
Lost in Time

It passed sometime after the discovery of Luke's master's main body. And, as impossible it could be, he only spent time swinging weapons. Principally for two reasons...

For starters, insanity would affect him too much. It was normal, as a soul fragment, his master could not spend too much time materialized, as it will begin to dissipate, and also, only 'thinking' will lead to problems arising, so leaving all to the body, and working only with instinct is best.

And so, there's the scene of a youth sweating while practicing with weapons... a scene that was now pretty normal.

Also, sometimes the purple-clad woman would spend some time punctuating errors within his stance, and accompanying him towards the coffin... as this was now the case.

Luke was right in front of the immobile body, and he positioned his hand at her forehead...

After five minutes, he removed it and going out of the room.

"How much time is needed?", questioned the soul, as it was a question she willed to ask as this occurrence was the n-th time.

"I don't know precisely how...", his tone was a bit low, but a grin was in his face, one that was of perfect amusement... "But, it won't be long..."

There was a little frown on the woman's face, but as it was caused by the insecurity all of this, with a hint of hope it all vanished before being exposed...


The youth was now in a large bathtub, recovering from the fatigue of the training...

The tub was so big, that if there were people, a thirty-people party could be made in that...

But this thought never crossed his mind, as it was the only relax moment he had in his 'day'... and also because of his love for baths, a love that was born from that, and because of his like of the hot bath...

But, this was not only a relaxing moment, as it was his moment to discover how much he had fallen already...

'Leon, Uncle, I remember them... My school, my town... they are a bit blurred, but they are not missing...'

'When I was a child...'

A silent and cold pressure descended in the bath...

A red-blackish gas was surrounding Luke, as expressing his vengeance desire... but also a profound sadness was permeating his eyes...

'That bastard... that devil... don't ever think you can escape me forever... but dad, mom, sorry, your child can't remember anymore your faces and voices...

That's right, in the time he lived in the Land of Shadows, he now can't remember the details of the two people who brought him to the world...

When he concentrated, apart from disturbing voices like he was deep in the sea when the devil came, and his detrimental laugh that was not muffled a bit nothing remained...

As it was slowly, but surely disappearing, making him only listen to the eerie laugh...

After a bit, he pulled out of his bath and at the same time his dark state of mind...

'Time for the last rush...'


In the chamber that now is called by Luke the 'Snow White room' for obvious reason, he and his master's soul fragment are standing solemnly.

Yesterday, or rather the last time he went to do his now habitual 'ceremony' he suddenly went happy and informed his master that this may be his last time the two of them could see each other...

After all the preparations were done, or more specifically eat, bath, train, and sleep, as nothing else could be done, he returned with a sad but yet determined expression, and after confirming his status, he went to touch the body's forehead for the last time.

Suddenly, before moving his hand, without turning around, he started..."Master, thank you very much for what you have done for me... I promise I will remember it forever and someday I will repay it, I promise in my name, Luke Crown's name!"

Without answering, Scáthach's expression lost her coolness, replaced by a sadness...

Although 'evolving' into something else, her heart was and will be forever human... something that would never change. She for a long time decided to mask her emotion and suppress them, and this leads her to a level she was more emotionless, accompanied by the lack of ay social interaction...

But this was until Luke came... while he was struggling with his loss of memories, she, in her soul fragment state, was recovering them, eliminating her from her emotion numbness state...

It was true, having someone with you was a key to miracles... he was not losing himself, and she was recovering herself... truly marvelous...

But now, they had to separate, and for what she could negate it, this was truly saddening for her...

"In my life, never I thought to have a master... never I imagined to arrive at my response to carry my vengeance... to carry my burden myself... and this is truly something I could never repay you..."

"Thank you, Master... thank you for being here for me... thank you for existing..."

She was unaware, but his face was filled with tears that were going down like rivers and didn't stop for a single second since before...

"Now, this is goodbye... Master... [Material Dungeon Maker]"

And now, his figure dissolved in motes of light, leaving only a couple of tears that soaked the floor.

And also, without her remember when, tears were dripping down, expressing his sadness being left behind one more time...

Albusmanc's here.

The release schedule is now up! At least 5ch/week, with the weekend as relax day or making bonus chapters.

Also, only to clarify that although you could think that their master/disciple relationship could be different, this chapter was intentionally made difficult to make you lose your sense of time.

Albusmanccreators' thoughts