpose that resonated with the pragmatism that had defined his life.

As he navigated the dimly lit corridors, Tōji's arrival was met with the faint murmurings of camaraderie. Raynare, flanked by her close lackeys Dohnaseek and Kalawarner, stood at the heart of the underground enclave, their expressions a blend of amusement and acknowledgment.

"Well, if it isn't our esteemed hunter," Raynare chimed, her voice echoing through the hall. Her demeanor exuded a strange sense of familiarity, as if Tōji had become an integral part of their unconventional team. Dohnaseek and Kalawarner, one a muscular guy sharing his height albeit slimmer, the latter a woman with peculiar blue hair that draped over her right yellow eye.

They both regarded him with a nod that spoke of… not as high as respect, but something more casual.

The lost nun lingered slightly behind the trio, her eyes flickering with a mix of worry and curiosity. She looked up at Tōji, a silent plea for reassurance in the midst of the enigmatic world they navigated together.

"Mr. Tōji," Raynare greeted, her tone carrying a blend of respect and amusement. "You've been quite efficient in dealing with our little pest problem. Impressive."

Tōji nodded, a grin quirking his scar. "You get what you pay for."

Dohnaseek, a hulking figure with an imposing presence, clapped him on the back. "You're a handy one to have around. We've needed someone like you for a long while."

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Kalawarner added, "And the fact you don't ask too many questions makes you even more appealing."

Tōji chuckled. "Questions just complicate things. I'm here for the job and the payment. Anything else is just extra work."

Raynare's laughter echoed through the chamber, the sound weaving into the tapestry of shadows that surrounded them. "Well said, Mr. Tōji. You're becoming an invaluable asset to our little team. Anyway, we're having pizza night. You in?"

"Not exactly what I expected from a group dealing with devil worshippers."

"Even hunters need to eat," Raynare simply shrugged. "Plus, it's a good way to unwind. You'll find that not everything in our line of work has to be doom and gloom. It's the other way around, really."

"Well. Lead the way." As if he'd reject free food.

Raynare led the group to a makeshift meeting room, with one large table surrounded by chairs, and with a wave of her hands, summoned forth five large pizza boxes. Asia also tagged along, though she was skittish the whole time.

The aroma of freshly baked pizza wafted through the air as Raynare, with a flick of her hand, summoned five large pizza boxes. The makeshift meeting room transformed into a cozy gathering space, the table adorned with an array of delicious pizzas. Placing his weapon case and money case by a corner, Tōji took a seat, his casual demeanor unwavering and his stomach already begging to be fed as the group settled around the table.

Asia sat next to him. Funny that despite spending the least time with him, she seemed to stick with him whenever possible. Something about being fellow humans, he guessed.

"Dig in," Raynare invited, her eyes glinting with hunger. "Just don't say grace. Seriously, Asia, you need to knock it off. It's disrespectful."

As Asia nodded rather sullenly, likely overwhelmed by the array of choices before her, Tōji wasted no time and grabbed a slice with a nonchalant grin. The rest followed suit, with Mittelt complaining about Dohnaseek's choice of pineapple pizza, to which the mafioso-looking guy responded with a vehement statement.

Kalawarner only rolled her eye.

The pizza debate ensued, with Dohnaseek passionately defending the merits of pineapple as a topping, Mittelt vehemently opposed, and Kalawarner caught in the middle, indifferent to the pineapple war.

Tōji, leaning back in his chair, observed the chaos with amusement. "Well, I've killed for less," he remarked, taking a casual bite of his pizza. "But you guys argue about toppings like it's life or death."

Dohnaseek eyed Tōji in a snap. "Life is too short to eat boring pizza. You learn that when you're dealing with devilish matters."

"Speaking of which, Mr. Tōji," Raynare followed suit, "any preferences or you're the kill-go-lucky kind of guy?"

Tōji smirked. "As long as it doesn't have anchovies, I'm good. And for killing, I prefer it quick and clean."

"No flashiness," Raynare nods appreciatively, before scowling mostly to herself, obviously regretting a past mistake relating to murder, Tōji deduced. "...I'll keep that in mind."

The group fell into a companionable silence, the only sounds being the occasional laughter and the satisfying crunch of pizza crust. Asia, though still tense, seemed to relax a bit in the comforting atmosphere. To Tōji, she was like the white lamb in a flock of black.

"So, what's the whole deal here?" Toji decided to ask as he devoured a slice of pepperoni. "I haven't seen any 'devils' you spoke of so far."

Raynare leaned back in her chair, sipping on a soda as she considered Tōji's question. "They tend to stay hidden, pulling the strings from the shadows. We're more focused on dealing with the troublesome humans who dabble in diabolic dealings without understanding the consequences."

Dohnaseek, mouth still half-full, chimed in. "Yeah, those guys are a real pain. Messing with forces they can't control, causing all sorts of havoc. We've got to clean up their mess before it attracts unwanted attention, you know?"

"Don't talk while you're chewing, you disgusting old fart."

As Dohnaseek and Mittelt bickered, Kalawarner added, "The devils usually work through intermediaries, using humans to carry out their plans then sucking out the wealth. Our priority is to stop the human pawns before their influence spreads in the human world."

Tōji nodded, taking another bite. "Makes sense." Another realm of politics. Supernatural or not, the game mostly played out the same with stray dogs like him being fed lavishly to not bite back the hands that fed him.

Raynare's gaze turned serious. "Devils have their own agendas, and if left unchecked, they can tip the scales in ways that are bad for both our worlds. We're the cleanup crew, ensuring that the supernatural stays hidden and the balance is maintained."

"But we're more… fun-oriented than those paper-heavy devils," Mittelt added in

Tōji smirked. "Fun, huh? Is that what you call it? Because so far, it's been more like a scavenger hunt with extra steps."

Raynare tittered. "You'll get used to it. The supernatural world has its own rhythm, and once you catch the beat, it becomes second nature."

The Drifter leaned back, finishing his slice. "Well, as long as the pay is good and the job isn't too tedious, count me in on the fun. Just don't expect me to start chanting spells or anything."

"Who said anything about chanting spells?" Raynare raised an eyebrow, her expression teasing. "We're more of a practical group. You stick to what you know best, Tōji."

Between bites of pizza, Tōji casually brought up the topic of the timid nun next to him who seemed to struggle with the cheese. "What's the deal with the kid? She seems more scared of her own shadow than the so-called devils."

Raynare sighed, her gaze softening whilst Asia jumped at being brought up. "Asia is a delicate case. She had a rough time before coming under our protection." She glanced at Asia, now nervously nibbling on a slice. "She has a unique gift — a Sacred Gear. She can heal wounds and injuries with a touch. A handy skill to have."

Tōji raised an eyebrow. "Healer, huh? Doesn't sound like the type to get involved in all this mess."

"She didn't have much of a choice," Raynare smirked, and Tōji noticed Asia's tiny frown. "You see, Asia here had a run-in with some devils who didn't appreciate her talents. We stepped in, and now she's part of the team."

Dohnaseek added with a grin, "Plus, she's got a good heart. A bit too trusting, but that's where we come in to watch her back. We're called the Watchers not without a reason, you see. …But unlike the Angels that stood around and twiddle their halos, we took action."

"And get some girls pregnant in the process."

"That was unnecessary." Dohnaseek sent a crude glare at Mittelt, who stuck her tongue out in defiance.

Tōji couldn't help but find the situation a bit amusing. A former nun, a hitman, and a group of supernatural vigilantes sharing pizza in a hidden church. It was the kind of absurdity he couldn't have imagined in his previous life.

⦕⦖ ​

Raynare's office was a curious mix of the mundane and the supernatural. The small room housed a simple desk cluttered with papers, a computer that seemed out of place in the mystical surroundings, and an office chair where Raynare sat, exuding an air of authority. On Tōji's side were two chairs, the comfort of which contradicted the gravity of the discussions held in the room.

A bunk bed occupied one corner, appearing strangely untouched, as if it were a prop rather than a functional piece of furniture. The room was dimly lit, with the lamps casting dancing shadows on the walls. Occasional glimpses of mystical symbols adorned the room, hinting at the magical nature of the occupants.

As Tōji took a seat, Raynare leaned back in her chair, fixing him with an intense gaze. "Now, let's talk about Sacred Gears."

Tōji reclined in his chair, eyeing the surroundings with a casual curiosity. "You're gonna have to explain what those are."

Raynare clasped her hands on the desk, her expression serious. "Sacred Gears are special abilities granted by the Biblical God. They're unique to each individual and can range from enhancing physical abilities to summoning powerful weapons. Now, there's one in particular that caught our attention – the Sword Birth wielded by Yuuto Kiba, a devil in the service of Rias Gremory."

Tōji crossed his arms, his muscles threatening to bulge out his black sweater. "So, you want me to kidnap this devil and you extract his Sacred Gear? That's a bold move."

Raynare nodded. "Exactly. We've been monitoring him, and he often roams around the town at night. It's a perfect opportunity. Bring him to us, and we'll make it worth your while."

Tōji leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "I doubt kidnapping a devil will be a walk in the park. What's in it for you, besides adding another fancy ability to your arsenal?"

Raynare's smile revealed a hint of predatory satisfaction. "Let's just say it's a move in the grand game of supernatural politics. Rias Gremory and her peerage have been a thorn in our side for too long. With Sword Birth under your control, you'll be even far deadlier."

"...My control?" he had to repeat it.

"Yes," Raynare smiled. "I'll be honest with you, Tōji. In terms of wealth, Rias' infernal coffer is far superior to ours, so a man like you who only speaks to the highest bidder is an invaluable asset. Once we extract Sword Birth, we'll provide you with the means to control it. Think of it as an added incentive to maintain our partnership, Mr. Tōji. Assuming a Drifter can carry a Sacred Gear, that is... If it doesn't, then... well, I'll find ways to compensate you fairly."

"You're asking me to trust you with a pretty big gamble here. What's stopping me from taking this Sword Birth and walking away?"

"Because, Mr. Tōji, you're not just dealing with us," Raynare's gaze locked onto his, unwavering. "The supernatural world is vast, and crossing certain lines has consequences. Attempting to betray us would put you in the crosshairs of forces you can't even fathom. We have a lot of allies and a lot more eyes."

He'd like to see them try, if he was to be honest. Figure out how strong these 'supernatural folks' were, how they would compare against those lofty sorcerers back in his world.

"Besides," Raynare then continued, her voice softening into her usual sultry purr. "I think you'll find that working with us is more lucrative than going solo. Ah, and, of course, I'd like to introduce you to my boss afterwards. She's interested in meeting you in the flesh. Her name's Penemue, if you've heard of her."

"Nope." As Raynare only shrugged, Tōji scratched his jaw, contemplating the risks and rewards. Meeting his clients' top dogs wasn't new to him, in fact, it led to bigger opportunities. Bigger fishes as well. The faster he build up his wealth, the sooner he could do whatever the fuck he wanted without binding him to anyone. Yet he wasn't that naive. He fully realized he was stuck here in the deep muck for a long while, especially since these people could just leak out his identity in a flash to their foes.

But then again...

Allying himself with a huge organization that operated from the shadows was beneficial to him in the long run, especially since he still knew jack shit about the abyssal depth of this world. He was certain the things he'd seen were nothing but a tip of the iceberg. But at least in this world, it wasn't just some cocky sorcerers controlling an entire country, but Factions with beings older than civilizations observing the entire globe, each vying for an extra slice pizza while protecting their own cuts. He just needed to know who was the most influential out of these Three Major Factions.

The Angels were out of the question since they sounded horrendously boring, so it was either devils or these fallen angels. Which was the lesser of two evils?

Nevertheless, might as well grab as many gold while he was still in this goldmine named 'Raynare and co.'

"Alright, let's say I'm interested. What specifics should I know about this Sword Birth?"

Raynare nodded and smiled, her violet eyes narrowing with a calculating gleam. "Sword Birth is a Sacred Gear that materializes blades almost on a whim… fire blade, ice blade, sword that sucks out holy powers and so and so. It's better placed in someone like you, since, well, you're on our side so far, and I've seen how you handled a blade."

He quite liked that. Essentially a Wormy but magic.

"Kiba is skilled with it, making him a formidable opponent. He's killed few of our men before who tried to be smart and acted tough. I know you won't make the same mistake, but remember, we want him alive."

Tōji raised an eyebrow. "Alive? You're making this job more complicated than I thought."

Raynare leaned back in her chair, her bangs playing shadows across her face. "There are aspects of the supernatural world that a Drifter won't fully understand yet Mr. Tōji. We need a live acquisition to ensure we have control over the extraction. Sacred Gears shift swiftly from the soul they latched on the moment of their death, so it'll be a race against time should they die prematurely. You're a creative man, I'm sure you'd find ways to subdue him. Cut off his limbs, gouge his eyes... anything as long as he's still alive is fine. We'll kill him afterwards, obviously."

"Uh huh." Sounds good enough for him. "What's he like?"

Dragging out a file from the desk's drawer, Raynare tossed the dossier across the table, and Tōji eyed down the contents. It was surprisingly detailed, with pictures, background information, and a detailed account of Kiba's abilities. Tōji flipped through the pages, absorbing the information.

Raynare continued with her briefing, "Kiba Yuuto has trained in various combat styles, and he's not to be underestimated. He trained under Souji Okita; a shinsengumi."

Tōji nodded, 'Uh huh… heard of him."

"It's a her, here."

That raised his eyebrow and drew his attention from Kiba's recent sightings.

"I told you; everything might seem the same but it's never completely the same." Raynare shrugged. "Either way, his loyalty to Rias is unwavering, but everyone has their breaking point."

Tōji smirked, closing the dossier. "Breaking points are my specialty. But since this is a kid I'll be after, I'm gonna ask for a higher payday."

"Five times the usual price," Raynare smiled, and Tōji immediately grinned wider. "He's a devil so normal bullets won't penetrate his skin."

"What about the eyes?"

"..." Raynare paused, contemplating, and immediately realizing she hadn't thought of that. "...I… don't know… for both our interests, just don't do anything that might kill him."

Tōji snorted. One day he'd test out a .50 cal. And finally see for himself if their devilish eye was as armored as a tank. In which case, he'd request for an anti-tank rifle.

"Lastly, here," the fallen angel before him took out a necklace with empty silver dog tags. He took it; it looked simple enough. But he sensed that thing again. The faint trace of the unnatural. "It's a Magical Item. It has just the right amount of Magical Power in it to cloak you with normal humans. You won't be undetectable, but since I'm sure you'll be learning Kiba's patterns, this'll help. We have plenty of these things so feel free to ditch it when necessary. Our numbers are always active for quick extraction."

He eyed the dogtags, before putting it on and tucked it under his sweater. "Magical Items… you have sorcerers and magicians lingering around in this world as well?"

"Plenty. Plenty we'd like you to kill also."

Tōji shrugged. "I ain't complaining."

Raynare observed as Tōji secured the magical dog tags around his neck. The subtle transformation began, a magical veil concealing his true invisible nature. To her eyes, he appeared as just another ordinary human, blending seamlessly into the fabric of the mundane world.

The weight of the item felt peculiar, a subtle reminder of the unseen forces that governed this world. As he prepared to embark on this mission, he wondered how deeply he was entangling himself in the affairs of devils, fallen angels, and whatever else lurked in the shadows.

With the briefing concluded, Tōji stood up, his chair scraping against the floor. "Three days and I'll get this Kiba guy for you. Make sure the money's ready when I come back."

The night awaited, cloaked in shadows and secrets, as Tōji ventured into the supernatural labyrinth, guided by the promise of wealth and the pursuit of his own brand of pragmatic survival.

"Oh, and I have to remind you," she called out just before he shut the door, "Himejima Akeno is not to be touched, regardless of how… electrifying she is. She's a busty devil with a long ponytail and large orange ribbon. You'll know her when you see her. I'll send you a picture later."

With a dull nod, Tōji headed out to begin his recon and planning.

Time to see if these devils were worth shit.


The sun cast its warm glow over Kuoh Academy as Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri found themselves engrossed in a solemn conversation within the confines of the Occult Research Club's room. The air carried a weight of concern, accentuated by the recent string of mysterious deaths that had shaken their respective peerages.

Rias, with her crimson hair and commanding presence, exchanged troubled glances with Sona, the cool and composed Student Council President. The usually vibrant atmosphere of the Occult Research Club now bore the somber ambiance of a strategic meeting.

"This is getting silly," Sona spoke, her voice measured yet unable to hide her frustration. "Six more deaths just last night. Thirty-four in total. Months of our Servants' hard work gone in the span of three nights."

"I know." Rias massaged her temple, before resting her chin on intertwined fingers. "...This isn't natural… kitchen knives, bullets, sword stab wounds, and even a bloody pencil…? I know it'll be the Crows that are behind all this, but… who on earth did they hire?"

"It doesn't matter who they've hired," Sona shook her head. "Our peerages are on edge, and rumors of unrest are spreading. If we don't address this promptly, it will spiral out of control and taint our reputation."

"Might already have…" Rias sighed as she eyed the gruesome pictures of their deceased Contractors. All strewn out in peculiar ways. There were several bodies whose evidence pointed at Stray Exorcists, yet the recent bodies lacked such distinctive proofs. The newest ones were bullets to the heart or any vital organs, with the latest being a shot between the eyes. "...Seems to me we're dealing with professional hitmen again. Have you checked the web?"

Sona's turn to sigh exasperatedly, taking off her fake glasses. "All of our Contractors' names are on the hit list. Not unusual since that's how the Crows play dirty, but… the bounty hunters in our contacts have no idea either. It's possible they're just covering for themselves."

"True…" Rias muttered, now crossing her hands and placing a leg above the other's thigh. "...How about we hire them as bodyguards instead? Thin out the suspects."

Sona raised an eyebrow at Rias's suggestion, considering the potential implications. "Turning bounty hunters into protectors might create more chaos than order — they follow the money, not loyalty. We need a more reliable approach."

"I know it's risky, a gamble even, but at this point, we're running out of options. I only have five servants and one of them is a complete greenhorn while the other is still stuck in his cardboard box."

"I still don't approve of hiring them," Sona sighed yet again, even more exasperated than the last. "You need to control him, Rias. You can't coddle him like this forever. It's not good for the both of you and you know it. Gasper can provide eyes with his bats."

"...Yeaaaah…" Rias pouted slightly, whining. "But he's not without a trauma, you know?"

"Everyone carries a trauma or two," Sona plainly stated, her tone firm. "Gasper needs to confront and overcome his fears. We can't afford to have an inexperienced member in times like these. The situation demands that everyone is at their best. If his abilities can provide valuable intelligence, then it's your responsibility as his Master to guide him through it."

"That's true, but his is quite unique." Rias leaned back in her chair, running a hand through her hair. "I've tried pushing him a bit, but it only makes him retreat more. I don't want to force him into something he's not ready for. Gasper is sensitive, and I don't want to lose him by pushing too hard."

Sona regarded Rias with a mix of understanding and concern. "Sooner rather than later, he needs to learn to face his fears. Avoidance can be just as dangerous as confrontation, Rias. As a part of your peerage, he needs to contribute and be prepared for the challenges that come."

Rias sighed, realizing the truth in Sona's words. As per usual. "I'll try to talk to him again, see if I can find a middle ground… Either way, I don't think we're dealing with a single hitman here…"

"Indeed," Sona agreed, her expression remaining grim. "The variety in the methods used suggests a coordinated effort, perhaps a group of skilled individuals. We can't underestimate the threat. We can't lose more high-value Contractors either."

After a moment of thoughtful silence, Sona continued, "I say we allocate our own servants to serve as bodyguards instead of the unreliable bounty hunters. They know the risks, and their loyalty to us is unquestionable. It's a temporary solution until we can unravel the mystery behind these attacks and put an end to them."

Rias glanced at the photos of the deceased Contractors spread across the table, her expression pensive. "I'm… not sure about that. That's a significant risk, Sona."

Sona nodded understandingly. "I get that you care about them, Rias. But in times like these, we must prioritize the safety of our Contractors. If we lose more of them, it weakens us devils as a whole considerably. Our Servants are powerful. They're more than capable of handling mundane external threats."

Rias sighed, her gaze fixed on a distant point. "I just... I can't help but feel responsible for them. If anything were to happen, I'd never forgive myself."

Sona's expression softened. "Rias, I understand your sentiments, believe me. I care for my servants as well. Perhaps not more than you but I do see them more than mere pawns. But we are also heiresses of our Clan. We'll have to make decisions that ensure the well-being and strength of our society, not put our personal feelings above them."

After a moment of silence, the Gremory heiress reluctantly nodded. "...I'll…talk to them and explain the situation. I know they'll understand but… apart from Kiba and Akeno, I can't afford to spare anyone else."

"What about Koneko?"

"I need her to keep an eye on Issei," Rias replied. "He got ambushed again last week by the Crows."

Another sigh. "Well then… Akeno and Kiba should be skilled enough to cover six on their own…" Sona muttered mainly to herself, her violet eyes narrowing as she ran her calculations. "Momo and Reya can help them coordinate."


Sona noted the reluctance in her beryl eyes. "It won't be easy, Rias, but it's necessary. They'll understand the gravity of the situation and the need for this decision."

Rias managed a small smile, appreciating Sona's support. "Thanks, Sona. Let's hope we can get through this without losing anyone else."

Sona gave her a reassuring smile. "They will. Our Servants are loyal, and they recognize the importance of unity in times of crisis. Once they understand the gravity of the situation, they'll be more than willing to stand as our protectors."

As the two devil Overseers continued to discuss and strategize, the air in the Occult Research Club's room became charged with a sense of urgency and determination. The chessboard was set, and each move mattered in this intricate game of supernatural politics.

Little did they know, they would be chasing after a Ghost.